Had a leisurely breakfast.No real hurry to do anything today,South wind so no one going anywhere .
We decided to try and get closer to the point to get out of the roll and managed after a couple of tries to find a quiet spot.
Cooked the cray to Biggs satisfaction.
The crew went ashore after lunch to have a look for some Abs,Rod had told Biggs you can pick them up at low tide up there.They managed an entree for tonight's dinner.
Had a talk to Mary at Smithton Radio who offered to keep in touch with the fleet on the run south tomorrow.Steve now in Strahan and too far away to be of any use.
Went out and downloaded the weather,the forecast getting better all the time especially south of Sandy Cape tomorrow.The south wind all ready dying off.
Not much else happend as the wind gradually died off.We up anchored and reanchored Behind the fleet.
Had a steak meal and after turned in about ten.
A quiet spot
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