Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tamar to home

Had a bit of a lay in. Time to get moving things to do.
Lots of small jobs getting Masterpiece decommissioned for a couple of weeks.Cleaning out fridges etc.Ensuring nothing left on board which could give a nasty surprise after a couple of weeks left on board.
Went over to Lucy to brief the crew and help answer any questions they might have for their intended cruise to the Furneaux Group starting today.
They are on an extended trip around to the West Coast after Flinders and Deal Island.
Called up Angus Campbell at Port Davies to warn him they well may pay him a visit and would like to borrow Roos mooring for a few days if available.
Was given a tour of their beautiful vessel / home.They should be justifiably proud of their achievement .

We kept chipping away at the jobs list,Lesley mounted some old country and western CDs on fishing line to try to discourage the seagulls.Do not know how bad they are up here but do know how much work they create if they take a liking to your boat.
 All finished about 12 so called up Oppy to give him my paper work and a spare key.
Not in a perfect position as the AMC has moved the Laurence Brown to enable work to take place on the mooring pylons.It seems the pile driver is not on site so no breakwater but also no work.
We tied the boat up with stout  lines and well away from the edge of the marina.
Left Oppy and Ron in charge and hoping no bad weather from the NE.I am sure they will manage.

Les drove us to Campbell Town for a light lunch,met my insurance Broker in the shop and Graeme also saw his cousin ,small world.

The weather got progressively worse as we drove home.30 to 17 degrees and then rain.Welcome home.
Masterpiece is in storage for a couple of weeks until we leave for Flinders for two weeks about the 11th of Feb.Then joining in the RYCT's circunavigation cruise as they come past.
 So home again and plenty of things to do before heading off again with a new crew.

Seals and Shags on the Isle de Phoques.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Blairgowrie to Beauty Point,Tasmania.

Up again at 5am,Well Graeme was,heard ratting around so better get up.
We had decided there was no need to rush as the Bom forecast and Meteye both said conditions in Bass Strait should improve as the day wore on and we had waited until Wednesday morning on purpose for the sea to die down.I have been caught before being impatient before wishing I had waited a little longer before tackling a difficult passage.
Plenty to do though.Cleaned out the frige ,removed all fruit and veggies we were not going to eat on the trip across,also any other stuff not required.This job is often left till last on trips and seems not to be a pleasant one.Quaratine require you to do this when crossing to Tasmania.
Filled the garbage bag and of course the top ripped so put another one around it which also tore,bloody black bags,should ban them .Only green and orange in future,but I usually try to avoid the trip buying if possible.
Marched it along to the rubbish bins at the end of the jetty,and a march it is.seems like half a mile.
The ever presnt fishermen were on the public part of the jetty,twenty in all as the wind was at an all time low this morning.Port Phillip Bay is a restless place nearly always a wind of some sort.Some squid had been caught as evidenced by the fresh ink squirts on the concrete.

Put the marina key in the locked box for Soapy to collect later and returned to the boat for breakfast.We planned to get away by 6 but it was more like 7 as we passed the golden mile off Portsea.Nothing to see two or three helicopters parked on the front lawn of the mansions as you pass by.
Called up the Port Control on channel 12.We could see there were no ships on the AIS screen but decided to anyway.The operator replied you have a clear path,have a good trip.
There was some waves on the rip but not too bad so we just went through them to see what the bottom looked like on the sounder,there were a few small boats fishing around the edges.

Went out to sea a mile and then set a course straight to the Tamar.The plotter said 209 Miles.ETA 1800 hrs.The sea was about 1meter with only a small wind slop on top,wind about 10 knots.

When you get going the first hour seems to take for ever,you look at the route on the screen and think this is going to take a while.
We occupied our time by keeping an eye on a ship on the AIS which had dropper the pilot off about three miles out off to Starboard.We originally thought he wight have been going to Burnie but after about an hour at 13 knots turned to port and headed for the Moncur separation zone.We had by now well crossed his path traveling at 19 knots.
Heard Mary from Smithton Radio doing a sched so called her up but we were too far away for my radio so called her on my mobile to report in.Thought someone should know what we were doing. 

 We took it in turns driving the boat ,really only had to keep a lookout for any other vessels or floating objects   we might encounter.
As the day wore on the wind picked up to about 17 knots from the NNE.For Bass Strait the conditions were quite good but not smooth.
We had a light lunch on the go and about 3 we saw the Yolla gas rig on the horizon.We passed it about three miles away ,there was a supply vessel under the crane as we went by.

Saw a cruise ship on the AIS about 27 miles away we think going from Burnie or the west coast.
As Graeme pointed out it seems to take forever to reach a waypoint but it soon disappears once you pass it,even at 19 knots.

It was interesting to note there was a cloud bank ahead all day but we only saw the land about 6 miles out.It was on the Radar for quite a while before we could see it.
As we travelled on the conditions moderated exactly as the Meteye predicted .Mary came on again and this time we reached her on the VHF .Not bad from where we were.

Arrived a few minutes early at the leads for the Tamar.Checked the tide to find it running out pretty hard.Surprising to find it still really low after dinner and dark.

