Sunday 27 April 2014

Day 14 Trout and Wine 30 March 14

Up early as the crew need to be away in the bus by nine.Days drawing in now
Breakfast and all seven along with cooking props loaded up a little after schedule,no spare room ,could do with a trailer.

Ben and I cleaned up and as there was no wind decided to refuel the boat at the neighboring Port Dalrymple sailing club.Called the caretaker to find he was away on the mainland on holiday.
Call up the commodore Jack.Come over,we are having a working bee on a new pontoon.
Filled up ok did the numbers and found Masterpiece has done 776 miles,about the distance to Sydney from Hobart.
Went  up to the clubhouse to pay it is a beautiful place with their history on display.A tribute to volunteer efforts over the years . Dalrymple  was the Hydrographer in England when Mathew Flinders discovered the Tamar River.

Returned to the club to hear Toby's engine running much to his relief.The poor engine man (possum) needed to be one to get around the back of the troublesome engine."Will be a bit busy next week so have to go home now,need to get her home by Easter though Jane wants a trip."
Off they went hoping to avoid the Supercar traffic.

Had some lunch and after a nana nap went over to Solquest for afternoon tea and fruit cake.Their's was a CWA one quite superior to the ones we have found.We turned the tele on and watched a V8 race.It was quite interesting as Garth had been Clerk of the Course many times and as Steve Chopping was today he filled us in on what was going on.
He controls the race and dishes out the penalties.

Not much else happened,had a talk with Bosun Ron about the marina as they have had a lot of trouble with it in strong Easterly breezes.They have rebuilt a lot of it and now have the floating breakwater in place and working well.The 3 meter tides are a challenge.

Up to the pub for dinner as mob not home till 8.30 and the kitchen closes at 8.
The word is Toby,the production assistant, misinterpreted the Tom Tom.When they were nearly to Launceston saw a sign leading to the trout farm.A bit of a Cook's tour I believe.

Solquest and Masterpiece at the Tamar Yacht Club.

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