Friday, 27 February 2015

Thursday,Up early.

Up at first light the promised light north wind arrived about 2 am.A quiet night , woken by a noise I thought on deck about four.Another mutton bird I assumed,went back to sleep.Found out in the morning Cheroz found it halfway down the stairs on his side.

Got underway to look for the pots,we had worked out high tide should be at seven am but wanted to be there an hour before if we were wrong.Arrived at the first one and pottered about the spot in poor light, no good. Went out about a mile away to look for the other one also not sighted.
Trolled back in to shore to the first one feeling a bit down.Still no sign.
Decided to try and find a spot to anchor and wait for low tide.
The sea had gone down considerably and the north wind had changed to a light west as forecast.
We went back to Rape Bay where we lay the other night but it was still a bit rolly so decided to have a look at Shark Bay. There seemed to be a small nook which would shut out the NE sea still going down.

And so there was,we crept in and anchored,only just big enough for one boat.
We had a ceremonial cutting of Cheroz's first loaf and breakfast of cereal ,toast with his homemade apricot jam.As with new bread cleaned up half the loaf.

Bigs was tidying up the cockpit and disconsolately threw some cleaned flathead remains overboard,won't need these he said.
We had spied a sea eagle about a quarter of a mile away up on the bank ,been there a couple of hours .He heard a squark and looked out over the stern,an albatross was getting a head down when the eagle showed up and took it off him.
Their eyes must be remarkable,he had been eyeing us off all the time and managed to swoop when we were not looking.Remarkable.

I seemed to remember there was a current flowing from the west in Bass Strait all the time,that is how Mathew Flinders found it .I had spoken to a fisherman at Flinders who said the flood is stronger than the ebb up there.Putting two and two together we worked out we had to be out there at about eleven thirty ,Biggs suggested we get there at eleven.We left the anchorage at a bit before and motored to the inshore one,the crew on the flybridge to get a better view .I heard a stomp on the roof,there it is they called,we went out and picked up the other one also,smiles all round but no crays.

Trolled up to Telegraph Bay and anchored in the south end.The crew put the net in .there were five or six boats in the top end .
Tried fishing off the boat with no luck.Pulled the net with a heap of Trevally in the last six feet.We cleaned them and up anchored to put the pots in near to where I have been successful before.Plenty of bait now.

Re anchored in the south end of the bay,Sancerre,Liberty and Pretty Woman now also there.After a while Huntress III showed up from Stanley.

Had fish for dinner,very acceptable but a different type trom the ones we are used to,very soft.Make good bait though.

Turned in after a rum .

The ceremonial cutting.

Masterpiece in Telegraph Bay ,a favourite spot.

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