Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Day 34 Adventure Bay to Constitution Dock. 30 Apr 14.

Woken up by rain on the deck,could have been nearly hail by the sound of it.
Solquest left early for the trip home.
Ben put on the last waffles and bacon for Gilly but I noticed everyone has them with Maple Syrup and bacon now.

Ben pulled the pot in the dinghy with only a Port Jackson shark and a couple of Hermit crabs for his trouble.
Managed to get away right on time at 8am.
Called up Garth,we are north of Variety Bay ,on schedule we think.

We caught them just before Bull Bay and spent some time filming her sailing with a 10 knot SW breeze ,gusting now and then to keep the speed up.
Then we pulled off the most ambitious maneuver of the trip,we transferred Gary and Gilly while Solquest was sailing at about seven knots. I steamed alongside and Ben threw a bow rope to Nick while Josh secured the sterns,I managed to use the engines to keep Masterpiece in position while camera and sound hopped aboard with all their gear.I do not think Rod would have approved.

Next job was to go to the Margate Jetty to pick up Nick and Mathew's family's.
Got close when Josh informed me they were at the Drew Point Ramp.
Don't know if I can get in there but we will go and have a look.As we approached the tide was well in so we slowly crept in to find enough water with 400 to spare.Could do with a depth gauge on the end .
Loaded Nick and Mathew's wives and kids for the trip to the Dennes Point Jetty where Ross's wife was waiting with their three.Unloaded along with Josh to film the Solquest's arrival to pick up all families for the final leg to Hobart.Disappeared for a while they all boarded .

We went along ahead for Josh to have a wander about and to arrange the bridge to be lifted for the final berthing in the dock.
Solquest arrived right on time at 12.30 for the bridge and entered the dock.
A bit of filming of the mooring and some champagne toasts on the foredeck to the completion of the epic voyage.Mathew dropped by later on to give us a couple of slices of his birthday cake he is celebrating today.

The crew have gone off to meet the Governor at his house on the hill.A couple of dinners and a visit to the Olive May at Kermandie  and then the main part will be over,then Josh has the task of putting it all together along with assistance from Mathew.
We will all be waiting to see the final showing of the 6 episodes, a while yet but an excellent result I feel is assured.
My thanks to Ben for his contribution.
A good crew of professionals, easy to get on with and very skillful.A very enjoyable experience for us.
Masterpiece covered 1633 miles and used 6844 liters of fuel.An average of 4.19 liters per mile.

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Solquest arriving for the bridge .

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The final toast to the trip.

Just a reminder we have now a blog address
Thanks to Helen from Nahani.

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