Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday The run to Strahan.

Some of the fleet got away about five am.
We were up a bit after six ,no real hurry for us.The yachts had an overnight passage for the over 100.mile trip.Their plan was to arrive at Macquarie Heads at daylight Tuesday.They plan on an average of six knots with a bit up their sleeve.

The trip down past Stack Island inside Hunter Island was calm with a very light headwind and the current behind us.
We were the last away at six thirty.After the engines were warmed up we were up to cruising speed of 18 knots.A bit mean really as we soon gobbled up the ones in front of us.
We passed the last one Bomoh ,Beautiful S&S sailing under full sail in the Hunter Passage.
Passing out between the islands the open sea was a taste of what was to come for the next few hours.There was about a two meter Swell with a slight slop on top .Fortunately the south wind had abated over night and there was a light offshore breeze to steady them.We thought maybe a current running up the coast which would not please the smaller ones.
We soon were off Cape Grim which still looked Grim but quite a bit more friendly than when I was here last with the Farmers.Missed the second episode and have had no reports yet.
Mary came on about 8am to check up on where we were ,we reported in at Ann Bay ,going well,the sea starting to go down and the wind building a little for the blow boats.

We worked off shore a couple of miles because of the waves,there are some shallower areas inshore and the waves break well off.

We arrived at Sandy Cape at about ten thirty for brunch.We had been eating a bit too well and elected to cut our steaks in half the night before ,the butcher being very generous with the size.
Cheroz said we will have a steak sandwich with the lot. ,sounds good ,they were really good meat.

I went down to the port side bathroom which had been sounding its bilge alarm on the way down,bloody thing has caused me some pain,first in Melbourne and now here,I rebuilt the little tank which catches the shower drain when the float switch failed and it over flowed before.
Had a quick look on the way down I see water in there again.The bilge alarm has a silence button which only works when you push it.The buzzer is designed to be a noisy thing and it is!
Dissmantled the tray to find the pipe which sends the water to the tank had broken,well at least the mechanical side of things was ok.Pumped it out and left it for Strahan to fix.

The conditions under Sandy Cape were perfect,on a good day it is a truly memorable place,the white beach and dunes , green  vegitation and blue water .A lone albatross had been hanging around and was now sitting in the water quite close to the boat .We remembered our old mate Bill who recently passed away.They say old sailors souls live in these birds and one can see why on days like this.
We were sheltered from the waves and the breeze had died off getting ready for the NW change predicted.

Well we had had an hour and a half off.Mary came on at 12 to take position reports,we could hear some boats but I think we were too far away for her to hear us.
We up anchored and got away,the waves now considerably less so I worked out round the cape and headed for the Pieman River .The seas were breaking right across the entrance as usual ,we stood off and Cheroz got out his video camera to record the experience.
We then then moved down to Conicle Rocks.The plotter says Conicle Harbour,I know it is a popular place with Ab divers and they do lay there but a harbour?rather cheeky I think ,like Temma and Granville,can you have a harbour which can only have foam in it at times,must be joking.They probably thought name would stick as in calm times it is good.
It looks so forbidding I have never been interested in going there,one Ab diver I know teased me once ,why didn't you come in when you went past.
We slowed down and debated where the entrance was but we saw what we thought were a couple of options but it is still a mystery to me.Migh have to do some work on it,a mud map would be handy.

Set a course for Hells Gates and arrived at 3.30 to a low tide so not much current.Some cloud so visibility good.Cheroz on the flybridge recording and the other two making sure I went the right side of the red piles.
Ben had a track on my small plotter so we had a backup.
Arrived at the Strahan wharf and tied up beside a fishing boat for the night with the assistance from a fellow off Huntress 111. I will have to thank him when I catch up.
Sent a text to Mary to confirm our arrival and just managed to hear Steve on the six thirty sched.
We had a celebratory Beer.
Went over to Hammers for a quiet one which soon was not quiet as Troy Grinning was there with a couple of mates one was Randall Morrison who is part of the legend of the west coast,the other one we think was one of the legends from Waratah,kept saying the Lamb roast is on,I better get going or it will be spoiled,he might have made it but it would surely be well done.
We got the true story of the delivery of Toby's new boat ,Calypso ,from the mainland ,sounded like an epic voyage ! What else would one expect with Toby,Ron,Guy and Troy on board.I don't even have to imagine the chaos as I got the truth.A memorable voyage indeed.

Returned to the boat for a chicken curry and watched Garry Kerr's Flinders Video after a good day,said good night to those still at sea,I recon a couple would gladly pay my fuel bill to be here !
Turned in at ten.

Brunch at Sandy Cape.

Beautiful Strahan.

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