Friday, 27 February 2015

Friday Crays and beach party.

After a quiet night we motored out to the pots.The current was pulling the buoys under.We had a conflab as how we would get them back.
The first one was really difficult I think we were fairly close to the rock which seemed to make the current run harder,we had both engines astern just to hold position.Biggs is a good shot with the grapple then we had to get the line around the hauler,willing hands soon had it on.
Up she came,Biggs reached past me,one trying to get out !
We pulled the other one which was empty.
Four in our pot,measured and all size.About time,we had set them about six times all blanks.

Steamed back to the anchorage plenty to do now,Cheroz made some breakfast and then another bread mix.Biggs got the cray boiler on,salt water with sugar and a dash of vinegar,never heard of that before but thought it would not hurt the result.As usual every body had an opinion of how long to cook them.You are doing it Biggs your call.5 to 6 minutes was decided on.

A bit after 12 we got under way round to Coulomb Bay to the BBQ which was turned into a beach party because all the BBQ cookers had bolted for Strahan.

We motored slowly around the south of the island from Telegraph,as close to shore as was safe,Mick got a bit edgy when I failed to keep far away from a submerged rock for his liking.Quite a few inviting spots there but rarely visited we thought.

We arrived at the party site and anchored.The crew had cray and new bread for lunch,the skipper just bread as his big toe was on the mend but not willing to have a reversal of fortune,the pain still fresh in his memory.Beer will not hurt you they said laughing.

Waited for a while and an ultralight was buzzing the fleet of about ten boats,the rest bolted .
It turned out Nigel had gone up to the house to pay our respects when the pilot said anyone want to go for a fly.He took him up and went around the island .

The rest of the fleet looked leaderless as nothing was happening ,we called up Duncan on Lemaris and suggested a spot in from us sheltered by large rocks.Good idea ,so we went in and landed,plenty of beach as it was low tide coming in.Biggs went looking for Abs and came back with a couple which Eva from Lemaris conned off him.
We were amazed not even one March fly.

Had a quite enjoyable afternoon with some old friends and met the new circumnavigators.Many stories told and listened to,crew ran out of grog so a trip back to the boat was required .
Biggs delivered the Lemaris girls back to their boat as it was anchored well out in the bay.I forgot to tell him about pulling the wheels up,he took off with two rooster tails filling the dinghy up.He soon woke up to the problem and pulled them up.

Went back to the boat for dinner,Moved around to Spiers Nook for the night to get out of the roll and await the Northerly change.

Turned in after a busy day.

Nice haul.

Crew pulling the net.

Thursday,Up early.

Up at first light the promised light north wind arrived about 2 am.A quiet night , woken by a noise I thought on deck about four.Another mutton bird I assumed,went back to sleep.Found out in the morning Cheroz found it halfway down the stairs on his side.

Got underway to look for the pots,we had worked out high tide should be at seven am but wanted to be there an hour before if we were wrong.Arrived at the first one and pottered about the spot in poor light, no good. Went out about a mile away to look for the other one also not sighted.
Trolled back in to shore to the first one feeling a bit down.Still no sign.
Decided to try and find a spot to anchor and wait for low tide.
The sea had gone down considerably and the north wind had changed to a light west as forecast.
We went back to Rape Bay where we lay the other night but it was still a bit rolly so decided to have a look at Shark Bay. There seemed to be a small nook which would shut out the NE sea still going down.

And so there was,we crept in and anchored,only just big enough for one boat.
We had a ceremonial cutting of Cheroz's first loaf and breakfast of cereal ,toast with his homemade apricot jam.As with new bread cleaned up half the loaf.

Bigs was tidying up the cockpit and disconsolately threw some cleaned flathead remains overboard,won't need these he said.
We had spied a sea eagle about a quarter of a mile away up on the bank ,been there a couple of hours .He heard a squark and looked out over the stern,an albatross was getting a head down when the eagle showed up and took it off him.
Their eyes must be remarkable,he had been eyeing us off all the time and managed to swoop when we were not looking.Remarkable.

I seemed to remember there was a current flowing from the west in Bass Strait all the time,that is how Mathew Flinders found it .I had spoken to a fisherman at Flinders who said the flood is stronger than the ebb up there.Putting two and two together we worked out we had to be out there at about eleven thirty ,Biggs suggested we get there at eleven.We left the anchorage at a bit before and motored to the inshore one,the crew on the flybridge to get a better view .I heard a stomp on the roof,there it is they called,we went out and picked up the other one also,smiles all round but no crays.

Trolled up to Telegraph Bay and anchored in the south end.The crew put the net in .there were five or six boats in the top end .
Tried fishing off the boat with no luck.Pulled the net with a heap of Trevally in the last six feet.We cleaned them and up anchored to put the pots in near to where I have been successful before.Plenty of bait now.

Re anchored in the south end of the bay,Sancerre,Liberty and Pretty Woman now also there.After a while Huntress III showed up from Stanley.

Had fish for dinner,very acceptable but a different type trom the ones we are used to,very soft.Make good bait though.

Turned in after a rum .

The ceremonial cutting.

Masterpiece in Telegraph Bay ,a favourite spot.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Wednesday NW change

The change came through overnight.By daylight quite a few boats had left.Some to Strahan and some around to Chimney Pot bay.Only two cats left,we can suffer the roll better than monohulls .
We up anchored and moved down to the northern end of Coulomb Bay to see the condition there.It seemed good so we went out to pull the pots,I must have been dreaming when we put them in ,we had to punch into quite a large sea to get to them and when we finally arrived there was nothing to be seen.Maybe the current had dragged the buoys down and we did not have the state of the tide right.

Hung around for a while but the sea was getting up so we gave it away and went around to the anchorage.Trolled on the way in and caught another Albatross,bugger,got him up to the boat and on board,the crew still afraid of them.He had got the line around one wing so we untangled it and he flew away,hopefully wiser now.

Quite pleasant there,a bit of wind though.There was a yacht pulled into have a spell we thought,he left shortly after heading for the top end of Hunter Island and then Strahan.

The crew put the net in as Montagu arrived for the day.We had them over for a while and got a report of their adventures to date.

Pulled the net later with a trumpeter and some more Magpies.
The wind was not conducive to drift fishing so we had a bit of a go on the anchor with no luck.
Got my little modem going and downloaded the weather.Quite complicated so Mick wrote it down in columns so we could see each day.NE,W,SW ,then S all in one day.

Cheroz wanted to make his first loaf of sourdough bread so that took up a while,I think we got too much water in it too early,was really sticky.Worked out well though and rose up really well in the engine room.Degassed it and put it back for a while in its tin.
Baked it and he was happy,looks really good.Will refine the process next time.

