Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tuesday job day.

Got going on the job list.
Managed quite a few before morning tea.Decided to have a break and walk around to the Storm Bay to see how the work on the lifelines was going.I was interested to see how Tim was going to put something on to match the quality of the rest of the restoration.
I was not disappointed as they had bronze fittings recessed into the cap rail with bronze stanchions,which really look the part.

Got part way back to the boat and came across the marina manager who prefers to be called soapy with another fellow splicing a mooring rope for one of the inhabitants.Got talking for a while and he asked if I knew Bob Clifford,funny that,met him in Cowes but also in the Shippies a few times.

Got back onto my wing when Graeme called,just along in the shops getting a few things will be along shortly.
Went back to trying to fix the guest side shower pump out .Found among other things the wire from the float switch had broken off.Will fix at home .
Graeme arrived so I went along to the gate to let him in.He had made good time even if he got on the wrong train for a few stops.

Knocked of a couple more jobs and walked up town for a fish and chips lunch.
Back to the boat and did the rest of the list.
Had a small Nana and then checked over the engines.
Ran over the new forecast and made a rough plan for tomorrow.Looks like it is not really necessary to get away too early as conditions seem to improve as the day goes on.Will try to get going about 6am.
Walked up to the Coast for dinner,had a nice meal outside,weather today very light winds and not too hot.

Back to the boat at dark,quite a few fishermen on the public jetty,did not seem to be catching much.
Cleaned up the remaining ice cream and turned the freezer off.
Called up Oppy at the Tamar Yacht Club to alert him we were coming tomorrow.
We have a bit of a problem as they have removed the AMC vessel Laurence Brown to work on the pylons which they moor to.Hence no breakwater.
Don't worry we will tie you to piles,she might roll about a bit but should be safe.
I have confidence in their assessment and what to do.

Photo today is a strange vessel anchored just inside the breakwater when I arose.I have seen them before but not as big and sophisticated as this one,the wheels were quite large,must have cost a fortune.Go most places though.Be handy if you lived close to the beach.

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