Pulled up in front of the club at 6.30 to find a couple pointing to a berth with Lesley looking on.They had been chatting on the jetty for a while but had no idea of our connection,we made all the custom silicon bronze fittings for their boat along with other engineering requirements.
Backed in and was surprised to find it was Gerwin and Kristal friends of my brother who built a beautiful cruising yacht,Lucy, at Port Huon after doing the Wooden Boatbuilding school at Franklin.
But more on that tomorrow.
Tied up with their help and later Orpy came down to welcome us,will sort you out tomorrow he said.
Took the crew up to a nice Resteraunt /Motel place along the road a bit for dinner and to catch up with news from home.
Turned in about 10 after a long day.Very peaceful here,flat calm.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tuesday job day.

Got going on the job list.
Managed quite a few before morning tea.Decided to have a break and walk around to the Storm Bay to see how the work on the lifelines was going.I was interested to see how Tim was going to put something on to match the quality of the rest of the restoration.
I was not disappointed as they had bronze fittings recessed into the cap rail with bronze stanchions,which really look the part.

Got part way back to the boat and came across the marina manager who prefers to be called soapy with another fellow splicing a mooring rope for one of the inhabitants.Got talking for a while and he asked if I knew Bob Clifford,funny that,met him in Cowes but also in the Shippies a few times.

Got back onto my wing when Graeme called,just along in the shops getting a few things will be along shortly.
Went back to trying to fix the guest side shower pump out .Found among other things the wire from the float switch had broken off.Will fix at home .
Graeme arrived so I went along to the gate to let him in.He had made good time even if he got on the wrong train for a few stops.

Knocked of a couple more jobs and walked up town for a fish and chips lunch.
Back to the boat and did the rest of the list.
Had a small Nana and then checked over the engines.
Ran over the new forecast and made a rough plan for tomorrow.Looks like it is not really necessary to get away too early as conditions seem to improve as the day goes on.Will try to get going about 6am.
Walked up to the Coast for dinner,had a nice meal outside,weather today very light winds and not too hot.

Back to the boat at dark,quite a few fishermen on the public jetty,did not seem to be catching much.
Cleaned up the remaining ice cream and turned the freezer off.
Called up Oppy at the Tamar Yacht Club to alert him we were coming tomorrow.
We have a bit of a problem as they have removed the AMC vessel Laurence Brown to work on the pylons which they moor to.Hence no breakwater.
Don't worry we will tie you to piles,she might roll about a bit but should be safe.
I have confidence in their assessment and what to do.

Photo today is a strange vessel anchored just inside the breakwater when I arose.I have seen them before but not as big and sophisticated as this one,the wheels were quite large,must have cost a fortune.Go most places though.Be handy if you lived close to the beach.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Monday in the Marina.

Had a light breakfast,my last loaf of crusty still hanging on.Might have to bake another on tomorrow.
Tidied and washed up the dinghy,,Plenty of sand around here.

Gave Tim Phillips a ring to see if he knew of a local HF radio expert.I will call a retired fellow and see if he is available.Just what I hoped ,Darrel? Arrived after lunch.Just the ticket a really pleasant fellow who knew his stuff.
My problem has been with now two HF radios is on the reception side.i have had many people look at it but as yet not solved the problem.
I seem to be able to transmit quite well but cannot recieve other stations messages over the interference noise.Tried Mary at Smithton radio and Hobart tonight with out any luck.

His opinion was there is a lot of interference generated on the boat.We spent a couple of hours going around the  with a transistor radio on AM tuned off station .
We ended with every thing except the radio turned off and it was interesting to listen to his opinion.

We could not completely eliminate the source of the noise,but I will keep trying to identify the source.

Called up Trevor to find out what is going on.His sons family is over from SA so he was quite busy.
Stuart called up later to catch up.The kids were tearing around North West bay by the sound of it on a ski biscuit.

Went up town to get a small steak fit dinner along with some tea, they do not seem to have just Bushells any more.Picked one out ,have not tried it yet.

Quite a few boats come and go from the marina,one just came in ,quite dark.No just went out,the coast  guard works out of here.

Cooked up dinner and watched Grand designs.seen that episode many times.

For those interested the TV show Gourmet Farmer Afloat airs on SBS Thursday February the 19th at 7.30 I believe.I might be preduced but I think it will be well recieved.

Today's photo of the magnificent Storm Bay being prepared for the trip to the Wooden Boat Festival.
Some lifelines being fitted.


Weather still looking good for Wednesday for trip to the Tamar.
Must sign off many jobs to do tomorrow.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sunday at Blairgowrie.

Had a bit of a lay in ,up about 8.30 and had breakfast.Got a call from Royce,do you want our leftovers,cheese a bit of rum heaps of milk and some veggies.Ok we will drop them off going past.

Called up Graeme McKibbern to see if he would come over for the trip to Beauty Point.He was standing in bosun for the departed Haggis at the Royals.
Being a serial yacht deliverer he booked a ticket for Tuesday,Ben showed him the travel ropes getting around Melbourne.

Pottered around the boat and sorted out a few things which needed doing.
Decided to go up to Blairgowrie for lunch of Flathead tails and chips,bought a few things for the boat.

