Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 4 Coles Bay to Wineglass Bay 16 March 14

Up early to have breakfast before picking up the Farmers to go and vote.
Arrived at the launch ramp to find an elderly fisherman cleaning a large calamari squid.
Caught on a   Collapsible fishing Rod in four feet of water.He said he dragged it up the ramp as he thought it might break his Rod!
We have been trying since we left home.

Solquest left for the Schouten passage .We voted and then took off after them catching up just before they left sheltered water for Wineglass Bay and the helicopter shoot .Ben Maris who was there to meet them said It was frightening.The pilot was zooming all over the place down over the banks ,though the anchored fishing boats and at eye level about  ten feet from the stern of Solquest.
Ben and I had a downer for stripies on one of Goughies spots.Very marginal conditions with a big sea,plenty of feed on the spot but only a few little red faces for our trouble.

Tried to call the Coast Guard at St Helens to see if we could get across the bar tomorrow at low tide,phone reception very patchy.Solved the problem by texting ,will be ok.

Arrived in the Bay,Gilley and Gary walked over to get the money shot of the boat entering the bay.After lunch some filming on Solquest with Ben Maris ,Mathew walking on the beach,then they all went ashore to cook Pipies and Mussels.
I recon Ben made at least twenty trips in the dinghy getting things they had forgotten .
Now he is getting dinner ,Ross's roast Goat legs ,we seem to be getting as silly as them!
Looks like another late night.
Solquest and Saona in Wineglass a reunion.

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