Saturday 21 February 2015

Tamar Yacht Club.New crew.

Ralph was up early probably happy to be pulling Masterpiece to bits.
Decided to have breakfast first,been caught before on days like this getting none once things get rolling.

Pulled his bunk apart as I thought the offending hydraulic valve was behind it.Replaced one valve and tried the flybridge steering,no good so replaced the diverting valve cartridge,still did not work.Found one solenoid was quite hot so replaced that.Still no good.Bugger,when all else fails get out the instructions.Well in this case the design drawings.
The valve is the anchor up and down they told me.I had a think about it and opened up the forward hatch where the switch which diverts the oil to the port or starboard anchor winch must have been bumped by the boat hook when we were in Port Davies.
This seldom used winch has a pawl to stop the anchor going down when travelling.
I returned to the main station and found I must have knocked the down switch with my binos during the trip across.
Problem solved ,nothing wrong with the system only operator error,ie ME.

Departed York Cove for the club,Ron's eagle eye saw us approaching,I saved you a berth he called,over there,thanks I said.Nothing seems to rattle him got it all worked out,we always seem to be on the same page.You are last in he said.

The old crew set about abandoning ship,Bruce had the boat squeaky clean and they were packed up so it did not take long .Ralph was driving my ute home so I got a lift up to the Laundry to wash the linen and do my clothes,put the water on before leaving.
Got a couple of machines going and went back to the boat just as the water tanks were full .
Gave the machines half an hour and walked up to put the driers on.Back to the pub for lunch.
Collected the washing and had just got on board when the new crew arrived,Biggsy,Mick Hocking and John Choroszy.
After a couple of loads out to the boat Bigs suggested we drop the dinghy down and get the rest by sea,turned out to be a lot easier,he even had his life jacket on!

We had a celebratory drink as it was really quite hot now with no wind.Wandered round the marina to see who else was about.There are some really nice boats on this trip,I counted ten larger than Masterpiece,maybe I won't get teased about how much fuel we use now.

Had a natter to the crew of Fargo about various things,they were quite interested in my involvement with the GFA trip.

Went up to the clubhouse as the dinner was about to start,met many old friends an some new who were first timers.Seemed a good mob raring to go.
The dinner was a good job as always.
Returned to the boat for a coffee with brown sugar,a yachtie tradition.
Called up Lesley to see how the BBQ she had today went,a beautiful day here,one person even had a swim in the river.

Turned in about 10.30.

The faceless men.Top crew though.

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