Got a call from James Carter an old Hobart resident and friend of the Siltmans.Can I pick you up for a drink at 5.30 .Sounds good to me .I really have not been off the boat very much since I have been here evidenced by being  a bit unsteady after one drink at the presentation night.

Was interesting to have the real money properties pointed out,Lindsay Fox,half a mile with eight houses,Rupert Murdocks sister etc.
I was informed they are on a beautiful beach which is the only North facing in Port Phillip.

James house is in a quiet area and a pleasant design.
Had a couple of Gins and nibbles with his wife and another friend.A pleasant interlude.
Returned to the boat to have some ravioli and pasta sauce found in the cupboard,had a glass of Royce's or Heathers Merlot, ice cream and watched the cricket.

Photo is one of the local clubs training yachts.Four or five going back and forward all afternoon.
The larger yachts had a race starting off the breakwater at 9 am this morning,must have been a special race as they were crewed by mostly juniors ,water fights on the marina when they returned.

For the Moth sailors,another perfect Moth breeze,15 to 20 SSE.Blue sky sparkling water!

Noticed my outboard tank returned full when arrived back on board.Turned out the young fellows were friends not sons as I thought.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Saturday Couta boat racing

Went ashore for breakfast and to put Rob's boat on the trailer.Saw a few people most moving slowly ,Will turned up for breakfast as they had run out of food at his place.
Tidied up the boat on the trailer and took Masterpiece over to Queenscliff to refuel.
Followed the ferry into the channel,there are two ferries which leave every hour from each end.
Tied up at the bowser pontoon,You recon the old yacht club pump was slow,this one is painful.

Put in enough to cross Bass Strait and halfway back so should be ok.

We motored to our marina berth on the T head of the marina.Only just protected as the wind is now offshore.A bit bumpy but I hope to get used to it.

Put the dinghy in and ran Rob along to the club to pick up his car and trailer.By now the carpark was full but there was just enough room to get the trailer out.

Thought I might go out and anchor and watch the Couta boat race in the dinghy,did not plan to so am a bit burnt tonight.No sunscreen on.

Today is the biggest Couta boat race on their calendar,The Portsea Cup.
They start with a breakfast for I guessed about 250 people.There were speeches going on for quite a while as we packed up.
I watched as the crews got ready to race.It certainly was a big affair close to 40 boats with crews ranging fom three or four to seven or even eight.I heard they had sixty once but running the Moths has taken a toll,heaps of volunteers worked very hard to make the series a success .

One broke his main Halliad as they raised the main.They motored back in and there was a scurry to rig a new one.I heard later one also broke a shroud so the bosun took off up to the local hardware store for some bulldog clips and rigged up a temporary one ,it worked well enough for them to get fourth.

The wind was 15 to 20,perfect conditions for Moth sailing ,unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!

They raced as two classes,not sure why but I think some are bigger than others.
The winner in the big class led all day but the next three had a real dig dong battle.
The placings being decided on the last beat.
In the small ones the first five finished within about a minute and a half. 

Came back to the boat and cooked my dinner.Barbara and Andrew had a hens charter on for a couple of hours.The wind had picked up a bit so I helped them back into their berth.They came over with some nibbles and had a beer with them.

The Couta boat sailer I met the other day arrived with his Palm Beach cruiser and Dimmy the dog,she found a ball on my boat the other day and was keen to get back on to find it.They invited me to dinner but I had already eaten.
He returned about fifteen minutes later ,my son had run the large inflatable out of fuel at a local beach so I have to go out again and get him.I had half a tank of fuel I gave him to get the boat back.They were back about half an hour later.

Saw the Spirit going past with the boys onboard.Royce,Heather and Hughie fly home tomorrow.
Looks like I am here until Wednesday,hope the predicted weather eventuates.

A photo of one of the magnificent Couta Boats.Most of them are in excellent condition.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Friday last day

Up early again and along to the club.
Rob needs a couple of good ones to salvage his campaign.
Breeze gusting 25 westerly,rightin on our berth at the marina.We managed to leave while it was still only about 12 knots.
A local photographer we met came along later and said don't go back ,it's breaking over your berth!

We wondered if they would have any racing but the pressure was on the sailing PRO to deliver.
He kept the silver fleet ashore and set up for a race.
The race started in a big breeze,even the experts having a few swims.Quite a few compeditors elected to sit it out.
It was spectacular,two laps quite a few crashes but Rob managed a good third,That's better we thought.Then as the tide was really running he sent them in to the beach,bugger we really needed two more races to drop an 80 point score.

We sought shelter on the anchor but it still was a bit rolly.
About 1.30 the wind swung a bit more south and the tide changed ,conditions moderated slightly so they decided to have another race.
We could not find Rob on the water,Dave Connor came over and told us Robs brand new fitting for his bow mechanism had broken on the way out.
Some Tasies were on the beach so they replaced it and he came tearing out and managed to start with everyone else half way up the first beat.By now he was really wild and so he really sent Altitude and managed to pass many boats scoring a 17th.

