Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 17 Old Telegraph Station Stanley. 2 April 14

Not too sure what is going on but Ben and I seem to have been worked in to the plot.
We now have to wish them a good day when they leave in the morning as Solquest is rafted up beside us on the outside.
The Skipper on Rachel Maree turned out to be a good bloke.They have unloaded their giant crabs and offered to have us tie up beside them.No need to constantly check the boat as she goes up and down with the three meter tide.The wharf is not little boat friendly.Broken  whaling and bolts sticking out.
John and Rod got on well and he trotted out his photos of his trawler to compare with boats John had owned.Plenty of mutual boats shared.John got out his IPad and showed us videos of him squid fishing as his boat is fitted up for quite a few types of fishing.
It was remarkable to see the squid rounding up the pilchards in to a ball and then going for them,as his boat has a high bridge the video is very clear.
The footage of the squid coming in when the machines are fully loaded are remarkable.
They have electronic controls and reports the load on each line to a graph.Pink means full loaded up with a squid on every lure,a amazing sight with three machines in a group all fully loaded.They can speed it up but the lines break if too greedy.
He said one of the best days ever was just outside the Dunalley canal.They anchored for a spell and one of the crew put a machine on just on spec in the day time ,no lights.
The squid went for it and when they finished they had sixteen tons! So much for the light-night scenario .

The crew marched across Masterpiece and Rachel Maree sent off by Ben and I much to the amusement of the fishing boat crew.Off to the Telegraph Station to see about the big dinner they are planning later in the show.

Ben and I set off up town to buy the potato peeler and have a wander around.We went to the Cemetery to seek out my relations and his now by marriage .

Returned to town and had a hokey pokey ice cream .Managed to avoid buying any lollies at the confectionery shop. Wandered along down through town to Joseph Lyons cottage and had a good poke around,it has not been open on previous visits.Must have been an extraordinary family.Plenty of common sense there.

Back to the boat when Stuart the ab diver turned up he had been diving on the West Coast and had just sold some of his catch in Stanley.He gave us a couple and advised Ben to put them in fresh water for a while before cleaning them,no need to bash them.We tried it and the ones we had on the Pizza later on were quite tender.

Had a beer on Garth's boat when the mob arrived.We have been invited up to the Telegraph station by Charlotte for wood fired pizzas tonight.bring your own grog.
Sounded like a good idea as I had not been on shore much.Ben stayed on board to cook for our crew,they had been there during the day.

Piled into the van and Toby drove us up.Had a pleasant  evening with the Solquest crew,Toby and our hosts.Saw the film of the laying of the cable unearthed in a museum,someone had had the foresight to put away all those years ago.
The sections of the cable were interesting to look at,the old phone book from the thirties was interesting.I found my grandfather and great uncles numbers.Uncle Colin in Bath street ,Grandfather in Davey.
Garth found his in New Norfolk..

Returned to the boats at about ten thirty.Most people getting tired early now,the schedule although not really hectic requires long hours and concentration when on the job.

The crew on Masterpiece took the advantage of the other crew being on shore to play an April fools joke on Rod.They taped a bra ad they found in a book to the deck head in his bunk.
Wait till he gets into the bunk,they were listening carefully for the discovery.Ha Ha comes from Solquest.Much mirth on Masterpiece.
Small things---------- .

Nearly a full house in Stanley.Weather packing up.

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