Friday, 13 March 2015

Thursday BBQ day

The wind gave it away just after we were in the bunk.Up about seven thirty.Ed's cove peaceful .A few showers,went over to Swan Cove for breakfast,aptly named at least sixty swans sheltering in the Cove.We had intentions of going up the Old river for a look but the wind freshened up and we would have got pretty wet coming back and decided against it.Saw a large sea eagle up in a tree surveying the goings on ,no doubt looking for an easy meal.

Motored around to Casilda Cove for a look,passed a few boats as the fleet was on the move towards Schooner for a lunch time BBQ.A small trimaran tied to the bank was very snug there.Went back out to Parker Bay across the channel.In all the trips around here I have never found Critchley Parker's grave.
This time I studied Jerry's directions and got the right bay,should not have worried too much.There were six canoes ashore there with two people in each  with the Roaring 40's fellow.Maybe Morrie is about.
As we anchored they walked the track up the bank to the site.All with red and yellow jackets they made an unmistakable snake up the track.They were just leaving so we had a coffee and put the dinghy in.

Arrived at Schooner and anchored close in.A few dinghys ashore but no people,they were in the campsite sheltered from the wind but we got a few showers during the afternoon.Most people enjoying the get together despite the weather.
I can say the weather has been rather ordinary on the West Coast this trip.The scenery still spectacular but a few more sunny days would have been good.
Met a few more of the circumnavigators,most quite interesting folk from all walks of life.Discussions about the weather for tomorrow as more than a dozen making the run around the bottom in the morning.Seems like we may get a good run as the forecast is for light SW turning W to NW during the morning and freshening.
Had a lasagne dinner with pasta entree.Watched Gary Kerr's crayfishing DVD and turned in at 10.30.
Simmo taking a sea sick pill he botted off a lady ashore.
We will see if it works tomorrow,I personally think he has his sea legs now and would not need one.
Counted over twenty riding lights in the bay,should be quite a parade around tomorrow.

Some of the fleet in Schooner Cove.

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