Tuesday 24 February 2015

Lazy day on the north coast.

Some of the crew were up early.I wandered up about 7.30 to find Cheroz and Biggs locked in a fishing comp.Cheroz was smarting from a fish less day yesterday.
No problem today ,two nice big flats on the deck straight away.
They persevered a little longer but with no luck.

We had breakfast before pulling the pots,thought we would give the fisherman a bit of time to get his pot next to ours.It was a beautiful morning and we had picked a good spot to lay for the night.Nice and quiet,not always the case up here.

Steamed along and pulled the pots with no result.Had a troll around for an hour with no result also.
Boys moaning about a fish less zone.We also had a drift on the way in ..

Anchored in Mermaid Bay.It is a very pleasant bay with three beaches divided by rounded rocks.
Biggs and Mike put the net in with the dinghy and returned for Cheroz to go and have a look for some Abs .They returned after a while empty handed.

We whiled the day away ,they pulled the net during the afternoon with three un identified fish caught.
They had large black stripes on their bodies.Out came all the fish books on the boat.We settled for Magpie  Perch.But still not really convinced.

We had an invitation for a BBQ ashore at  1pm in Coulomb Bay but as we had the net in and I felt we were in a better anchorage declined the offer.

We baited the pots and went looking for some bottom further out,we put one in off Shark Bay and the other well out where the phone works.We also were looking for some phone reception ,we had some but not enough for voice or internet connection.I have a little modem with an external aeriel which usually can work up here if you find the right spot.
We needed to get the weather.The forecast is very complicated wind and sea all over the place,Molly has a bee in his bonnet about there only being a window tomorrow for at least a week to get to Strahan.We really do not want to go yet as we only got here yesterday.
The fleet is strung out from Port Sorell to  Cuvier Bay on Hunter Island,they no doubt have the same opinion as Molly and want to get going tomorrow.
We have a big advantage in our speed and are more flexible.
We intend to get a long range forecast in the morning and make a rough plan.I think about six are joining the bike race.

We went round to Coulomb late afternoon as the wind was predicted to come NE overnight.
It nearly always a rolly place and so it was this time but not too bad .A heap of boats.
We had a nice lamb curry for tea brought by Mick.
Cheroz was keen for us to watch a video called The Castle which raised a few chuckles.
We turned in about 9.30 after another good day,not many fish but we will get some I am sure.

Doctor Cheroz administered some Gout pills to the skipper as his left big toe was giving him trouble and as usual had left his pills at home! Even got a prescription and bought some,paying now for forgetfulness.

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