Sunday, 5 March 2017

Saturday at Curvier Bay

Had a bit of a dolly  night on a Lee shore with some sea finding its way around the Point.It eased considerably around dawn.
The first boat got away about 3.30,Mercury came by at seven and said good morning,they were going to spend another night on the coast before Strahan.

We had breakfast and towed some lures around the bay looking for a better day anchorage.No luck with the fish but managed to download some weather maps.Drifted for flathead but not even a bite.
Found a nice nook off a beach for the day,the wind to swing SE during the day.
Conditions now quite good.

Biggs put the net in about three and got quizzed by Bob Brown who had turned up on a nice cruising boat from Cygnet,They were doing a reverse circumnavigation.Suppose you got a pot as well,no said Biggs we have two.

Eat your heart out Bob.Responsible netting.

 On the job.
Pulled it at 4 ,had a  haul of silver trevally and a couple of nice trumpeter.
We cleaned them and baited the pots with the frames.
Went out round the Point to set them as there seems not much bottom in the bay,Found there was quite a current running and the bottom weed was only in small patches.Did the best we could setting them.
Interesting to note the difference in the two inflatable buoys I have for this situation.I noticed years ago the fishermen use teardrop inflatable buoys up here for the tide races they fish in.On old fellow we talked to on the jetty at Currie said we put rings of silicon around them to breath the suction when the flow gets strong.I bought a second one before we came away which on inspection had a pattern of rings on the outside,the difference between my smooth one and bumpy one was remarkable,the smooth one went down straight away but the bumpy one was managing quite well.
All we had to do was to work out when the tide was slack enough to get them in the morning.

Back to the anchorage and an entree of Sal's egg and bacon pie and trevally for dinner.Both received very well.The rest of the fish in the freezer.
Into the bunk at about ten. 

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