Had a Greek Lamb roast for dinner,not impessed with Woolies carrots,turned to mush in their packet!

Watched The Two Men in a Punt video then turned in.
A  N change and then a west wind predicted in the morning then S later in the day worked out we should be out to the pots at about 6.30.

Who said Biggs could not cook ! Well he is good at stirring !

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Lazy day on the north coast.

Some of the crew were up early.I wandered up about 7.30 to find Cheroz and Biggs locked in a fishing comp.Cheroz was smarting from a fish less day yesterday.
No problem today ,two nice big flats on the deck straight away.
They persevered a little longer but with no luck.

We had breakfast before pulling the pots,thought we would give the fisherman a bit of time to get his pot next to ours.It was a beautiful morning and we had picked a good spot to lay for the night.Nice and quiet,not always the case up here.

Steamed along and pulled the pots with no result.Had a troll around for an hour with no result also.
Boys moaning about a fish less zone.We also had a drift on the way in ..

Anchored in Mermaid Bay.It is a very pleasant bay with three beaches divided by rounded rocks.
Biggs and Mike put the net in with the dinghy and returned for Cheroz to go and have a look for some Abs .They returned after a while empty handed.

We whiled the day away ,they pulled the net during the afternoon with three un identified fish caught.
They had large black stripes on their bodies.Out came all the fish books on the boat.We settled for Magpie  Perch.But still not really convinced.

We had an invitation for a BBQ ashore at  1pm in Coulomb Bay but as we had the net in and I felt we were in a better anchorage declined the offer.

We baited the pots and went looking for some bottom further out,we put one in off Shark Bay and the other well out where the phone works.We also were looking for some phone reception ,we had some but not enough for voice or internet connection.I have a little modem with an external aeriel which usually can work up here if you find the right spot.
We needed to get the weather.The forecast is very complicated wind and sea all over the place,Molly has a bee in his bonnet about there only being a window tomorrow for at least a week to get to Strahan.We really do not want to go yet as we only got here yesterday.
The fleet is strung out from Port Sorell to  Cuvier Bay on Hunter Island,they no doubt have the same opinion as Molly and want to get going tomorrow.
We have a big advantage in our speed and are more flexible.
We intend to get a long range forecast in the morning and make a rough plan.I think about six are joining the bike race.

We went round to Coulomb late afternoon as the wind was predicted to come NE overnight.
It nearly always a rolly place and so it was this time but not too bad .A heap of boats.
We had a nice lamb curry for tea brought by Mick.
Cheroz was keen for us to watch a video called The Castle which raised a few chuckles.
We turned in about 9.30 after another good day,not many fish but we will get some I am sure.

Doctor Cheroz administered some Gout pills to the skipper as his left big toe was giving him trouble and as usual had left his pills at home! Even got a prescription and bought some,paying now for forgetfulness.

Stanley to the Hunter Group.

The crew were up at 7.30 on the dot.We had worked out the SW change was forecast to come through during the morning and did not want to get caught if it came through really hard.The idea was to escape from Stanley before the mass invasion which usually happens two nights out of Beauty Point.
Nothing about not wanting to be there but you usually end up three deep and a few hassles getting away,good fun the first time but been there ,done that,we wanted a few fish.

Got a doing making some ground to windward to clear the Nut ,the left over sea was about 2 meters and short.Biggs got wounded when my new electric reel crashed down from the roof and landed on his hand which was on the back of the settee.
Nurse Cheroz put a few band aids on.He might have a bruise tomorrow but he is tough.

Cleared the Nut and tacked about to clear North Point,a couple of miles away and then an easy run to the islands .Saw a couple of boats working over to port ,one we talked to in Stanley only had a few kilos of crays to catch for his quota so had his gear down not six miles from the port.They have a different calendar up here.
We also saw a set of buoys down about a mile long ,probably a shark line.
Along with the cattle barge unloading from King Island the port was working well by the looks of it.

A little while later I could see heavy rain on the Radar over the Islands and as it was black over Smithton the change was on the way,a short while later the wind swung to the SE for a while and the SW.Visibility now only about a mile.We still had 22 to go so plenty of time for the front to go through.

Heard nattering on the radio from a few boats already over there,SW is not he best wind to be at the Hummocks especially with a left over North quadrant swell.
You can find a reasonably lay out of the waves but when the tide changes the whole scene often does too.A lot of rolling up here.
We heard Molly on Crispian was in Coulomb Bay and considered Spies Nook a bit rolly so we steamed past to find him and Bill on Maatsuyker rolling quite hard when anchored.
We elected to return to the Nook for breakfast,a little while later they left for Shepherds Bay where there was a mob already.Later on in the day we heard Bill comment on the radio it was a bit rolly there.
That is Three Hummock Island ! Lots of options but sometimes you just have to tough it out.

We had a fish while anchored and as it was not really successful decided to move on to the top of the Island ,it would be more sheltered but the swell unknown until you get there,Saw one boat coming back from there but thought he may have only been lonely after hearing a heap in Shepherds. 

Arrived and had a few drifts,the flathead few and far between,I put them on a bit of hard bottom and Biggs pulled up two parrot fish on one line straight away,Good we had enough bait for the pots now.
Decided to have a troll as not much happening on the drifting front.
Got the tuna gear out as it is not unheard of catching one up here,more likely to be Aus salmon though.And so it was a double strike as soon as we put the lines in ,two salmon,that's better,we trolled for an hour and no more.
We did catch a young Albatross ,not to happy about that,Got it up to the boat and through the gate onto the deck,I did not get much help as I think my brave crew  seemed frightened of it.Got a tarp over it which did no good as it's wings were half out, fortunately it only had the hook through its beak,came out easily and with little damage.
Held it around the neck for Cheroz to get a short video,obliged with a squark.I pushed him out the gate and he then flew away.

We baited the pots and joined a fishing boat which had been setting his for an hour or so.We tried to keep inshore of him ,out of the way.The current although here does not seem to pull the buoys down like Flinders but no doubt we will find out later.Not much use worrying about it ,got to get the timing right.
The fishing boat moved up to Three Gullies Bay and anchored with his flopper stoppers out.
We followed but was not really happy there Mick advised him we had put a pot nearly on top of one of his and apologized you can pull it if is in the way we said,don't worry she will be right he said.I was so engrossed looking for a bit of bottom I missed his buoy in the sun.Always a strong current also up here.have to keep a better look out.
We stayed there for Fish entree when I suggested we move before dark around to Rape Bay.We arrived just as the sun was setting for mains.
Then Biggs said look out there ,the fishing boat was coming round the point.First time we had seen a fishing boat following a scrubber into an anchorage.
Turned in a bit after 9.30 after a good day.

