Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 28 Clayton's to Schooner Cove via the Waterfall

Up at a reasonable time two days in a row.
Garry flying the Phantom as I showered and shaved.He liked what he saw so much he used two lots of batteries up.It flies for about six minutes on each charge.
The weather only just alright for the planned bush walk to Mount Beattie up behind the cottage.

The clan gathered on the jetty and Masterpiece disappeared around the point for a while for the departure.Josh called up and gave the all clear .
Tied up again and Rod and Garth came aboard for morning tea of Hot Cross Buns.
We wandered up to the house,Ben finding the ladder and cleaning out the gutters,the jetty tank had only about six hundred mills of water in it,the house one full.
Has been well used this season by the look of it.

Went inside to just soak up the atmosphere , had a look at Clyde's Huon Pine planted about the same time as mine at home.His has got a wriggle on the last ten years now taller than mine but not as thick.Sandfly must be a reasonable place to grow them.

Garth,Rod ,Ben and I walked up the hill behind the house as the weather had cleared up a bit.We could see the intrepid walkers nearing the top of their climb.Called Josh up on the radio.

We retreated to the boat as the weather was closing in again.The mob got caught for the last bit of their return but said the walk was well worth the effort,Gilly got some good filming in.

Most people required a change as the bush was quite wet ,Gilly picked up a leach on his leg so out came the first aid kit.

The next task was to motor down the channel to the water fall.We pottered along beside hoping to get a break in the weather to shoot Solquest with the shore in the background,no good when we came in and not much better now.

Arrived  at the falls and took the farmers going alongside.As they were going to shower under it we rafted up alongside to observe the fun.
It was not warm but they attacked it with courage and a cake of soap.Must be mad.

Travelled around to Schooner Cove to do the Stripie cook up ashore.An overwhelming vote to do it on Solquest as it would have been miserable ashore.
We rafted up to make it easier for the crew to get ready and dry things up after the waterfall in the drizzle.
Seems there was a cooking competition going on,how are you going to do yours Ben came the question,Nick was  barbecuing theirs.I suggested we cut medallions and wrap in foil with salt and pepper with a little lemon and bake it.Ross approved so we prepared the pieces .Also sliced some small ones and put them in the pickled onion brine.
Stop Press: They did not disappoint the crew.

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Solquest and Masterpiece at Clayton's .

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Clyde's Huon Pine.

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Ben cleaning out the gutters.Win's garden persists despite the Parks efforts to kill it.

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Win and Clyde's lounge room.

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Mad buggers under the waterfall.

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