Friday 13 March 2015

Wednesday Mount Beattie

We had a comfortable night in Moulters,the wind picked up a bit about three am.All slept in a bit one in particular still snoring at 7.30.

Had breakfast and sat around for a while,the weather not all that good.Up anchored to have a look for a large Huon Pine tree I had been told about further around Bathurst Harbour.We found the area as described but as it was on a Lee shore and it was blowing 28 knots in the squalls we decided it would have to wait for another day.
Simmo was badgering me to go back to Clayton's to replenish the water as we had used half our supply.You usually do if you rinse the plates under a running tap before you even fill the sink!

Tied up beside the jetty as only Lester on the port side.We decided to tackle Mount Beattie as quite a few crews had,left at about twelve for the assault .One of those walks which are reasonably easy to start with but become unrelenting later on.Ross and I got about half way just before the track emerged from the scrub.A couple of windows where one could get a view of Bathurst Harbour etc.
Tarmo and Clive continued on but Ross and I gave it away.As we arrived back at the boat a rain squall came over which somehow justified our decision.Simmo was about to give it away later on when another crew passed them coming down and convinced them to keep going.
There is no doubt the view from the top is spectacular ,you can even see the Maat they said.I might see a bit on the GFA show,I have respect for them now as they lugged all their gear up to film on top.

We cooled down and changed clothes .The intrepid climbers arrived back well over an hour later.We had a beautiful Crayfish lunch and a quiet afternoon chatting with the jetty traffic when it arrived now and then.
The weather by now had packed up,rain squalls and wind gusts.We decided to give the jetty a break and go somewhere else.
We went over to Eds Cove to check it out.It was calm in there but the squalls were all over the place as Jerry describes.After a short time the rain really came down and the wind eased off.With less windage motor boats lie reasonably well here.
There were over twelve vessels in Clayton's and copping it a bit.Say ten more under Kings Point.
Roast chicken for dinner and watched the second half of Gary Kerr's piners DVD.
The camera man was used by Essential for the Chopper shots in the Gourmet Farmer Afloat production.
Turned a bit late but the wind had given it away and it was flat calm,I hope it stays that way for a while.

Bathurst Harbour from half way up.

A sample of the easy going.

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