Saturday, 7 March 2015

Saturday up to St Johns Falls.

Anchored off the Sandy Spit three quarters of the way up.
Had a very quiet night as I managed a quiet spot not in the current or backwash.
Woke up in the morning to find the boat facing down river and light rain.
Had a cuppa and then light breakfast.Ingenue and then Odysseus appeared around the corner moving down river,a little while later Dream Spinner showed up.Politely asked if we were ok,I said yes thanks.It did look as we were a bit close to the spit but were in 10 meters of water.
Simmo saw a piece of driftwood making its way down river badgered me to go over and rescue it,unfortunately not Huon Pine.

We motored up to St Johns landing in drizzling rain and tied up.Now the rain pelting down.
Had a coffee and waited for the rain to ease,after a while it obliged and we walked along to the falls which were really going after the rain.
Ross and Timo went up the river for a spin.
After a late lunch we left for the harbour,we intended to go back to Strahan and get some forgotten supplies.
The visibility was very poor especially in the canyons so we got a bit behind schedule and realized we would not make the shop in time.
We had been off the air for the day and had not seen the latest forecast but had planned to escape on Sunday morning.
The 6.30 rollcall indicated the charge was on.We changed tactics and decided to anchor for the night in the Back Channel for an early morning start.
I thought of going to Betsey Bay for the night but when I looked at the chart it looked a bit hard and as visibility was only a couple of hundred yards I decided on the easier Channel spot.Stormbreaker anchors over night there he told me.
We anchored on dark and checked our mail etc.

We heard a rumbling noise and the search was on,no fans or pumps running.I ended up in the port engine room and found the prop shaft spinning slowly,must be quite a current running here.
Had another good meal and put the kettle on ,another enjoyable day.

St Johns Fall going full bore.

Coffee coloured water.
Off in the morning will be off the air for a week.Hope not too many withdrawal symptoms .

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