A photo of the colouring at Rape Bay.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Tamar to Stanley

A The new crew up early for a shower ashore,The TYC annex at Beauty Point fits the bill perfectly.The members built a beautiful club house here a few years ago now.
The toilets and showers are very welcome for the circum navigators.Clean ans spacious.

Cheroz got on the pots and pans for some very good mushrooms on toast.He and I helped Lester move his boat out of a difficult berth to an easier on on the end .Would make his departure easier in the afternoon.
Ron was updating his mooring plan as many boats had left.He was on the job at six thirty but one left at three he told me.A great number off today.I thanked him for  looking after us and gave him my key back.No doubt I will get my bill soon.

We departed at 9.30,fueled up and left the Tamar on an incoming tide.The reason a lot of boats left early as it was starting to run hard.Gave the PDYC a donation for their junior sailing .The Rear Commodore was down in a flash to thank me.You were here with the SBS show weren't you he said,that's right I said.I watched the first episode he countered.I told him Ron did also but was disappointed he was not in the back ground.Ron I said we are not up to the Tamar yet,just keep watching!

We motored along to Port Sorell for lunch.Negotiated the channel in without trouble.Would have been unlucky to have had a misshap as there were three navigators and I had a track on my little plotter from when I was here last year with Ben.
It is a beautiful area and with the exquisite Miss Eve from the wooden boat festival back home anchored  ahead of us with quite a few people swimming off her offered some entertainment.

We had alight lunch and as we left one of the sailing cats turned up ,can we anchor here he called,anywhere you like we advised him,I think Jerries notes talk about a power boat lane here but there were no skiers today.

We SE a course for Stanley the crew taking over the driving ,we arrived at about 5.30 I think passing a few boats on the way,some electing to go right through to the Hunter group as the weather changes tomorrow morning.

Stanley Harbour.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Tamar Yacht Club.New crew.

Ralph was up early probably happy to be pulling Masterpiece to bits.
Decided to have breakfast first,been caught before on days like this getting none once things get rolling.

Pulled his bunk apart as I thought the offending hydraulic valve was behind it.Replaced one valve and tried the flybridge steering,no good so replaced the diverting valve cartridge,still did not work.Found one solenoid was quite hot so replaced that.Still no good.Bugger,when all else fails get out the instructions.Well in this case the design drawings.
The valve is the anchor up and down they told me.I had a think about it and opened up the forward hatch where the switch which diverts the oil to the port or starboard anchor winch must have been bumped by the boat hook when we were in Port Davies.
This seldom used winch has a pawl to stop the anchor going down when travelling.
I returned to the main station and found I must have knocked the down switch with my binos during the trip across.
Problem solved ,nothing wrong with the system only operator error,ie ME.

Departed York Cove for the club,Ron's eagle eye saw us approaching,I saved you a berth he called,over there,thanks I said.Nothing seems to rattle him got it all worked out,we always seem to be on the same page.You are last in he said.

The old crew set about abandoning ship,Bruce had the boat squeaky clean and they were packed up so it did not take long .Ralph was driving my ute home so I got a lift up to the Laundry to wash the linen and do my clothes,put the water on before leaving.
Got a couple of machines going and went back to the boat just as the water tanks were full .
Gave the machines half an hour and walked up to put the driers on.Back to the pub for lunch.
Collected the washing and had just got on board when the new crew arrived,Biggsy,Mick Hocking and John Choroszy.
After a couple of loads out to the boat Bigs suggested we drop the dinghy down and get the rest by sea,turned out to be a lot easier,he even had his life jacket on!

We had a celebratory drink as it was really quite hot now with no wind.Wandered round the marina to see who else was about.There are some really nice boats on this trip,I counted ten larger than Masterpiece,maybe I won't get teased about how much fuel we use now.

Had a natter to the crew of Fargo about various things,they were quite interested in my involvement with the GFA trip.

Went up to the clubhouse as the dinner was about to start,met many old friends an some new who were first timers.Seemed a good mob raring to go.
The dinner was a good job as always.
Returned to the boat for a coffee with brown sugar,a yachtie tradition.
Called up Lesley to see how the BBQ she had today went,a beautiful day here,one person even had a swim in the river.

Turned in about 10.30.

The faceless men.Top crew though.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Friday Travel to the Tamar.

We woke to a flat calm with thick fog,could just see the shore.Very quiet.
Bruce had been sleeping on the pilot berth in the cabin and as he had the door open was woken a few times during the night by mutton birds in the cockpit.They seemed to get in the recycle bin we use as a fish box.They then flap about because they cannot get out.He just tipped them over the side.

We had a light breakfast and tidied up,Trap and I took all the fishing lures off the rods and put them away,Ralph tidied up the dinghy.The anchor and rope still in the bottom after last night,heaps of fine sand but we managed not to get too much on board.Bruce in the galley.We seem to be perpetually washing up,crew good though someone usually jumps to the tea towel,nice to see the Mayor washing or drying.A bit quiet after he has gone ashore ,did not see his plane go over,have not heard maybe the fog has upset plans.

Left a bit after ten as the fog lifted a bit,could see the island on our port side.The other boat in the bay left an hour earlier heading north.
Once we cleared Prime Seal on the plotter and radar set a course for the channel between Badger and Goose Islands 15 miles away.The fog now thicker.As we approached I could see a target in the passage so slowed down just in case.,it was a large power cat with people fishing in the fog,probably just as surprised to see us as we of them.Kept going but did not see either island only a quarter of a mile away.
 The fog lifted about an hour later ,the visibility out to about a mile.The light west wind increasing to ten knots.As usual the BOM wind map forecast was right on it showed a football shaped patch of ten to fifteen knots in the middle of Bass Strait with lighter all round it.
I suppose I will get caught out one day as with our speed I tend to travel on the BOM wind advice timing my departure times to their predictions,so far so good.I noticed doing the farmers trip their long range forecasts have a worse bias built in and most times the weather improves as the days get closer.
Recently however the weather on this trip has varied considerably between morning and night predictions,must be more difficult to work out.

Noticed a text from Steve Spaulding regarding fuel supplies at Beauty Point,They seem to be running out and may not be able to give me the amount I need.Might have to wait till Monday when the tanker comes.We will worry about that later I text back.

Arrived off the Tamar at three the sky now clear and a beautiful day.The tide had just changed and was running out.It does not worry us but yachts have a bit of a battle pushing against the often four knot current.