We only needed one more race however there is a 1500 time limit to start the last race on the final day so they could not fit another in so it was all over.
A very testing series for everyone many broken boats and people,one unlucky fellow stood on a stingray!
The closing ceremony was set up as a beach party because of the number of people,they had three different food stalls which were free to all,buy your own drinks.
The Southern Hemisphere sailors scooped the pool,first and second now Americas Cup helmsmen.
Had a bit of a chuckle when the American world champ got run over by an American media boat filming an Australian.other reports say he tried to cross the speed boat but crashed in front of it.
They were not happy applied for average points but the jury said the race had not started so......
They are still on about it.

Having a lie in this morning still anchored off the club wind still blowing so decided to stay put.
A little bit uncomfortable but not too bad.Rob got a prize third Corinthian.

Have to decide what to do today there is a Couta boat cup race along at Portsea.Might go along and watch,then motor over to Queenscliff.On my own for a bit.The boys are on the ferry tonight.
The weather looks like Wednesday to cross Bass Strait.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Thursday second last day.

The promised south wind finally arrived.We were up early and motored along to the club to prepare for the 11am start.
The breeze was offshore and gusting to 25 knots but moderated considerably during the morning.
There were a few stronger patches to keep them on their toes.
Rob was sailing well but just had one of those days.He was over the line in one race under the "U" flag which is instant disqualification.
 ,Go to the last place.
He also was well up in another race when his wand fitting broke and had to retire,fortunately it was the last race so he did not miss another.
Hopefully they will have enough races tomorrow so he can drop both.
To finish in the top 10 now will be difficult.

We  walked up to Blairgowrie and had a nice meal.Returned to the boat and have retired early.
Have moved back to our exposed berth on the end of the marina.Quite comfortable in this wind.
Last day tomorrow 11am start again.
Starting to watch the weather to cross Bass Strait again,not much good until Wednesday at the moment.

Today's photo.
How the other half live.The charter boat Pearl has been working out of our marina while we have been here.Some noisy late nights.
Note the flatscreen folds down from the roof on the flybridge.The dive boat alongside,sometimes replaced with a large inflatable or a jet ski.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wednesday Lay day

The organizers decided to have the programmed lay day as the wind forecast was for 30 knots SW all day,being in the marina we can attest to the accuracy ,spot on.Probably less close to shore but we monitored the South Channel readings and it was constant,gusting up to 36 at times.
As the wind was off shore it was quite calm in shore and the marina.
The westerly which came through last night did not worry us in the berth we used.The owner graciously agreed for us to stay here while the blow is on.

We had a lie in this morning so breakfast did not consist of much,just toast from my second bread effort made yesterday while sheltering,crusty white this time.Not bad but it did nor rise as much as the first one.

We then witnessed a surprising event ,a perhaps 35 foot cruiser arrived with a Vespa motor scooter on the marlin board and berthed just along from us.
 I spoke to the owner later on,Just came up from St Kilda ,she would not start when I got here,a bit of spray flying about,pretty rough on the way up!
I don't think he even tied it on just sitting on its stand.After a while it started and so he took it along the marina for a trial.Recon there will be trouble later with it!

Hopped into the car and went down to Portsea for brunch.There is some money down there.Not many Holden's or Fords for this lot.Big high fences and white gravel drives.

Called into the Wooden Boat shop,Tim showed me around but was really quite busy,had to go and sort out his cray pots for the Storm Bay .Have to get going with the next weather window for the Wooden Boat Festival.
He showed me an old Cray boat they are fixing up for a client ,still in the shed but nearly finished,we are taking her to Hobart too,most definitely it will be sea trials on the way.

Returned to the boat for a while and had a nana nap before going along to the club to check over Altitude,found a rope which needed replacing so took it off to splice back on board.
Went to Will Logan's digs for a BBQ.and saw the rest of the Tassies along with a few other moth friends.A pleasant evening.
Back on board about dark.
Early start tomorrow,11am.
Forecast a little more west and a bit lighter but not much.
Recon the PRO will shut his eyes and just start them,the next day is about the same,unfortunately many compeditors will have a day to remember or forget which ever way you look at it.
Rob is ready,he thinks he has sorted the boat out for the conditions,we will see.

Photo is the boys toys along from us.
The Vespa and another boat with an inflatable tender with a sixty horse outboard.The boat hangs out both sides of the mother ship which is probably only 36 feet itself!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Tuesday evening,.second day of the finals.

Hung around all day ,the promised NW blow arrived about starting time.
I anchored inside the breakwater and was reasonably comfortable.
The waves were breaking over the jetty where we were tied up a couple of hours before.

The breeze then went back to the NE and then E at up to 25 knots.
The PRO rode it out on anchor,most likely praying for the forecast to happen but it never did.
Dropped back to about 14 at one stage so they had a vote on shore wether to race or not.
The Silver fleet elected to stay ashore but the Gold to race.
They set the course up and were in starting mode when a big gust arrived,there were many boats capsized so the PRO called it off.
I don't know how the top mark would have been as the report was it was in six feet of water!
I am sure I heard the top mark boat report 60 knots!
It must have been a dream as we did get about 26 but no where near 60.

