Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tamar to home

Had a bit of a lay in. Time to get moving things to do.
Lots of small jobs getting Masterpiece decommissioned for a couple of weeks.Cleaning out fridges etc.Ensuring nothing left on board which could give a nasty surprise after a couple of weeks left on board.
Went over to Lucy to brief the crew and help answer any questions they might have for their intended cruise to the Furneaux Group starting today.
They are on an extended trip around to the West Coast after Flinders and Deal Island.
Called up Angus Campbell at Port Davies to warn him they well may pay him a visit and would like to borrow Roos mooring for a few days if available.
Was given a tour of their beautiful vessel / home.They should be justifiably proud of their achievement .

We kept chipping away at the jobs list,Lesley mounted some old country and western CDs on fishing line to try to discourage the seagulls.Do not know how bad they are up here but do know how much work they create if they take a liking to your boat.
 All finished about 12 so called up Oppy to give him my paper work and a spare key.
Not in a perfect position as the AMC has moved the Laurence Brown to enable work to take place on the mooring pylons.It seems the pile driver is not on site so no breakwater but also no work.
We tied the boat up with stout  lines and well away from the edge of the marina.
Left Oppy and Ron in charge and hoping no bad weather from the NE.I am sure they will manage.

Les drove us to Campbell Town for a light lunch,met my insurance Broker in the shop and Graeme also saw his cousin ,small world.

The weather got progressively worse as we drove home.30 to 17 degrees and then rain.Welcome home.
Masterpiece is in storage for a couple of weeks until we leave for Flinders for two weeks about the 11th of Feb.Then joining in the RYCT's circunavigation cruise as they come past.
 So home again and plenty of things to do before heading off again with a new crew.

Seals and Shags on the Isle de Phoques.

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