Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Sorrento Jan 7

The day dawned dull with fog on the bay,strange to us to hear the ships with fog horns sounding.
We had a light breakfast,Rob and Mark went ashore to drive along to the club.
The planned 11 am start had been changed to 12 the night before.
I pottered about the boat and marina till about 11 before slipping lines and motoring along to the Couta Boat Club and anchoring off.
I put the dinghy in the water in anticipation for later on.
There was no wind and as the day wore on there was hope at one stage about 4,30 when a thunder storm was reported further up the bay.

As it turned out nothing came of it.I did venture ashore about that time and as I tied the dinghy up one of the officials advised me to move it around to the opposite side as he was expecting a serious change in the weather.
I walked in and saw a few people I knew but was a bit worried so I went back to the boat and had a cuppa to await developments.Nothing happened so they called it off about 5 pm.

I have never seen and heard so many Jet Skis and motor boats.A never ending procession about thirty seconds apart.Most of them noisy and no regard of the rules.Nothing for a fifty foot speed boat to go past me anchored twenty five feet away at full speed.The noise is incredibly,my ears are still ringing!
If I never see another blue hulled white cabin boat again it will be too soon.At one stage a flotilla of sixteen jet skis came past at full tilt.

Rob called to say they would go along to the marina and catch me when I arrived.
We tied the boat up and drove along to Sorrento to have a nice Italian meal as the promised thunder storm finally arrived..Quite spectacular thunder and lightning very close to where we were.

Back to the boat about 9.

Ben sent me some photos he took as we crossed the St Helens Bar on the way up.
I heard the advice  message on the radio today about the yellow guide buoy.VHF reception from Tas Maritime Radio in Port Phillip.Not bad boys.
"The buoy is no longer considered an accurate guide to the channel of the StHelens bar way!"
We were told to aim for it on Sunday.
Either the channel has moved or the buoy has.We found it good.Well there was enough depth of water!
My opinion is may be the Buoy has moved .
The photos below show the seas we encountered.Not for the faint hearted.4 sets of waves.

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