So day two and no race,Tomorrow is a lay day and as the forecast is 30 knots S there is no racing until Thursday. 
The good thing about it is Rob has a good score,a race today would have handy as most of the blow in experts do not have enough experience to handle the conditions when it is above 18 knots with the tide influence.
We are expecting a blow tonight so have moved into a vacant marina berth,hope the owner does not come back!
Photo of a threatening sky,best it has been all day.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Tuesday second day finals

Sorry about last night folks,went to sleep on the job.Woke up to find blog all gone!Bugger.
Only one race yesterday and that should not have been started.The mark boat needs to re calibrate his wind instrument ,calling 8 knots when there was clearly only 5.some boats can foil in 6 but not many.
Consequently only seven finished in the time limit.The rest were scored off their first lap rounding position.I do not think this system was meant to be used in this way.

Races brought forward to 11 today.
Up early and motored down to the club,crew ashore by 8 to have breakfast and rig up.
I stayed on board for mine.Good decision ,a bit rolly but some wind and now pissing with rain,a fair bit forecast for today.
Expect quite a few dinghies tied up behind later.
Decision to be made Small or Large foil.
TV recording large amounts of rain inland,not much here yet.

Sorrento Monday first finals day

Well  just lost my blog,eyes really tired.
Please find results and the texting code the boys are thinking I should learn.
The race should have never been started but if was and Rob handled it well.
Note the change in position overall.Many people not happy.
Race on early tomorrow.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Sorrento second day of qualifying for the worlds.

The qualifying races are to decide the fleets for the finals.
The compeditors are divided into two fleets,The first 80 go Gold and the second 80 go silver.
Most of our mob made the gold fleet which is an achievement in its self.

Today the wind returned with a vengeance ,starting about 15 knots it built to about 22 at times.
This suits the skilled sailors and the super fit ones.Many struggled especially when the tide changed half way through the third race.
Added to the fact that many were noticeably tiring when the Pro put a fourth race.
I suspect they regretted their decision later as there were probably 50 boats in the water with the tide against the wind with the last quarter mile to the club the worst to negotiate through the many moored Couta boats with menacing bow sprits.They were laying stern to the wind with 20 knots .
They had many pickup boats which one would think would have been sufficient but Moths are very difficult to handle once capsized.
The current here is strong enough to push you to windward when it gets going.
It took more than two hours to get them all in.Some ashore all along the local beaches.
The rescue boat crews did a marvelous job under very difficult conditions.
All accounted for.

I think the damage will be considerable , Charlie Connor for instance has a very difficult repair job to do.
Rob had a pretty ordinary day,fortunately it has not effected his score too much.
I have included  shot of Andrew McDougal the father of the modern Moth.
Also the first part of the Gold fleet.
The standard has risen dramatically since I last saw them racing,the depth of talent is truly amazing.
The inclusion of the Americas Cup people etc is helping to lift the standard.
The finals start tomorrow so watch out!

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Sorrento first day of the worlds.

A very dull day but at least there is some wind.
As we entertained until after dark last night elected to stay alongside the club jetty for the night.
Quite comfortable and as the first race was at 1 PM there was no rush.
Decided to wander up to the club for eggs and bacon for breakfast.
After we went back to the boat and Rob  and Mark cast me off to go out and anchor before things got busy.
They went in to work on Altitude.

A while later Royce turned up in the dinghy to arrange a berth for Heather and Hugh to go out and watch the racing.We gradually collected a crew by various means and motored out to the course to see the first race start on time.
The wind was patchy and moving about afair bit but the PRO managed three races,one lapper we thought was a bit unfair as many boats did not finish within the time limit.

Rob had a pretty good day considering the conditions.One race he got out of jail after an ordinary start and another when first around the top mark and the finding a hole on the way downwind.

Results below and for those interested my first loaf of Sourdough turned out well,well I think so,Mark and I had some for lunch.

The forecast is for a bit more wind tomorrow.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Sorrento Jan 9.1st day of the worlds,

The program was for an invitation race.165 entries on one course.
About 120 turned up to an overcast bay with about a 15 knot SE breeze.
The race got away to an on time start.
A fairly casual approach by everyone,quite a few over the line but the PRO let them go.
Scott Babbage cleared out and had a big lead by the end of the first lap which he maintained untill about one hundred yards from the finish.Then he started to flounder about and nearly stop!Broken down we thought,may be foxing?
Then Josh McKnight and the top English fellow turned up and as they crossed the line the Pom called out ,well done Josh you can carry the first race jinx ! Josh called back ha ha Chris I was over at the start,your race.
A well known fact among yachties,very few go on to win a series if they are first in the invitation race.

We up anchored and moved in onto the end of the club jetty as the opening ceremony was starting.
There are many flag poles along the jetty .They had a junior member on each one with every participating countries   flag which was raised as a short version of their national anthem was played.
The seats in the club were arranged to face the jetty and we unwittingly were placed at the end,we got a good view!

After the ceremony  we had a visit frow a few friends including Tim Phillips and family also Gary Linacre whom I had not seen for quite a lot of years.
Tim is known for his efforts in reviving the Couta boats and many restoration projects,on most notable is the beautiful StormBay.
She is in the marina near us at Blairgowrie.He is getting ready to bring a few boats down for the Wooden Boat Festival.

