Had breakfast ,still raining.
Cleared up mid morning so all piled into the dinghy,expedition O’Rielly under way ,Jill’s grandfather was a forester up here,they had a hut up above StJohns Falls which had special significance for their family.
Not an easy place to get to but with a bit of effort up the river and a climb up a steep hill we found the ruins of the old hut.John wished to take a few cuttings from the hydrangeas which had survived.They were in flower so easy to find.
The crew from Amica joined us for a chat.We tend to be either ahead or behind the main fleet so do not see many of the crews.
Returned down to the dinghy ,one needs to be a bit carefull or a tumble is on the cards.
One crew member suggested a trip up the river,ok so off we went.We did not really plan this so we had no drinks or even contemplated how much fuel we might have needed.
Needless to say after we had gone up the Franklin as far as we could and then up the Gordon I was getting a bit anxious as wether we had enough fuel to get back.Chris had a look and said heaps left but I still was nor sure,inflatables do not row well and I had noticed the new rowlock I had bought was broken.
As it turned out we had enough fuel and landed to have a look at the waterfall then the old hut a bit down stream .
Back to the boat for our Cray lunch with salad and a bottle of white wine.
Left to return down the river over to Farm Cove for the night,the little bay I like is well sheltered from the expected SW change during the night.The rain started at dusk and came down all night.
Photos Crew of Amica and John getting a bucket of cuttings,justifying digging them up as they were an introduced plant!
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