I went up onto the flybridge to berth beside the floating pontoon at Georgetown and turned the steering over.Bugger it is playing up again.I have had trouble before with a valve in the hydraulic system which works the flybridge steering and dinghy hoist.Good job I have a spare and Ralph to help me change it in the morning,could not have a better helper.
No matter put the rudders in the middle and used the engines to back in,a light wind pushing us alongside,
The usual fishermen and kids were on the pontoon pulling in mackeral one after the other,these two pontoons must be the most productive fishing spots on earth,every time I have been here people are catching fish.We go one hundred miles away and catch nothing,must be a message there!

Had lunch/afternoon tea, some a sandwich,some Ralph's fruit cake better finish it off new crew and new supplies arrive tomorrow.

Called up the Yacht Club and got Ron,have a berth saved for you next to where you were last time,thanks will be over in the morning not before ten he said ,we always seem to be on the same page,nothing seems to worry him got about fourty boats berthed in his marina and still the same old Ron.

Pottered about for a couple of hours ,I had a short nana as the trip over while being calm was a bit stressful because of the fog.

Wandered up to the Pier Hotel for a meal.The patrons were a mix of locals and tourists,this area is suffering a bit and it showed in the patrons.The meal however was  as normal, good food served cheerfully.

We met a fellow on the jetty who's opinion was as soon as the aluminium and temco go this place will be the retirement center of the north then it will jump! We were not so sure it would cause a lot of pain first.

Back to the boat before the sun went down for a photo to put in the blog,the tide right out now.The next wave of fishermen arriving .I put a circ sticker on the port side,the other one did not seem to have any sticky on it.Gave it to a bloke in an old yacht tied to the other side of the pontoon.

The crew arrived back and I put a country CD on for Ralph,he had given us a graphic account of his daughters Christmas present.A ticket to see Kenny Rodgers up here,waited three hours for him to come on and then only got half an hour of a mixed up performance,obviously well past his prime.Ralph not impressed.Beccy Cole alright though.
Turned in about ten.

Tide out in the Tamar.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Thursday.Day ashore.

Slipped the mooring and ran over to the Island to pull the pots.Had quite a struggle getting the first one,there was quite a strong current running on the end of the island.The second one in more sheltered water was a bit easier.Two blanks not even a hermit crab.Not much bait left,maybe the small fish the shearwaters are hunting cleaned it up.There has been lots of feed on the echo sounder all over the place while we have been up here but not many large fish as we have tried many ways to catch something but have only a few salmon and mackeral have been caught.
No Kingfish,large Couta ,Snapper or Squid.

Returned to the mooring for breakfast and for Jock to pack.
Angus and Robin had left a car for our use parked amongst the shoemakers at the end of the beach.
He had driven over to his farms to check up on his cattle,Robin into Whitemark to do some shopping.

We decided to go to Whitemarrk for lunch at the Pub,always a really good meal there of Scallops of soweting else if you prefer.Be there before one said Angus,the kitchen closes then.
We arrived at about twelve fifteen and went across the road to the supermarket next to the servo,there is a sign but when you go inside it is a revelation,a tropical old fashioned "got everything store set up in the modern manner".
I had a look for some Bushman for the March flies but could not find any.No matter I still have some but getting down,we will have to try the gell which is on board if the spray runs out.

Over to the pub with Trap wandering off to the doctor to see about his troublesome finger nail hanging by a thread.He damaged it years ago on Masterpiece one really  rough day .It has been a problem for him since ,it grows but then seems to die and then fall off.
It was the doctors day off so the fly in nurse pulled it off and dressed it for him in short order,I offered to with the multi grips but they were not shiny enough for him!

We had the good lunch and left to drive to the farms at Lecrana in the middle of the Island,it is surprisingly large and flat where the Soldier Settlement farms were cleared after the war.
Angus and his son have three between growing Beef for the Cape Grim brand.They have over a thousand head grazing in groups of about three hundred.

He is proud of his water system ,lots of troughs fed by large tanks placed  up on the hills fed by two different bores.There are miles of pipes he has put in to connect it all up.
The next challenge is to work out a monitoring system to remotely monitor it to save the half hour drive from Emita to check on it and the cattle.Roo used his plane in the old days,Harry said what about a drone Perk.I told him most of them do not have the range .I am sure he will work something out,he has an eccentric friend on the east of the island who has rigged up a phone mounted on top of his tank which he calls when he wants to check his levels.

We had a conducted tour around the farms and came to a fellow who lives in one of the old houses on his second property.He has a fetish for old machinery,ho picks up old cast offs to play with,an old fire engine with a large monitor hose mounted above the cab like the airport ones,the straight twelve Rolls Royce was nackered so he has put an old engine out of a dodge in it to get it going,be a bit down on power I recon..It also has another engine in the back for the pumps,heaps of connections and valves.

He also has an old loader with tracks someone gave him,goes ok he said.
I offered to take the broken cover off the hydraulic motor on one of the tracks from a small Kato excavator another person gave him,the cab has rusted completely off but the thing works quite well otherwise he said,a bit of a problem maneuvering on only one active track though.Dicky Calvert might know where there is one.
He has cleaned up around the house with it though,old pine trees etc.Got a big heap,will need the fire engine when he lights up that lot!
Might have to knock off for a while and put a coat of paint on the old weather boards before long.
Plenty of things to do to keep him busy,could even clean out the big shed full of old worn out machinery even an old station wagon.

Had a quick look at Tim's place on the way back.He works on a supply vessel on the NW shelf and has his time off on his farm,I noticed quite a lot of improvements since my last visit two years ago.Angus keeps a check on where he is on Marine Traffic,delivering equipment from Singapore at the moment.The cyclones in North Queensland should not worry them.

Back to the boat for a cuppa and to get the meat for a BBQ up at Harry's and to watch the first episode of GFA.
We were not disappointed ,Josh has done a good job with the editing,twelve months of work for him doing six episodes.I thought Gillies photography beautiful,some of the Port Arthur shots captured the place to a tee.Mathew told the story well.
Josh called me and said he likes the last two episodes on the west coast and the dinner at Goverment House the best.It will be interesting to hear other peoples opinions after a few episodes.We are a bit biased.
Spotted Masterpiece in the back ground a few times,it is a game to get most people involved a small cameo even when you spend the whole time keeping out of the way of the camera,I hope they get Rod on Garth's boat as he was having to go to his bunk or over to us every time they filmed Solquest outside or inside.He was especially concerned when the went alongside a jetty early on as they did not have much idea,he was sent below to only listen.Do not know why I am here he used to say.

