Wednesday 6 March 2019

Farm Cove to Strahan.t

Today was the day of the planned BBQ at the sailing club,always an institution in Strahan.
We motored up to Risby Cove and anchored about 11am.The function scheduled for 12.
On the way up the Harbour there were quite a few savage squalls,on at 30 knots with hail and rain.
The temperature had dropped to only 9 degrees,One of the mainland boats called the cruise Commodore to enquirer if the BBQ was still on.Of course was the reply,it might be a bit character building though as the half mile walk was into the wind.He then said there is a saying in Tasmania that if you are cold you have not enough clothes on ! needless say there were a lot of absentee participants there.
I was a good show as always,Des the only member for quite a few years had the big old boiler stove stoked up ,you could not get too close to you would get burned.Another feature was they only burn low quality Huon Pine which really puts out the heat.Some took a sample home for a small donation into the club coffers.
Back to the boat for coffee ,Had a chat to Troy Grining as the Harbourmaster had just docked,go and tie up to Guys boat when you get back,contemplated going to the pub for dinner but I could sense a reluctance as it was the last night for this crew,Chris had a casserole to use up so we had that with the last veggies.

Turned in about 9.30 

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