Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 29 Schooner Cove to Recherché Bay

Rudely a waked by a practical joker on Solquest blowing a squeaky air horn at 4.53 am as the left to Cove.They might be getting close to even.

We arose about seven and had some breakfast,Gilly dragging his feet a bit.
The day was still overcast but a vast improvement from the rest of the time we had been in Port Davey.You have seen it as it is I explained to the Sydney crew.

Went out to pull the pot on dead reckoning as my old computer running the plotter has finally given up the ghost.Had a fellow look at it in Devonport but he could not find a fault,wriggled a few plugs I think and off it went till yesterday.
Josh had a look,I build my own he said.When he took the cover off he said,never seen one like this!
Found the pot ok Ten crays in it three size.Not bad we thought,Josh wants to have a go at BBQ ing one.
We steamed down the coast to South West Cape in reasonable conditions,a three meter sea and a twelve knot NE breeze.
As we approached the Cape the wind changed to Easterly as forecast.
Hobart radio came on from The Maat and we reported in.Morrie heard us and called up to wish us a good trip and tell us to watch out for birds feeding,you might get a Tuna.
He had anchored overnight in Cox's  Bight and was under way expecting to be at Kettering by 4 pm.

As we rounded S W Cape we slowed for Gilly to get some film.At least you could see it today.
Then we saw the chopper in the distance buzzing around Solquest.Up ,down and around it went.Solquest must be the most photographed boat in history,more even than Wild Oats.

We trailed along for a while till Josh said let's get some boat to boat shots,so we ranged up along side for a while.She looked good with the large sea which was running,not too sure how much sailing along footage will be used though.
We sped up to Tuna trolling speed and gradually inched ahead.By the time we were abeam of De Witt Island she was a mile astern.As we approached the Island Ben called out YES,which means we have a fish on.I pulled Masterpiece out of gear and went aft to see the action.
He was fighting a determined Tuna.
Just as we got it up to the boat the rod broke in two.Ben grabbed the line and I gaffed the fish.
A nice school fish Blue Fin .The crew were impressed I think,any way we have one over the Farmers.
We transferred the crew in the shelter of the Island.Ben and I mucked about for half an hour trying to catch some squid as there was plenty of feed on the sounder.Must have been small fish as we did not catch anything.Plenty of birds,seals and Dolphins feeding though.
We made an arrangement for Ross to assist in cutting it up later on.

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