Sunday, 19 March 2017

Friday Big day Ralph 75 th birthday.

Up at seven to pull the pots,the other boats had left for their journey to Recherche Bay ,a long day for them.Weather had moderated considerably during the night.It would be a bit rough getting out of Davey but really good once around SW Cape.

Pulled the pots and anchored back in the bay for breakfast.Unbelievable nine size fish.I thought we would be lucky to get any! The crays were running better than I had ever known in Davey.
The fishermen are livid as the price is way down,the ones with no debt are staying home.

Had breakfast and cooked the crays,took till about 11.30 .Up anchotred and got under way I wanted to go inside the Big Caroline and Swainson Island on the way out.I don't know why but it is an accepted route to take but I had never been through there before.
Found it quite ok I can remember Rupert Denne going there when I first went on the Heemskirk as a teenager.

Swainson Island with the Caroline behind.

It was a bit bumpy clearing the East Pyramids but was a lot better once we set a course for SW Cape.
We made good time round the Cape and into Ketchem Bay.Ron had made a camping trip in behind the Island many years ago in a small dinghy ,must have been mad,got support from some fishermen dropping fuel off etc.
I had heard there was an anchorage there so we went and had a look.I was not prepared for the beauty of the spot,just large enough for one boat it was totally sheltered,the seas were breaking on the beach further in but quite safe for us today.


Leaving the anchorage behind Ketchum Island
We went in and anchored.Bruce made up Ralph's birthday lunch of Cray and white wine.I think he might remember his 75th birthday lunch.Pity more of his friends could not share it.

Not a bad birthday party.
Decided to move on for the night.Past New Harbour and Cox Bight and into Louisa Bay.Anchorage Bay looked ok ,there was one fishing boat there ,two more joined us later.The wind had dropped and the sea was moderating.
Had dinner and into the bunk at about ten after another good day,the only negative was we had our quota of crays and had to stop fishing,threw some size back ,that always hurts.The regulations say you can have 25 in the Western Zone but only 10 per boat in the Eastern.As we were travelling to the other zone in the morning and could not eat anymore .

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