Had breakfast and washed up.I did my washing,was going to use the laundry but it takes a while for the drier to get somethings done.Decided to use one of the fish buckets .
Rigged a clothes line on the bridge as it was another perfect day on the west coast.Not a cloud in the sky
The Guy and Troy's tourist boat left for the river,160 on board said Guy when I spoke to him on the phone.
Went over to Banjos for a coffee ,quite pleasant sitting outside watching the world go by.Bruce called at a bit after 11 ,we are at the servo filling up,be down in 10 minutes.They had made really good time.
We wandered over to the pier and made a line around the after cabin of the fishing boat to get their gear ashore.
Ron was the first to arrive with his gear.It did not take long with all hands loading and unloading,the last job was to empty the esky and put the B teams fish in it for the journey home.
You always think you have too much stuff when setting out but if catered well there is usually not much left at the end of the trip.
.Good byes said and the old crew was on their way.
Bruce stowed much of the provisions and left some meat out for the BBQ at the sailing club,Ron went over and bought a loaf of bread ,only a simple one for us today.
Off to set the net.
Skipper,Ron and Ralph with catch .
Nice haul ready to freeze.
Walked around the waterfront to the venue,only less than half the fleet as a lot had bolted for Port Davey taking advantage of the good weather.
Had a good few hours meeting old friends and making new ones,a fellow asked if Bruce Craw was with me ,I said yes that is him there,turned out he was billeted with Bruce for the Australian Rainbow Championships in Hobart in the sixties,Angus came first and he came last.He seemed to remember every detail,even driving around in Bruce's old Holden with long necks of beer in the back!
Then we got onto Diamond Yachts,he sailed with Harold Vaughan from Sydney to Melbourne and back for their Australian Champs.Small World!
He has had bad luck as be had trouble with his engine in Hobart so could not catch up,He and his wife decided to go the other way round and we will only see him the once,we gave him Angus Campbells number on Flinders so hopefully the will also catch up.
Off to set the net.
Skipper,Ron and Ralph with catch .
Nice haul ready to freeze.
Returned to the boat at about three as the affair broke up early,most boats heading for sea or Pilot Bay for an early morning getaway.
We decided to go over to Double Cove for the night,I expected a smooth ,quiet night away from the fishing boats freezer pump.
Ralph and Ron put the net in,we intended to leave it all night but went over to check it before dinner to find two large and one smaller Atlantis Salmon in it.Decided too risky to leave it all night so came back on board.
Filleted the fish and put them into freezer bags,some more giveaways.Noy a bad effort,left the Strahan wharf at 3.30.fish in the freezer by six thirty!
Had a light dinner and desert and turned in early ,it had been a long day for them.Flat calm.The only complaint,locals have plonked moorings in the middle of the swinging area of the bay,no idea if they would hold Masterpiece so anchored out a bit.
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