Friday 1 March 2019

BBQ day at Coulomb Bay.

Made a suggestion to Bill who was the Victorian vessel’s Commodore we should have the ashore do as planned as it looked like not many southern boats would arrive for a couple of days.

We had a club BBQ on board and he brought his quite large one ashore,another fellow had a Webber so we had enough.
We spent the night in Mermaid Bay after setting the pots in one of my favorite spots on the Eastern shore.
Greed can get you into a spot of trouble sometimes.When we went back around to pull them in the morning there
was quite a sea running and the tide had pulled the buoys down under the water.
We went up to East Telegraph Bay and anchored for breakfast and to reassess out tactics to retrieve them.
You have to be there on slack tide to get the buoys.
When we arrived back we could see the buoys but the tide was still running about two knots we thought.
Bugger it we will have a go,it was not easy as the crew had not pulled a pot on this trip.I backed up to the buoys into a considerable sea and a current.A couple of waves crashed into the transom so we all got soaked,all for one nice cray.

Back to the fleet for the do ashore,four pm was the appointed starting time.
There was a break on the beach which caused a few entertaining times.Some crews mistimed their run and got pooped coming in,a few managed to get one leg over the Lee side of the dinghy when the next wave tipped them into the water.One mob with four in a small dinghy managed to flip the boat over on top of themselves.

The mood however was buoyant,we managed to do the roll call on the beach with my handheld radio with Mary relaying the messages to Crispian in Stanley.
The afternoon went very well with every one meeting,some for the first time.Back to the boat after seven for coffee.

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