Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 30 Recherché Bay

Up in reasonable time today,the Talent due to arrive at 8am.
Josh received a call we will be half an hour late.,no worries the crew will have another cup of coffee.
They arrived in an aluminium oyster punt.
Annick to give the history of the French Gardens and Peter the oyster farmer to take Nick and Josh to obtain some special oysters,we also scored some large mussels.

They all arrived back about lunch time to allow Nick and Ben to use the dinghy to do some Ab diving.
When they came back with the required bounty the crew went over to Solquest to fill in a couple of gaps in the story Josh wanted filmed.

Then it was time for the cook up on shore,Masterpiece removed around the point out of sight.
Ben came to pull the net and found a seal going in and out of it,the size and number of holes in it yet to be determined.
Fortunately it was a beautiful day so the cook up would not have been too onerous.

About 5 I got a call ,you can come back now.The crew were ferried out and the farmers to Solquest.
I was informed the plan was that everyone was to eat on Masterpiece,eleven in all.
They were to bring some ab ,mussel,and greens type stir fry combination prepared by Nick to go with the pasta and  Bens bolognese sauce.

We started with Tuna Sashimi with fresh wasabi ground by Ross.Then the main course with pasta,bolognese and Nick's seafood was delicious.None left after most  had seconds.
Next was Bens whipped up baked  Pisa base wrapped around a chocolate concoction and coated in a maple syrup band.Gross but good with a bit of icecream,evidently Rod had been missing his deserts.
A couple of bottles of white wine and some reds for the diehards.

Then Captain Garth proposed a toast to  Ben for his hard work during the trip ,all responded and of course then everyone got a mention.
A most enjoyable last night of the trip.

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The crew and the Talent head off to the Gardens.A beautiful morning.

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Nick arrives back with the cray pot  to advise an unsuccessful trip.Unfortunately to be on camera.e

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The last Supper,well it seemed like it.A good harmonious crew,worked well together,mostly long hours.
A good trip to remember.

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