Sunday 27 April 2014

Day 9 Stormy night at Flinders Island. 22 March 14

Crew put ashore early to go diving on a wreck near Emita and shooting in the afternoon.
The weather forecast was for a cold front to pass over in the late afternoon bringing SE and then strong South winds.
Rod and I took Masterpiece around the point to Fotheringate Bay to sus out a place for Solquest,I had been in there for a look once before and as the charts show a shallow bay I did not remember the depth of water.We needed to know if we could get our crews back later most probably with a bit on and nearly dark,not a nice prospect.
Ben went for a dive to try and find his special knife which the net caught on the night before,the knot on the lanyard hanging out of his pocket was the culprit.
No good for the knife and plenty if empty ab shells but only one undersized green lip left in peace.
Rod spied the classic Southerly Buster cloud on the horizon and the wind changed around so they up anchored and motored around the point.
We pulled the net and returned to the boat,then nothing happened,had morning tea and paid a couple of bills,one big one for stuff bought for the trip.Glad I bought my old Telstra modem with antenna as phone coverage has been a bit iffy the last couple of days,checked the wind forecast again.They are remarkably accurate nowadays mostly to within half an hour.
 We thought we better get around to join Garth as they had been on the radio,must have been getting lonely ,actually they wanted us to come over for lunch and were getting hungry.

Ben spotted some birds working so we went over to them with a couple of lures in.Bang he had one on and landed a nice Australian Salmon we put the lures back in and had a double strike!
Ben got his up to the boat and when lifting it aboard the clip on the line straightened out,bugger.
I did not see mine ,the clip let go as well.By the time we  put on new larger clips and lures they were gone.
I steamed around the bay a bit trying to get further in than Garth and found a deeper spot a lot closer in,we draw considerably less than Solquest and as the next tides were to be a bit higher than the present one I felt .5 of a meter under me would do.
As it turned out Garth  and Rod accepted Ben's invitation to come over so we discussed the situation over a light lunch.well it is up to you how much you eat when Ben is catering,pinched a piece of Nick'cheese from their stash.
There was plenty of thunder in the air and rain over Whitemark so I returned them to their boat and went over to the shore to put the net in and got a good drenching for my trouble.It was about time for clean clothes so it did not matter much.
After a while the rain cleared and Ben went to check the net and look for a way to get the crews back on board,after a bit of wandering around found a road just across from our anchorage about the same time I found it on Google Maps.Should have thought about it earlier.
He walked out to the turnoff and tied a Stormy bag for their guidance.
After pulling the net he went to the other side of the bay to get the considerable amount of weed out of it.By now a pre frontal breeze had sprung up,about 18 to 20 knots SE.
Just left for the boat when I noticed him rowing with the silly little oars provided with dinghys these days.After  half a mile he was slowing down when he finally arrived.Another lesson,check the fuel!
I put the snubber on the anchor chain and we waited for the crew,cleaned the Silver Trevally ,enough for both boats.
An hour before dark the wind piped up ,35 knots now and then.Not looking forward to getting them back on board as the wind was quite squally and not predictable ,now getting dark and Solquest well to leeward out in the bay.

They arrived just before dark Ben picked up Mathew and Nick first with out incident,next Gary and Gilly,Ross and Josh gone wild pig shooting ,good luck to them as it is now raining with lightning.
Ben cooked up the fish for dinner and Josh arrived,still blowing hard.Both boats on anchor watch ,Ross called me up just as my anchor alarm went off I have you dragging on my Radar he said,I thought great got the snubber on pitch black ,blowing hard and raining.The plotter showed us swinging about a lot so I reset the alarm position and all seemed to be ok.I think I had a fair bit of chain out in shallow water and the wind was changing a fair bit because of us being under the mountains.
Had a good dinner topped of with Banana split with ice cream and chocolate sauce.
Set up the little plotter and anchor alarm and left Ben in charge as he is sleeping in the pilot berth.
Wind moderated slowly and promised 2am blow failed to eventuate,good news not a bad night.

    Beautiful morning at Trousers Point,Flinders Island.
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