Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Quarantine to RYCT.

Had a bit of a lay in.Not far to home from here.
Light breakfast while discussing conversations had on shore last night.
A grey day but nothing until we rounded the point,a total whiteout,tuned up the radar and set a course on the plotter,no seventeen knots today,crept along at 8 keeping a sharp lookout,the radar should pick anything up but you never know.
Up round Pierson's Point and passed a couple of boats ,you could see a hundred yards now.
We passed a ship on anchor off Droughy Point but did not see it ,heard VTS talking on the radio to him,your pilot will be Saturday morning,be booring waiting I recon.

Masterpiece in full flight off Sandy Bay .Credit John Solomon.
Arrived at the club a bit after eleven and spent the next couple of hours unloading gear from the boat.We were surrounded by mainland boats already in the spare berths near us,Jerry and Penny in theirs next to us,fastest boat in the fleet last home again!

Ralph's daughter and grandkids turned up to pick him up.likewise Sandra called to get Ron,Vicky came for Bruce.My wife welcomed me home after five weeks away.
They divided up the fish and I put the dinghy on the trailer.
All done a little after 3 pm.

Of all the circumnavigations I have done I think this was the best weather ever,the light winds on the West Coast enabled us to go into most of the places where only the fishermen know,they lay close to their gear but only when the weather is right,we managed to see many of them in one trip,an exceptional experience.

Masterpiece travelled 1240 miles and used 4836 Liters of fuel at an average of 3.9 liters a mile.
This might seem a lot to the uninitiated  but it is quite good for a boat of her size and speed.

Crew on this trip.
Hobart to Tamar including Flinders Island.
Ross DeLittle
Clive Simpson

Tamar to Strahan including King Island
Tony Chamberlain 
John Choroszy 
Mick Hocking

Strahan to Hobart
Bruce Craw
Ralph Wells
Ron Neave

I hope my readers have enjoyed the trip,I know I have and my crew although all different were a pleasure to have on board.

The photo from Par-Avion's aircraft of the fleet in Brambles Cove,most likely the only time they were all together in one place.

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