Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 13 Tamar River/York Cove 29 March 14

The Call Sheet required a visit to the Bass and Flinders Museum at Georgetown this morning along with some local filming and some Low Head scenes.
We decided to take the boats over to the opposite side of the river and tie up at the pontoon in York Cove.
Well, for an exercise like that it is not simple for Masterpiece.We usually leave about the same time as Solquest  with the crew either on her or on board us.Today they were on us and needed to film her on the journey, we steam along parallel for a while or catching up or letting her pass by, sometimes going around her bow while steaming. Not my favorite move as Gilly likes to be fairly close.
After a few passes with the working port in the background we go ahead and put the crew ashore on the pontoon. The call is make your self scarce for a while so we go out into the bay and do the washing up. Garth calls up and says we are finished so we slowly go in, nearly there when Josh arrives in the car from Beauty Point and has a plan to shoot them getting off the boat to walk up the road to the Norfolk or something. ( His job is to think through a plan for what is filmed for the day and how the story might go) So he wants some more so out you go again for a while, not an onerous task as by now the weather is really looking up after a shocker yesterday. Not working so did not matter.
Their weather god is on the job again, almost every time since we left Kettering the weather has been " fit for the purpose required" amazing poor forecasts get better just in time etc.

As we left the yacht club who should come along the jetty but Ron Devine and Toby Richardson, they were delivering Toby's acquired boat to Hobart on Friday night and as they left Lady Barron after refueling one engine failed.They had to motor across Bass Strait on one just experiencing the beginning of the blow we laid out in Fotheringate Bay. It is a small world first Norm and now them. Must have been on the other side of the point when they went past.

Josh called up and said you better come up here Perk and have a look .As I had not really been on site when they had shot a segment I killed two birds with the one stone and walked up to the museum to have a look. Cuppy must have been very happy with the results of his hard work organizing the building both the Elizabeth and the Norfolk,now together in the one place and looking magnificent.
Gilly the camera man was beside himself and no wonder ,the beautifully built Norfolk is a sight to see.Displayed so you can crawl over her wherever you like,down the three accommodation sections and see how the construction done was  is a joy. It is a pity some of the old shipwrights like Max Creese, Jock and Don Muir could not see her but I suppose that is how history works.
She is well worth a visit.

Had lunch at the Pier Hotel, light but good. Solquest was off to film arrival scenes and when I called up Port Control and found a wood chip boat coming in on the tide luck was going our way.
Ben went up to the Supermarket in the car to buy our supplies for the next leg and I pottered about for a while.A beautiful afternoon,no one but a few curious locals about.A couple of blokes which restore boats in a shed up town came down and inspected both Solquest and Masterpiece,not really the type of boats they work on I suspect.A large seal spent the afternoon fishing around the pontoons,even jumped up on the small one to get some left over bait.A bit of a worry as when school was out six or seven small kids came down to see him,only a few feet away.I don't think they eat people but one kids tiny dog might have been an attraction .

Solquest returned and the crew came on board again to film the return voyage to the yacht club, Gilly got some film of the York Cove tug returning from berthing the woodchip ship, Josh drove the car around.We had to go and pick him up from the club and take them all out to join the Solquest in mid stream to catch up with a boat with the piece of pig on board they were going to barter for some of the wine made coincidentally on the program aired last night for the third or fourth time.
The pig is to be salted down in a barrel we have been carting around for a while.One proved elusive on that stormy night on Flinders. Solquest will be on salt pork and hardtack biscuits on the West Coast.Good luck to them!

Ben and I returned to our berth at the club and Ron and Toby  came over to tell us about their adventures.We had a natter for a while about things,do not seem to catch up with them as much as I use to.They have quite a lot of boats to build, excellent news.Toby hoping to get more time off, did not bring up the subject of his yet to be launched yacht,can't see him winding down much.

Ben cooked dinner as the kitchen closes at 8 in the pub and we never finish that early. Had a couple of wines and as the  mackerel were back Josh tried to catch one with the dip net, no luck they were too fast.Ben eventually got one to have a look at. Put him back.
In bed by 10.30. After a slow start in the morning things back to normal.
Solquest and Masterpiece at York Cove

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