Returned to the boat before ten,the path over the bank is steep with steps over roots and old concrete blocks dug into the bank here and there.Had a few torches,we got the dinghy position just right ,floating as we arrived,two meter tides up here so a lot of beach if you get it wrong.
Angus had forgotten the broken digger part so went back up to the house to get it while I took Trap and Bruce out to the boat,still blowing about fourteen knots so not easy to get on board but we managed.
I went back in to get Ralph ,waited a bit until I could see two lights on the beach as the waves were marginal and I did not want to get washed up,Ralph pushed off and jumped in,the out board is just right when tilted,a lot of froth and bubble but just drives out to deeper water.There has been no moon since we left so black as your hat,new moon soon so should be better.
Arrived back at the boat and had a tea ,heard a scraping noise on the flybridge,I had a bit of a look through the hatch but saw nothing,later Bruce went up and found a mutton bird up there,got the towel and sent him on his way,probably attracted by the anchor light.There was also a bird in the cockpit when Trap got on board.

Turned in about eleven,considering leaving for the Tamar in the morning.

Beautiful Port Davies,Robin and Angus's house far right up on the hill.Blue roof.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Where we are.

Camera is Traps fishing spot the Pascoe Islands are just above where the Wyuna was going in between in the dark.An extreme exercise in retrospect.We are at the arrow.


Wednesday.Prime Seal and Port Davies.

Lemaris under full sail.

We pulled the pots after a light breakfast.Good thing we had success early,we put them on reasonably good bottom but luck seems to have deserted us.Not even a Port Jackson shark.One was close to where we did well the other day.

Decided we would head over to Prime Seal Island towards where Ralph caught a Snapper a few years ago when we were up here.As we motored along we saw in area on the plotter which was shallower in the shape of a circle.Trap said let's stop over there for a downer .We pulled up and they put the lines over not far from the Wyuna Rocks.
Had two nice flats in no time,fished for quite a while and got a nice haul.Ralph seemed to attract small sharks which Jock cut up and fed the Albatroses which had come around.

While fishing the old Enterprise from Melbourne motor sailed past on her way home fron the recent festival in Hobart.

We knocked off for morning tea and I wondered how Wyuna got its name,no mention in my shipwreck books so I Googled it.There was a report on the grounding of the AMC's vessed of the same name when doing a navigation excersise one fateful night between the Pascoe islands.
The master was named Alan Wheatley,I wonder if he is the harbour master at Killiecrankie.All personel were absolved of blame as the rocks were uncharted then,the charts in the report made in 18 something were interesting it must have taken months to take all the soundings around the area.Probably rowed and sailed around to do it.No other way then.Missed a couple though.

They did quite a bit of damage,holed the double bottom and pumped fuel overboard to keep her afloat,they managed to get back to Beauty Point ,were ready to beach her in Marshall Bay at one stage.They did a good job by all accounts.A good experience for the cadets on board,well good and bad I suppose.

There are many uncharted rocks around Flinders still,keeps you on your toes and wary when you are poking about off the beaten tracks.

Eventually arrived at the Snapper spot and fished around for a couple of hours,we were in the right ares as we caught a few Seargeant Baker fish which frequent the same bottom but no snapper.

Saw the small plane with Robin And Angus back from their trip to the Middle East ,they also saw us fishing down below.

We decided to go over to Wybaleena Island to put the pots in for the night.While over there we saw a flock   of thousands of mutton birds feeding getting ready for their migration flight.It is interesting to see them up close they flap their wings twice then glide for about ten lengths very close to rhe water,I wonder if they do that all the way or just when feeding.
 Trap caught some Australian Salmon but Jock seemed to only catch birds,foul hooked.We got them on board and put a towel over them to calm them while un hooking ,no damage,they looked in fine shape.

While fishing Lemaris came onto the horizon sailing beautifully with an Easterly breeze.I had seen her on the AIS ealier sailing at 9.6 knots.I gave Duncan a call on the radio ,he was heading to Port Davies for the night.Will see you there.He and Eva have David Weir and Jo on board for the trip.Old friends obviously having a ball.

Arrived at the port and picked up Roos mooring for the night,will spend a couple of days here.Jock gets off tonight,has to fly to Adelaide tomorrow for a meeting then home Saturday.
Had a dinner of fresh flats and chips.Very acceptable.

Watched a beautiful sunset,we commented it must be tough for Angus living up here on the hill,he probably gets many of them.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Tuesday .Back to Roydon .

The night passed without incident,the sea gradually abated.We wanted to get away early and delayed breakfast until we had travelled South.
We left the pots on deck last night as the weather was not settled and wanted the option of leaving if required.We had baited them and they were getting a bit smelly.

We up anchored about seven and ventured out around Blyth Point into a rather large left over sea.Slowly we cleared the point and worked out about a mile offshore until I could tack and clear Cape Frankland about 12 miles away.
Catamarans are remarkably stable once the sea is side on so we were soon doing 18 knots heading South.
Once we cleared the Cape the sea had abated quite a bit and our course was more favourable ,quite comfortable really.
We put the pots in for a day shot mainly to get rid of the smell.

I am not sure what the fishermen were up to though,they had their pots in the day we arrived at House Bay over night .They pulled them at daylight the next morning and were back at the anchorage at 8 am  with none on deck,maybe they just chucked them back in.
Then they took off for Blyth Bay for 24 hours before returning the next morning to pull them again.
Surely they could not pull 40 or more,maybe 50 pots and re bait and reset them in three hours!
Perhaps they thought the Westerly blow was going to be worse than it was,granted it was a very nasty sea with only 25 knots of wind in the passage.

We anchored under Roydon Island in a flat calm and the weather on the improve for breakfast at about 8.15.
Washed up and decided to do some serious fishing,Ralph and Bruce put the net in and when they returned we up anchored and went off in search of some elusive fish.We motored around to Middle Pascoe Island for a few downers.Tried our hearts out all morning and caught nothing,not anything,Trap had a couple of bites but not a sausage.
Returned to the anchorage about 1.30 and pulled the net,only one small winter bream.
Reset the net in a different place.Later on Jock and I went over to Roydon to see if we could find some Abs but also drew a blank.
Better go and pull the pots and rebait ,running short of that though so spent an hour on the out side fishing and caught nothing.
Pulled the pots with no crays and did the best with what we had rebaiting.
Motored back to the beach to anchor for the night,forecast light SE wind ,will not be offshore but should be ok.

Trap and Ralph went to pull the net in the dinghy,they were away for a while so we thought maybe they have some fish.They arrived back to inform us they had plenty but unfortunately all inedible gropers and kelpies.We let Ralph out on a long painter behind the boat to get them out.For more than an hour he toiled away to clean the net,we have plenty of bait now!

Bruce had a lasagna on for dinner ,Ralph finished on dark,I suggested he leave it and we go ashore in the morning and fix it but he pretended not to hear me,just kept going,that is Ralph.

