Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Day 33 Cloudy Bay to Quiet Corner,Adventure Bay. 29 Apr 14.

Up reasonably early today,Ben required to pick Ross up from the beach at Cloudy by 7.45.
Solquest away by 8am.Film crew on board.
A 12 knot breeze a bit West of North making the run to the Friars a pleasant sail.
Ben and I washed up and set off after her.

We were about a mile behind when we reached East Cloudy Head, decided to slow down and put the Tuna lure in and try our luck.Trolled out around the Friar Rocks while Solquest sailed through the passage.Went close to the inside Friar to see how many seals were there.

Up past Boreel Head and the wind now on our nose making conditions rough we decided to work inshore in the hope of missing the worst of the waves.
Solquest was standing out off shore ,close hauled making good speed in the now 30 knot wind.
The only problem being she was not really heading in the desired direction.

After a while we decided to wind up the Tuna lure and head up at speed to the Bay of Islands to seek shelter and await Solquests arrival.It turned out to be a peaceful spot to spend an hour.
Ben put the net in but we were not successful .Had morning tea and soon the Farmers and crew arrived.
Two of the Bruni Island cruise boats buzzed us on their run South.

As there was only about six miles to go we gave Solquest a start and then followed them to Quiet Corner.

We retrieved our crew after anchoring.Ben ran Rod ashore to Toby for the journey to the ferry after a little lunch.
Next job was to film a scene on the beach discussing Captain Bligh's apple tree with the farmers.We motored out into the bay to get "out of shot".
I have learnt a few terms but have no intention taking up this trade.I must admit it is a bit like building a boat though,heaps of work for not much reward until you get it finished,people wonder what you are doing most of the time!

This scene ended with the threatening rain squall eventually arriving with a vengeance ,we called a few times to warn them as we could see it coming from out in the bay but the radio must have been off.
Turned out ok as Ben shot inshore with the dinghy while I anchored,still a bit of slop on from the North wind,this will gradually die down now the South West change has arrived.
The crew arrived back on board to prepare for the filming of the last supper on Solquest.Ben ran them over after they had dried out.
 Might be a bit late for dinner was the parting words.
We tuned the TV in and pottered about for a while,Ben pulled the net,got some bait for the pot an a couple of Silver Trumpeter  to take home.
He baited the pot and I cleaned the fish,now still a light drizzle but at least the wind had settled a bit out of the corner.

The crew arrived back ready for a rushed dinner at about 8 as Ben had cooked a roast and it was ready when they arrived.I got the heater going as the weather this last block has definitely taken a turn into winter.Finished up with Plum Pudding and Custard.

Into the bunk at 9.30 after a busy day.One more to go for Masterpiece tomorrow.Should arrive at Constitution  Dock after lunch.

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The Bay of Islands a pleasant spot to spend an hour or two,was not so nice offshore about 30 knot NNW wind and nasty slop.

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Solquest motoring around the point after a good sail in 30 knots.

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