Well I better check on my bread,can't let Ben put it over me!
The action really starts tomorrow,should have enough wind,the forecast is for rain for the next three days.Do not think I will get very wet though.
Photo is the flags on the jetty with the club in the background.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Sorrento Thursday Jan 8

Up reasonably early as Racing is at 10am.
Rob and Mark got away in the car and I took the boat along and anchored off the club.
As it turned out there was no need to hurry.No wind again.
Eventually a bit of wind arrived and the PRO sent them out.

Dave organized a few people to go out and watch so I took the boat into the jetty so they could get on board.
We messed about out there for a while but the wind died again so we all went back in again .
This happened again in the afternoon so no racing again today.
They say they will use the worlds to calculate the Auatralian Champion now.
There is an invitation race tomorrow,167 all on the one starting line!
Could be something to see.

For interested people there is heaps of photos on the Moth Worlds Facebook page.

Today's photo.Sunset from the marina,we had dinner on board tonight.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Sorrento Jan 7

The day dawned dull with fog on the bay,strange to us to hear the ships with fog horns sounding.
We had a light breakfast,Rob and Mark went ashore to drive along to the club.
The planned 11 am start had been changed to 12 the night before.
I pottered about the boat and marina till about 11 before slipping lines and motoring along to the Couta Boat Club and anchoring off.
I put the dinghy in the water in anticipation for later on.
There was no wind and as the day wore on there was hope at one stage about 4,30 when a thunder storm was reported further up the bay.

As it turned out nothing came of it.I did venture ashore about that time and as I tied the dinghy up one of the officials advised me to move it around to the opposite side as he was expecting a serious change in the weather.
I walked in and saw a few people I knew but was a bit worried so I went back to the boat and had a cuppa to await developments.Nothing happened so they called it off about 5 pm.

I have never seen and heard so many Jet Skis and motor boats.A never ending procession about thirty seconds apart.Most of them noisy and no regard of the rules.Nothing for a fifty foot speed boat to go past me anchored twenty five feet away at full speed.The noise is incredibly,my ears are still ringing!
If I never see another blue hulled white cabin boat again it will be too soon.At one stage a flotilla of sixteen jet skis came past at full tilt.

Rob called to say they would go along to the marina and catch me when I arrived.
We tied the boat up and drove along to Sorrento to have a nice Italian meal as the promised thunder storm finally arrived..Quite spectacular thunder and lightning very close to where we were.

Back to the boat about 9.

Ben sent me some photos he took as we crossed the St Helens Bar on the way up.
I heard the advice  message on the radio today about the yellow guide buoy.VHF reception from Tas Maritime Radio in Port Phillip.Not bad boys.
"The buoy is no longer considered an accurate guide to the channel of the StHelens bar way!"
We were told to aim for it on Sunday.
Either the channel has moved or the buoy has.We found it good.Well there was enough depth of water!
My opinion is may be the Buoy has moved .
The photos below show the seas we encountered.Not for the faint hearted.4 sets of waves.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Blairgowrie Tuesday Jan 6

Reasonably quiet day today.
The crew cleaned up the inside of the boat and I did the outside in the morning.
Dave the marina manager showed up .The boats on our allocated berth went and we moved over at about 11.30.

I shouted Graeme and Ben lunch at a place in Blairgowrie.
We had just walked across the road to the bus stop when it showed up.They jumped on and were gone.
I went down to the local shop and bought a few things with the intention of cooking my tea on board.
When I was walking back to the boat Will called and asked if I was going out to watch the Bang The Corners competition.
We can supply a crew if you like.Ok I said but you will have to come along here.
They arrived and we took the boat along to where the racing was to take place.

Bang The  Corners is a moth tradition where they set up a triangle course and let 20 boats enter in a two lap race around it.
The divide them into two flights of ten then race them around the buoys.
At the end of each race the last two drop off until there is only two left when they race off for the 1000 dollar donated prize.
This year Josh Mc Knight won with Nathan Outtridge second.Rob could be considered third.

We put some of the spectators ashore but Charlie and Dave Conner along with Jules Salter can back with me to berth the boat.

I was just starting tea when a fellow,Andrew, on a nearby yacht asked me over for a sundowner,a popular practice here I gather.
After a couple of Gins ,cheese,and a dip his wife produced some hot chicken legs and wings  left over fron a charter they had done today.
After the sun had set I went back to the boat and finished off with some fruit salad and icecream.
Very civilized .

I had cleaned up when Rob phoned to say could I let he and his personal trainer Mark in as the had come to stay with me .
So the day ended with me gaining some company.
The racing for the Australian Championship starts tomorrow.
Please ignore tho boasting but I forgot to get a photo today so I will send a shot of a large Stripie I caught at Pedra recently

Monday, 5 January 2015

Prime Seal to Sorrento Mon 5 Jan.

Up at 5 again ,could not have been a more contrasting weather forecast.
Light NE breeze, beautiful red sky over Emita.
We were in the shelter of Prime Seal and would not know the Sea conditions in Bass Strait until we rounded the Northern tip of the island.
Had a light breakfast and got under way at about 5.45.

Once under way we should have not worried,the contrast was remarkable.The Westerly sea had gone down a lot and the light NE wind was on our starboard quarter.We set the throttles up to 19 knots and we were away.
The first waypoint was the Curtis Island group,might as well go and have a look on the way.Calculated we should be there a bit before 10 am.
It is surprising how many Islands and rocks there are in Bass Strait.After a short while we could see some in the distance on our starboard side off the top of Flinders and a bit later Deal island group.