Watched the second bits and pieces disc from Garry .Quite interesting to meet the people who produced the film and how they did it.Always have thought the Farmers could have done the same on our trip,.There must be hours of film which does not get used and some of the things which happen are interesting but never see the light of day.Like Nick trying to get an abalone!
Interesting to see the interview with Joe Shemish who also filmed the helicopter shots for the GFA series.
Don't forget it starts on SBS Thursday night at 7.30.1 hour.

Anchorage looking South,rather low land.Nice beach though must be nearly a mile long.
Hundreds of beaches up here with no one on them.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Monday westerly blow.

Quiet night and up early to pull the pot,the fishermen were away before dawn.
We returned to the top corner of the bay for breakfast as the forecast westerly had come in light at first.
The fishermen returned at about 8 ,the old white double ender anchoring but the black steel boat named Sou-Wester went along side to have a fisherman's natter.They soon took off for Blyth bay and Palana.The wind now making.
We finished breakfast and decided to follow.It was still quite ok where we were but I did not doubt it would get a bit rolly later on.
We arced her up going past them as they were rolling heavily and we were up on top just steady ,quite a contrast.

By the time we arrived there was quite a sea running.We anchored under the houses and wondered what next?
At about eleven we thought of trying to get back down to Roydon ,had a go but the angles were no good and the tide was running against us as well so gave it away and returned to the bay and tried fishing for flats.Not even a bite after half an hour.
Returned to the anchorage and took a bit more trouble as it looked like we would be here for the duration of the West wind.The forecast said early Tuesday and as usual they were spot on.
Ralph and Bruce put the net in ,Jock had a fish off the boat,not even a kelpie.

The boat ramp here is about the end of the road on Flinders so there was a constant procession of cars and mini busses pulling up and photographing the bay .I think we will be all over the world in people's happy snaps.
 One mob worked along the rocks no doubt getting a few abs.

Had a nice lunch of cold meat and salad and bludged away the afternoon.Ralph pulled the net at about six, a silver Trevally .Cleaned it and put in the frige for breakfast tomorrow along with some flats already waiting.
Bruce put the Roast Pork on about five and had a pre dinner Gin.Well Trap and I did the rest had a beer.As usual a good meal ,crackling and apple sauce.

No tele,phone or internet here so we watched Gary Kerr's latest effort about the piners on the Gordon river .Bill Foster launched it at the Wooden Boat Festival last week.
As usual he has captured the atmosphere well with Ron Morrison starring along with one of the actors from Strahan.Very enlightening ,the film from Ron's helicopter is excellent as he discribes what you are looking at very well,I bet his grandfather would have been astounded,see those big ones with the dead branches on top?they are King Billy's ,never been cut,Masterpiece is King Billy,and excellent wood for a boat like mine.Better than that bloody carbon fibre

 How they ever found some of the stands I will never know,it would have taken them a week just to get the two miles to the rivers up over the hills.
I believe copies are available of all his productions at the Maritime Museum .I also heard the Museum benefits from the sales.A truly excellent way to preserve our history.I have the one on Flinders Island as well,some of the early film of getting the cattle off the outlying islands is truly remarkable,no Greenies or Animal Protectionists then!I think even Malcolm Bligh wonderers a bit about it now,no wonder his nick name is Roo!
Turned in about ten thirty,decided to stay here for the night,the wind had gone down but the slop is coming around the point,hope it will ease over time,the wind is forecast to come back from the north over night.

Local fishing off the beach at Leeka ,Roydon Island.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sunday weather comes right.

The wind died off again during the night.Probably the best night of the trip.
Up early to pull the pots Bruce promised Bacon and Eggs for breakfast.It was a beautiful morning just what this part of the world is famous for but as often happens "you should have been here yesterday ".
Well we were here then and it was the day.

Trolled out over where we caught a couple of small fish yesterday but no luck today.
Arrived at the pots,no wind and no tide.Pulled the first one and had two beauties ,5 lbs at least,on a roll here! Pulled the second one ,it was a blank.No matter we were happy.
 Motored over to the beach for breakfast and anchored just as a local came past in an alloy dinghy.He was one of those fishermen who stop and drop a line and wait for three minutes and then moves on if he does not catch anything,I wondered if he did any good or not ,he was like a bee in a bottle all over the bay.

There are three or four new dwellings here since we were up last.The frame of a massive timber gable house going up on a knoll at the northern end.Plenty of money here.It is a beautiful area and I can see why people would want to be here.Today is the first time I have ever seen any locals here though.The original monster on the point with its wind tower and solar pannels still has a light which comes on at dusk.Never seen the house lights on though.

Had a nice breakfast and decided to move on up to Killiecrankie Bay,had ideas of going ashore and cooking the crays.As soon as we cleared Cape Franklin you could see Deal Island fourty miles away,the Doc has a perfect day to go over,light NE wind and just a slight sea,good luck for them.

Did the latter but not the former,Ralph and Bruce put the net in as we needed some bait,fortunately the crays just fitted into my pot,I was thinking I might have to look around for a bigger boiler when we get home but had the big one cooked in two halves for lunch and it was quite ok so maybe I will forget about it.And for weed a bottle of Vino Dell'amicizia Pinot Grigio from Northern Italy,just right.

Anchored outside the moorings with a light north wind blowing.A beautiful day here also.I had a short Nanna and after we decided to move on,the forecast is for a bit of a westerly blow tomorrow and no where here to lay.
I wanted to go and have a look at the Outer Sister Island,never quite got there before.They say the cray fishermen fish a lot up there.As we passed through the channel between the Inner Sister we noticed a couple of boats in House Bay.
We cleared the channel and it was quite rough from the strong NE wind which has been blowing for at least a week up here.We pressed on but were beginning to think we would not be able to lay in Nut Bay for the night.
Arrived in the shelter of the land and had a look.I is a rocky bay with no beach ,not a very inviting looking place.The fishermen are right on being in House Bay as this spot will be un tenable in the morning and with a heap of pots to pull would not be much fun.

So outer sister viewed we steamed back to House Bay.On the way back we saw some birds working off the point so pulled up for a troll.The current runs very hard through here,there are swirls everywhere and in one area called The Stern Choppers at certain tide times,massive area of waves breaking,incredible viewing when it is going.Trap caught a nice Australian Salmon,but that was all.

The fishermen had pots set all along the shore so not much room for ours.Put one in.Anchored in the Bay away from them as he had a pump running in his tank.I don't know how they put up with an engine running 24/7 when they are away.

Ralph and I went over and had a natter to them later,you will need to go over to Blyth Bay when the westerly comes he said.I had thought of that but really wanted to have a look at the NE River but I don't think the NE swell wil go down enough.Nice to know Blyth Bay will be ok.
He is from St Helens and only has 125 kg to catch before going home,he is not very happy as NE is forecast again and knows he won't get over the bar way in those conditions.
The clouds have returned so it looks like we have had our clear day,it was very acceptable.A good anchorage tonight calm with no wind.

