Arrived at the pots still a westerly wind but the sea had gone down considerably since we came in,may have been a better day to come down from Strahan than yesterday.
First pot had two,one rat and one male size,pulled the other one all rats six of them.Well one is better then none so trolled back towards Breaksea,what are we going to do today,tossed a few ideas around ,when the sched came on and the BBQ had been moved to Tuesday we decided to stay out for another night.Changed course for Whalers Cove for breakfast ,Simmo now ravenous.Far cry from yesterday.
Washed up and spent the morning line fishing with little success ,two small sharks and two tiny Couta one the smallest I have seen only five inches long.
Went up to Carvers Point for the crew to go up the Davey River,we will have lunch when we come back,could be a bit late.
I cooked the cray and had a quiet time.
Crew returned in no time,Simmo driving ,been there seen that,got up to the gorge.
Steve from Sancerre arrived and came over in the dinghy,have been to Spain Bay,sent one of the crew in for a report before I got my wet suit on.Visibility about three feet so no good for diving.We are going up the river today as the forecast is for rain later on,he did not quite make it as it was pouring as we left.
We planed to go behing Breaksea to catch some bait for the pots.After an hour and one gurnard caught and one lost we gave it away and headed for Spain Bay.
Set the pots outside the reef as quite a big sea still running.I have hopes for one but the other one may well be a blank,not much cray weed there.
Motored into the bay and drifted for a while,maybe I can lift the spirits with a flathead before anchoring.No such luck.
Anchored in a spot nearly out of the swell.
Nice dinner of a prepared dish finished off with Legacy Plum Pudding and the remaining ice cream.
Turned in about ten.My crew of keen fishermen almost empty handed after quite a hard days fishing.
Last of the sun in Brambles
The best he could manage today the smallest Couta I have seen.
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