The further we travelled the better the sea conditions became,we reached the Curtis group on time and were really surprised to see how big the main island was.The sides were very steep with only sparse vegitation on the side we could see,one would not be able to get on it easily if doubt a few vessels would have run into it in the early days,might Google it sometime to see.

We pulled up for a few minutes and had a cuppa before rounding the Northern end and setting a course for Port Phillip still many hours away.

As we progressed the new AIS system occupied the crews attention.It tracks any boat fitted with a reciever and transmitter which works on a VHF radio signal .So any vessel in range or a shore station in range will come up on my plotter screen with its details like heading,speed and name.
We had to pass close to the dreaded traffic zone near Moncur island off The SE corner of Victoria.
There is an area where ships are only allowed to pass on the South side going East and the North side going West.A place to be avoided at all costs because of the constant parade of vessels and today was no exception.
You can't help but wonder at the skill of people like Bass and Flinders and what they would think if they were here today.They would not even imagined the electronic aids we have which makes navigation a snap if you pay attention to what is going on around you.Even travelling at 19 knots in the direction you want to go as often a dream to them,probably take them two weeks to sail what we were doing in 10 hours.
We saw the Bass Pyramid on our journey and imagined Bass saying look at that what a beauty.bugger it I will name it after myself or may be someone else did to honour him. 

The further we went the better the sea condition became,by about midday the wind died and swung to the South as promised by the Weather prediction.A touch of East in it was welcome also.
As we were now say 6 miles south of Moncur island we could see the ships plotted on the AIS plainly with our eyes and it kept us occupied.We had a few snoozes each person doing an unstructured watch ,just changing every now and then to ease the burden,A bit of reading also.

As the day wore on we got back in phone and internet range,well really to be correct there were only a few short times when we were out of range.

We got a few calls telling us we were polling on Marine Traffic and telling us where we were,we had a pretty good idea of our position!

As the afternoon wore on we opproached Port Phillip heads and that is when the AIS really came into its own.There were three ships coming out and the Spirit going in.The controller on channel 12 was slowing the Spirit down to allow a large cruise ship and an even large container ship to follow before she could enter the rip.There was also another ship timed to pass her along the straight stretch near Sorrento when she had turned the right hand corner inside the heads.
We could see them all on the screen.We slowed down and decided to follow the Spirit in .The controller advised the ships we were in the area but we had not contacted him but had AIS.
I called up the Spirit to advise him of our intentions and he replied take we are ramping up now.

The entrance is quite wide really but the east side is where the rip is and it was acting up a bit because of the now 16 to 18 knot Southerly.We went around that and it was interesting to see the ships avoided it as well.

As we turned the corner inside the heads the other freighter was coming out and the two Sorrento ferries were also standing by to let the ship pass.A lot going on with fishing people,jet boats and speed boats every where.We followed the Ferry up the channel to Sorrento as the Couta boat club running the Moth worlds is just along a bit from its berth.

We tied up along side the club jetty at 5 on the dot ,Dave Connor taking our lines.He was watching Charlie practicing out on the bay.

The crew tidied up a bit and we had a well earned Coffee.Went ashore for a while to check out the boys.I think they will curse the sand before the racing is over,the organizers have put down about a quarter of a mile of grass carpet but the sand is every where.Dave said the other two hot days there were five deep people on the beach as well.The water is quite shallow with deep areas for quite a long way out so it will be interesting seeing 150 moths coming and going.We saw one fellow coming in fast and when he woke up he was in shallow water and  still foiling he just did a back flip into the water at about 20 knots and let the boat tip over by its self.Could be a few damaged foils later on! He made a big splash,some one said he was a Yank.

Got the Marina key off Rob  and motored along to The Blairgowrie Club where we had booked a berth.
Had a plan with our berth marked on the tee end.You can have all that ,no one else has booked it.
Hmm as we approached we saw there were two boats tied up there and no one about, bugger this is going to be fun I thought 10 days of pot luck after costing an arm and one of Robs kidneys.
Put in a call to the emergency number and got a message bank.
We anchored out for a while and saw a much more difficult one to get into and decided to go there.
Good now it is Southerly weather but will no doubt sort something out tomorrow.

A bit later a man and his wife and dog urged up into the berth beside us and told us the fellow who runs it is a good bloke and he will sort it out.
He has a nice Palm Beach day boat and also a Couta sailing boat.He won a big race put on today at the Couta boat club as a corporate day for KPMG .It does not get much bigger!
All the big firms are represented ,BHP,AMPand Quantas etc.He was chuffed as he had won for the second year running and had just beaten John Bertrand who was interviewed on the tv and was very gracious in defeat.

Rumour was there were 500 people and it cost 300 thousand to put on.They give them yellow shirts and to control it you cannot get a drink after 6 if you have one on!
Judging by the bravado Nigel put his boat into the Marina it is just as well they cut the grog off.It will be interesting to see what he is like in the morning.

Well the crew is up so I better finish,they are booked on Jetstar tonight.Another adventure getting to the airport by all accounts Bus ,train and another Bus.Ben lived here so he knows his way about.