Photos Bruce with our catch,Killiercrankie on a beautiful day.

Saturday, 14 February 2015


The wind abated during the night for a few hours.
About three am it started raining and then the wind began again,Ralph saw a gust of 40 knots on the gauge.As a guess there would have been at least an inch of rain.As dawn broke we were anchored under Mt Strzelecki but you could not see the beach let alone the mountain.The wind was gusting and the rain pouring down.Angus,Jocks brother would be pleased but as he was in Dubai on holiday he would not find out for a while.I suggested he send him a text but was told he is so mean he would probably not answer it because it would cost him something.Ah this Scot's blood,he must spend sometimes as he has over 1000 cattle up here.Had to pull the bung out of the dinghy as it had four inches of water in the bottom.

Had a bit of a lay in as we were not going anywhere for a while.The forecast said the wind would abate and so it did but only slowly.We decided to go and get the pots after morning tea,needed something to do after sitting around for hours.
The wind still gusting every now and then but on the whole moderated quite a bit.
We motored out to them and just as we hooked up the first one it freshened up again,the tide was the opposite way to the wind so the line went under the boat and the pot was snagged on the bottom.
My pot hauler is hydraulic and not often it stalls but it was this morning.Once you are hooked up there is not much you can do but try to keep pulling and pray the line does not get fouled under the boat or break.So here we were a snagged pot and the wind blowing 25 knots and raining again.
Eventually the pot came loose and we pulled it up.I saw some colour as we lifted into the cockpit,wow a beauty!
Tidied up the lines and waited a bit before trying the other one .Bugger the same thing pot snagged but even worse the buoys were hooked under the rudder on the port side and now raining quite hard,I did not have a coat on so was getting soaked .We tried to unhook the grappling iron and let the buoys go again but they were firmly around the rudder so we hooked the trailing line and managed to get onto the pot hauler but this pot was snagged as well,yesterday was Friday the thirteenth not today!

Eventually Trap and I pulled on the rope as well to aid the pot hauler and got a bit of rope each time,the rain was pissing down and the wind blowing,I could not use the engine because of the snagged buoys.What a farmers act.Just keep pulling Trap,then he noticed just coming out of the water one strand of the three strand rope had parted,might loose my pot here I thought.Serves me right ,I found a cut off pot and line off Cape Queen Elizabeth probably ten years ago and it is well past it's prime by now.
Well eventually we got the pot back but empty now.We cut the line and We were headed back in to calmer water on the other engine when the buoys came loose so we picked them up.

We set a course for the outside of East Kangaroo Island as I decided against the inside route in the conditions we had ,rain and wind squalls with poor visibility, lots of nasty rocks in there but navigable if you are carefull.Steamed up to Settlement Point and anchored off for lunch.
We had a good look at the cray and took photos all round,the boys will be dining out on this one Simmo,probably a little bigger than yours at Three Hummock.
Do not know yet how we will cook it ,probably in two halves as we don't have Duncan's big boiler this time and he is still down in the Shouten Passage. 

Had a troll around inside Wybalenna Island as Trap said the elusive Kingfish hang out here.Might be a legend as we only caught a Snook.I think he is desperate to catch one to reclaim some ground on Jock in the fishing comp.Managed to keep well away from Nivana's rock.
 We arrived at Royden Island at afternoon tea time as the weather was trying to come right.There had been a light Westerly all the afternoon but still light rain showers every now and then.
We anchored under the island and after a while Doc Garnham showed up.They are heading for Deal Island I believe.

We baited the pots and went out through the passage to find some bottom,the same deal up here we have looked around inside the islands before and not found any potting bottom.You talk to locals and the say divers get big ones up there!We can't even find bottom.

We did find a couple of spots with some weed on so will see tomorrow.

Returned to the anchorage for dinner and watched the cricket,only just a match.Trap informs me there is 48 to go! madness.

Turned in early in a flat calm.About half an hour later a strong SE breeze sprang up.Out of bed again to give out more chain to be sure and put the snubber on.Bloody Wind.
Fortunately if only lasted a while and eased up considerably.Quite a quiet night after.
The forecast is for better condition tomorrow.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Friday the thirteenth.

Hoped the date was not a bad omen,must watch out today.
Up early to pull the pots before breakfast.Saw the little fishing boat in the bay up anchoring at the same time,maybe we have got it right.
Steamed out to the area where we had them marked on the plotter,no sign of the buoys and the tide still running quite hard.
Better go back in and have some breakfast then,the fisherman had quite a bit larger blowup buoys and pulled his.
A bit of a worry but be patient I thought.
Went into a part of the bay where he was anchored the day before and started breakfast,.After a while I looked out the window and saw a rock awash just near where we had been ten minutes earlier,must be more carefull ,this one not marked on the chart.

The tide tables said low water at Swan Island at 10.30 so after breakfast we trolled out past the pots to where some mutton birds were flying about ,some on the water but not feeding,no luck so decided to motor back in to check if the buoys were up yet.The wind still 18 knots ,it has only eased off a couple of brief times since we have been here.

There is one called Bruce,he has eyes like a hawk and picks up things before anyone else.We went over and pulled it ,two Port Jackson sharks.
The other one was just coming up now and then,we had a couple of goes but missed it so decided to give it a bit more time ,if we messed it up and got it around the prop things could get messy.
We pulled it a bit later and got two more sharks but also there was quite a large cray as well,thank goodness for that.I have tried to catch a cray up here for many years but never succeeded until now.
I have found it is a completely different ball game and despite many tips from a lot of people no luck.
Maybe the tide has turned!

We steamed up to Key Island Bay for lunch,we were going to try and catch a few flats off Preservation Island but it was still blowing 25 knots out of Armstrong Channel.
There was a fishing boat from Triabunna anchored there so I marked my chart where he had his gear ,they seem to only put a few pots in during the day up here,most of them on deck.

Jock had the line over as soon as we anchored and pulled up a flathead but the bottom was patches of weed so gave it away.
He seems to be winning the fishing competition as Trap has not caught any thing but a Snook which are really only cray bait.He claims credit for coaching Jock.

We had a lunch of salad rolls and decided to head on up to Trousers Point.
As we cleared Cape Barren Island I could see the waves coming out of Franklin Sound,it was blowing 30 knots NE .Better check things are put away .
We arrived at Trousers without incident and trolled up and down the Rocky shore where I had heard Kingfish are caught sometimes,not today though.
Went offshore a bit and drifted for flats to no avail.I was still looking for somewhere to put the pots,I had been all along the shore before in the dinghy and knew there was no bottom so I was peering into the plotter when I noticed an area about a mile off shore ,better go and have a look.I found some rock bottom over maybe half of which had weed so we baited up and put them in a couple of good spots.Time will tell but I am reasonably confident as the advice I have been getting is this is what they do up here.

