Monday, 6 March 2017

Monday ,a quiet day at Marrawah

After consulting the weather charts we had decided we needed to kill a day to use it to our best advantage.We would like to have a couple more nights on the coast before our run into Macquarie Harbour.The crew have done the Gordon river quite a few times before and as the weather looks to be good we hope to stay out on the coast.
The only other boat in the bay is fishing,he came back in about lunch time after working his gear.
We could see the loom of two lights a long way off shore at night.

We had a lazy morning pottering about ,Mick and I had uncoupled the 24 to 12 volt converter from the HF radio and replaced it with my spare battery to see if it would improve reception.I have been plagued with poor reception ,some onboard interference which restricts my ability to hear other people's transmissions.My out going signal is always good.We tried it on a couple of scheds,the first  one we thought we had an improvement but later ones showed no difference.

The aim of the day was to get ashore for a walk.We all piled into the dinghy and motored to a very sheltered launching ramp to case it.The problem there was we had to walk about a mile through several electric fence protected cow paddocks to get to the lookout at the end of the beach.
We decided to motor along to he beach proper to see if we could land there.After watching the swells break on the beach for a while we decided the ramp was the better option.
Back along and got out with the dinghy still floating.
The next thing was to work out how to negotiate the shoreline and electric fences .Quite a task .Biggs nearly stepped on a large hare ,it bolted from only three feet away giving us a bit of a start.

After finally finding a track from a shoreside shack we arrived at the main road to the lookout.A very torturous route.Not so bad I suppose as we were after a bit of exercise.
There were a few motor homes and tents there sheltered by scrubby bushes and some end of the road tourists.

On the way back we took a more direct route through the cow paddock,I think they thought we had something for them as they all followed us to the far gate.
Back on the boat and put the net in for an hour and a half,got one nice salmon so not enough for the pots again.Biggs gearing up for an allout assault at Sandy Cape tomorrow.

Had a roast chicken and veggies for dinner and turned in about ten.

1 comment:

  1. Try turning off all LED lights it fixes my TV reception !