Curtis Island ,Bass Strait.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Shouten to Prime Seal Sunday Jan 5

Up at 5 as got a lot on today.
Got kicked out of Crockets at 1am when the wind changed from SE to NW and came in quite hard.
The forecast had two bob each way and said either NW or SW .
Some fishermen were on each side of the passage so that did not help.
We up anchored and motored across to Briants Corner and re anchored.Not much sleep had after that as it was quite windy for a while.
One of the fishing boats helped out by putting his lights on lighting up the anchorage like Elizabeth Street.
Got under way at 5.30 after a light breakfast to pull the pot.Bingo five Crays two size was happy with that.

Steamed out into the passage and a 1.5 meter NE sea with a 15 knot SW wind.Not the best reception.

Bashed it for several hours until we got a phone call from St Helens Sea rescue."where are you"
Off StHelens Island will be 20 minutes.Say 9.15.
We were nearly up to the bar when they called again on the radio,50 meters from your vessel I replied.
Good oh I will hand you over to the boat now said the voice,Thanks.

The Barway did not look very inviting,four sets of waves all breaking.well no time to worry we were off.
If they could do it with their little boat we should be able as well.
I remembered Don Muirs advice years ago,don't worry what is on top it's the underneath which is important.I knew there was plenty of water there as it was high tide.

So in we went,we were a bit close to them so I slowed down .They were in a couple of troughs ahead and we were up on top of a wave looking down about 12 feet ,they looked a bit small there but had obviously done it many times.
Through without even wetting the deck.Might be  different story coming out!

Can I call up Clyde for your fuel? ok sounds good ,thanks.

Tied up at the temporary fuel berth near the new MAST jetty.A couple of locals turned up to have a look like they do in places like this.
Clyde arrived and we refueled with no fuss.Just like a F1 pitstop.Out came the card and a reasonable price too,no gouging up here.

Made a donation the the Rescues Fund and recieved the advice,you better get going the tide is running out and the Bar will be acting up a bit.Keep to the course we used coming in and keep away from the wreck buoy.i

Thanks so we made our way at a more leisurely pace down the bay than we came in.I checked the steering pump was good so no worry there.

Before long we were at the entrance and on course so we just kept going at about 8 knots.
There were still four waves breaking but it looked ok.
The first wave made a bit of spray and the next two were good,however the last one was breaking and went nearly over her ,water was running off the fly bridge.I was glad I was steering from inside!
We were through and heading for our appointment with a couple of crays for lunch.

It could not have gone better,we anchored under Eddystone light with a few fishing boats at 12 noon.
They were anchored in a large slop created  by the NE left over sea.But that is what they do up here.
Had an hour off then got under way to tackle Banks Strait renown for its rough wind over tide seas.
The forecast told of Westerly wind up to 20 knots and they were right on.Fortunately the tide was running in the right direction.
As we approached Swan island the wind swung from the SE to West and so the sea changed as well.
We persevered for a while but as Deal Island was many hours away we decided to run away with it a bit and have a spell behind Preservation island for a while.
Perfect there ,white sand,calm blue water and red lichen covered rocks.Arrived at 3.30.

Had a snooze for an hour there waiting for the wind to die down a bit.
Got under way about 5.30 and headed for Deal again  the wind had eased but the swell had not much.
Decided to pull in under Prime Seal Island for the night at about 7 pm.
A long difficult day but we were within striking distance of Port Phillip on Monday.

Had dinner and as we turned the wind changed to NE as expected,hope it stays light!

Lunch under the Eddystone light.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Saturday Jan 3. Hobart to Shouten Island.

Met at the Club about 10,as arranged.
Ben  and Graeme wizzed up to the Super to shop.I loaded the Pot and fishing gear on and topped up the water tanks.
All done by 12.we decided to wander into the club for a coffee as a very energetic sea breeze had sprung up.We thought we might give it half an hour to ease up a bit.Ben had to drive the dinghy out to hook up to the Davits.

As it turned out we were half right.Still a bit of a breeze but considerably less than before.
Departed at 12.30 for the Dunalley Canal.
Two and a half hours later we were through the bridge and into Blackman Bay
A really low tide ,I estimated the current at at least eight knots through the gap,I had to give her a bit more as we were hardly moving through the bridge,the strongest flow I have encountered there!
I would not have attempted the other way!

Had a 25 knott SE sea breeze behind us fron the canal up to Shouten Passage..A bit jumpy.
The crew caught a few nice flats in the passage .i cleaned them and baited the pot.Put it down in one of my favourite spots.About ten other fisherman's there also though.I did find a nice bit of bottom though.We will see in the morning.
Called the Coast Guard at St Helens and arranged to meet at 9am out side the Bar."you were up here with that Racing car bloke last year weren't you."yes I said you mean Garth,yes that's right.
See you there then,I will let Clyde know you need some fuel.

Well had a nice tea cooked by Ben and changed the belt on my Steering pump as I managed to put the belt on the pulley next to the right one the other day when doing some maintenance,could not figure out why it was shredding its self!
Must be getting old.Dont say anything!
Should be good now.
Better finish up alarm set for Five in the morning.

Anchored under Bear Hill. You can see him on the left side well up.