As we were doing this three yachts approached from the north and anchored in the bay.Later on two more vessels arrived from the south ,one Minerva which Ralph had done some work on,he had his

Circumnavigation flag flying so I thought I better put mine up as well.

Jock put his line in again and caught a monster flat just as Fuggles called up to check up on Trapdaw.
He has a big lead in the competition now but Trap is still confident ,he does seem to change the rules when it suits him!
Bruce put a roast on and with Lesley's fresh parsnip,carrots,beans and silver beet it was a very good meal.
Turned in a bit after ten.
Photo the Mayoral Flathead.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

First day at Clarke Island.

Slept a bit fitfully as I often do first night at sea.
BOM weather forecast spot on,The easterly wind came in early morning about 25 knots but the waves it generated were not very large maybe because we were anchored in a channel and the depth to windward was breaking them up.
The crew slept in till 8am after the reasonably late night travelling.Had a light breakfast and a cup of tea.
The fishing boat,Even Stevens ,motored off down the Armstrong Channel at 9am,the wind there now 30 knots.I made a mental note as if we got some pots in tomorrow we needed to work out when to go and get them.The tide runs hard up here and often pulls your buoys down and you have to be there when the water is slack to retrieve them.
The first time I was up here I lost a pot to this as I was pretty green and thought I had lost mine.The second time I tried to work it out but got it wrong and had to wait around for four hours before it came up again.

We decided to troll down to the beautiful Spike Cove for the day as we were really on a lee shore now the wind had changed and Kangaroo really had nothing much to offer.
The Mayor and Trap put some lures on and so off we went.Caught a few snook,mackeral and a salmon as we slowly travelled along .Went into Maclains Bay to have a look at the establishment there for the indigenous people,talked to one fellow up here a few years ago about it.He told us it was built for them to practice their culture and give the Magistrate an option when some of the younger generation went astray to avoid putting them in jail which did no good at all.
I have never seen many people around ,just the caretakers but I suppose it serves a good purpose,it seems to have everything and is in a beautiful spot.

Arrived about eleven and anchored well up in the bay.Jock put a line in and pulled up a flathead almost immediately ,the no action for quite a while.Too windy drift so had morning tea and Ralph's brothers fruit cake,very good!
Pottered about untill 5 pm and baited the pots,never caught a cray up here but a local boat went out to Lookout Rock and just dumped his in around it.I watched him on the radar and was astounded,I have potted around there and never found good bottom or caught anything.
We motored over to the Eastern Point and as we were rounding it I found a good spot in 26 meters of water so put one in there .The wind was blowing Bout 25 knots so I hope we can get it in the morning.
We put the other one in around the corner in more sheltered water.

Returned to the anchorage to have a beer and cook dinner,watched the sun go down as we do not see it go into the sea on the East coast .
Had the news on the TV and then changed over to SBS and saw a few promos for the GFA program coming up next week.Dont expect to see Masterpiece as we were not the Hero boat.Had to disappear every time the cameras were on,might get a small cameo in Stanley.
Turned in about 10pm,wind seemed to be abating a bit.

Just after sunset over Lookout Rock.

Begining our VDL Circumnavigation.

As you may recall Masterpiece travelled to Sorrento for the Moth sailing World Championhips.
I then elected to berth the boat at the Tamar Yacht Clubs marina at Beauty Point for few weeks rather than steam back to Hobart to join the RYCT VDL Circumnavigation of Tasmania.

I drove up to the boat on Tuesday to prepare for the first crew arrival on Wednesday.A whole ute load of stuff to stow on board.
I installed the shower sump who's float switch gave up on the last trip and sorted out the many small jobs like clean sheets,pillow slips,Gas ,water etc.

Wednesday morning dawned nice and warm with no wind in the marina,scrounged some wheatbix with a new bottle of fruit and long life milk left on board.Did not need much as I had a nice meal of scallops at the pub with the crew of Black Magic who had had a touch up in Bass Strait the night before trying to deliver her back to Hobart after the Geelong Week races.
Forecast 15 knot East wind ,real life 35 on the nose,they had two goes at it but had to give it away.
Lent them my ute to go and get a hire car,closest depot Launceston airport!
They arrived back just as I was going to walk  to the cafe along the water front for a blueberry muffin and coffee.
Got some outboard fuel and gas from the servo when paying had trouble with his bank card machine,when I went to the grocer the lady said your card has been cancelled password entered three times wrong! Good start to the trip,plenty of banks at Beauty Point and Flinders Island ! Luckily my crew members should have enough.

The crew arrived about 3.30 with a full 4WD of stuff,It got stowed some where.
Crew ,Bruce Craw,Jock Campbell,Ralph Wells and Terry Daw.

Got that lot on board and roughly put away,called Claude at the Port Dalrymple Yacht Club next door for some fuel,come along we will fix you up.And so they did,had some troubles getting along side their floating berth,wind blowing off and I think an adverse current.
Put in 1500 liters while watching their members getting ready for a twilight race,some nice vessels here well kept and good designs,good to see one of the old Elliot's from the RYCT getting ready.

Needed to get away as soon as possible,forecast is for 15 to 18 westerly tonight with a SW change 20 to 25 and then East wind 25 to 30 tomorrow and East for the foreseable future days.If we do not get to the Ferneaux Group tonight we won't get there for awhile.

Got under way at 5.30 on an outgoing tide so powered up to 19 Knots and once in Bass Strait the current had us making 21 at times over the ground.
Past Tenth Island and then Ninth Island just before dark had a couple of beers to celebrate and then Bruce had a lasagna in the oven with a long loaf and some of Ralph's Anzacs.
Wind was a very consistent 17 to 18 NW with the forecast 1 meter W swell.

Decided to go to Kangaroo Bay on Clarke Island for the night.Arrived at 9.30 on plotter and radar.there was no moon and it was as black as! Found two boats there as we arrived ,crept up the channel and anchored half a mile off shore.Not my favorite spot but not many other options.Just as we arrived the SW change came through at 25 Knots.Put the anchor snubber on and with plenty of chain out in 5 meters of water were comfortable enough.
Bruce had me up at 2 am as the anchor alarm had gone off when the wind changed to easterly at 18 knots where it has stayed since,it is often a windy place up here.
Will have to find somewhere else to go later.Fortunately the west coast of ths Flinders Group has plenty of easterly anchorages.