Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Tuesday .Back to Roydon .

The night passed without incident,the sea gradually abated.We wanted to get away early and delayed breakfast until we had travelled South.
We left the pots on deck last night as the weather was not settled and wanted the option of leaving if required.We had baited them and they were getting a bit smelly.

We up anchored about seven and ventured out around Blyth Point into a rather large left over sea.Slowly we cleared the point and worked out about a mile offshore until I could tack and clear Cape Frankland about 12 miles away.
Catamarans are remarkably stable once the sea is side on so we were soon doing 18 knots heading South.
Once we cleared the Cape the sea had abated quite a bit and our course was more favourable ,quite comfortable really.
We put the pots in for a day shot mainly to get rid of the smell.

I am not sure what the fishermen were up to though,they had their pots in the day we arrived at House Bay over night .They pulled them at daylight the next morning and were back at the anchorage at 8 am  with none on deck,maybe they just chucked them back in.
Then they took off for Blyth Bay for 24 hours before returning the next morning to pull them again.
Surely they could not pull 40 or more,maybe 50 pots and re bait and reset them in three hours!
Perhaps they thought the Westerly blow was going to be worse than it was,granted it was a very nasty sea with only 25 knots of wind in the passage.

We anchored under Roydon Island in a flat calm and the weather on the improve for breakfast at about 8.15.
Washed up and decided to do some serious fishing,Ralph and Bruce put the net in and when they returned we up anchored and went off in search of some elusive fish.We motored around to Middle Pascoe Island for a few downers.Tried our hearts out all morning and caught nothing,not anything,Trap had a couple of bites but not a sausage.
Returned to the anchorage about 1.30 and pulled the net,only one small winter bream.
Reset the net in a different place.Later on Jock and I went over to Roydon to see if we could find some Abs but also drew a blank.
Better go and pull the pots and rebait ,running short of that though so spent an hour on the out side fishing and caught nothing.
Pulled the pots with no crays and did the best with what we had rebaiting.
Motored back to the beach to anchor for the night,forecast light SE wind ,will not be offshore but should be ok.

Trap and Ralph went to pull the net in the dinghy,they were away for a while so we thought maybe they have some fish.They arrived back to inform us they had plenty but unfortunately all inedible gropers and kelpies.We let Ralph out on a long painter behind the boat to get them out.For more than an hour he toiled away to clean the net,we have plenty of bait now!

Bruce had a lasagna on for dinner ,Ralph finished on dark,I suggested he leave it and we go ashore in the morning and fix it but he pretended not to hear me,just kept going,that is Ralph.

Watched the second bits and pieces disc from Garry .Quite interesting to meet the people who produced the film and how they did it.Always have thought the Farmers could have done the same on our trip,.There must be hours of film which does not get used and some of the things which happen are interesting but never see the light of day.Like Nick trying to get an abalone!
Interesting to see the interview with Joe Shemish who also filmed the helicopter shots for the GFA series.
Don't forget it starts on SBS Thursday night at 7.30.1 hour.

Anchorage looking South,rather low land.Nice beach though must be nearly a mile long.
Hundreds of beaches up here with no one on them.

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