Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Masterpiece voyages for 2015.

Happy new year to all.
Masterpiece is on the go again .She leaves her marina bound for the Moth sailing Worlds on Saturday,destination Sorrento Victoria via St Helens to top up with fuel for the Bass Strait crossing.
We plan to return to the Tamar Yacht Club Marina mid January for a few weeks.

Masterpiece will join the RYCT Tasmanian Circumnavigation after the Wooden Boat Festival returning to the Derwent mid March.

You are welcome to ride along if the skipper keeps the blog up to date.
Again Greetings for the ner year. 

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Day 34 Adventure Bay to Constitution Dock. 30 Apr 14.

Woken up by rain on the deck,could have been nearly hail by the sound of it.
Solquest left early for the trip home.
Ben put on the last waffles and bacon for Gilly but I noticed everyone has them with Maple Syrup and bacon now.

Ben pulled the pot in the dinghy with only a Port Jackson shark and a couple of Hermit crabs for his trouble.
Managed to get away right on time at 8am.
Called up Garth,we are north of Variety Bay ,on schedule we think.

We caught them just before Bull Bay and spent some time filming her sailing with a 10 knot SW breeze ,gusting now and then to keep the speed up.
Then we pulled off the most ambitious maneuver of the trip,we transferred Gary and Gilly while Solquest was sailing at about seven knots. I steamed alongside and Ben threw a bow rope to Nick while Josh secured the sterns,I managed to use the engines to keep Masterpiece in position while camera and sound hopped aboard with all their gear.I do not think Rod would have approved.

Next job was to go to the Margate Jetty to pick up Nick and Mathew's family's.
Got close when Josh informed me they were at the Drew Point Ramp.
Don't know if I can get in there but we will go and have a look.As we approached the tide was well in so we slowly crept in to find enough water with 400 to spare.Could do with a depth gauge on the end .
Loaded Nick and Mathew's wives and kids for the trip to the Dennes Point Jetty where Ross's wife was waiting with their three.Unloaded along with Josh to film the Solquest's arrival to pick up all families for the final leg to Hobart.Disappeared for a while they all boarded .

We went along ahead for Josh to have a wander about and to arrange the bridge to be lifted for the final berthing in the dock.
Solquest arrived right on time at 12.30 for the bridge and entered the dock.
A bit of filming of the mooring and some champagne toasts on the foredeck to the completion of the epic voyage.Mathew dropped by later on to give us a couple of slices of his birthday cake he is celebrating today.

The crew have gone off to meet the Governor at his house on the hill.A couple of dinners and a visit to the Olive May at Kermandie  and then the main part will be over,then Josh has the task of putting it all together along with assistance from Mathew.
We will all be waiting to see the final showing of the 6 episodes, a while yet but an excellent result I feel is assured.
My thanks to Ben for his contribution.
A good crew of professionals, easy to get on with and very skillful.A very enjoyable experience for us.
Masterpiece covered 1633 miles and used 6844 liters of fuel.An average of 4.19 liters per mile.

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Solquest arriving for the bridge .

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The final toast to the trip.

Just a reminder we have now a blog address
Thanks to Helen from Nahani.

Day 33 Cloudy Bay to Quiet Corner,Adventure Bay. 29 Apr 14.

Up reasonably early today,Ben required to pick Ross up from the beach at Cloudy by 7.45.
Solquest away by 8am.Film crew on board.
A 12 knot breeze a bit West of North making the run to the Friars a pleasant sail.
Ben and I washed up and set off after her.

We were about a mile behind when we reached East Cloudy Head, decided to slow down and put the Tuna lure in and try our luck.Trolled out around the Friar Rocks while Solquest sailed through the passage.Went close to the inside Friar to see how many seals were there.

Up past Boreel Head and the wind now on our nose making conditions rough we decided to work inshore in the hope of missing the worst of the waves.
Solquest was standing out off shore ,close hauled making good speed in the now 30 knot wind.
The only problem being she was not really heading in the desired direction.

After a while we decided to wind up the Tuna lure and head up at speed to the Bay of Islands to seek shelter and await Solquests arrival.It turned out to be a peaceful spot to spend an hour.
Ben put the net in but we were not successful .Had morning tea and soon the Farmers and crew arrived.
Two of the Bruni Island cruise boats buzzed us on their run South.

As there was only about six miles to go we gave Solquest a start and then followed them to Quiet Corner.

We retrieved our crew after anchoring.Ben ran Rod ashore to Toby for the journey to the ferry after a little lunch.
Next job was to film a scene on the beach discussing Captain Bligh's apple tree with the farmers.We motored out into the bay to get "out of shot".
I have learnt a few terms but have no intention taking up this trade.I must admit it is a bit like building a boat though,heaps of work for not much reward until you get it finished,people wonder what you are doing most of the time!

This scene ended with the threatening rain squall eventually arriving with a vengeance ,we called a few times to warn them as we could see it coming from out in the bay but the radio must have been off.
Turned out ok as Ben shot inshore with the dinghy while I anchored,still a bit of slop on from the North wind,this will gradually die down now the South West change has arrived.
The crew arrived back on board to prepare for the filming of the last supper on Solquest.Ben ran them over after they had dried out.
 Might be a bit late for dinner was the parting words.
We tuned the TV in and pottered about for a while,Ben pulled the net,got some bait for the pot an a couple of Silver Trumpeter  to take home.
He baited the pot and I cleaned the fish,now still a light drizzle but at least the wind had settled a bit out of the corner.

The crew arrived back ready for a rushed dinner at about 8 as Ben had cooked a roast and it was ready when they arrived.I got the heater going as the weather this last block has definitely taken a turn into winter.Finished up with Plum Pudding and Custard.

Into the bunk at 9.30 after a busy day.One more to go for Masterpiece tomorrow.Should arrive at Constitution  Dock after lunch.

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The Bay of Islands a pleasant spot to spend an hour or two,was not so nice offshore about 30 knot NNW wind and nasty slop.

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Solquest motoring around the point after a good sail in 30 knots.

Day 32 Cygnet to Cloudy Bay. 28 Apr 14

We arrived at Port Cygnet last night after Easter  ready for work, Monday start.The crew had a enjoyable evening discussing the events of the much needed break.
We called into Kettering on the way from town to refuel and drop Solquest's dinghy off.
Toby arrived in the van to pick up the crew to film at Mathew's farm and some other scenes.
Ben and I were left at masterpiece to our own devices.

Ben got his computer out and finished entering the blog emails into an address kindly set up for me by Helen from Nahani in a berth a couple along from us at the Club.She had started us off by posting quite a few of the earlier ones but we were on the West Coast when she got it going and decided to leave it until we were back in civilization.
I had tried to convert them on my IPad but found it too difficult for my limited computer skills,the text is ok but the photos were just too hard.
Ben persevered for a couple of hours and found the going a bit tough also,needing to fiddle with photos sending some to himself as Helen had found also.They are in my pad ok but ,any way it is done now.

The address is .

I hope some late comers can fill themselves in on the earlier posts.You are quite welcome to forward the address on to people who might get some enjoyment out of reading it.
I can not believe I wrote so much about our trip!

We had noticed an old fishing boat tied up at the Cygnet jetty when we were here earlier on and noticed Jimmy Payne and his mate were here also.
First thing this morning there was a flurry of activity and the boat was untied with Jimmy along side ,they took her down to Gardeners Bay and put it on a mooring .Looked like a fair bit of work required before she will be seaworthy again.
We considered going along side while he was away but were busy with the blog.

We finished up and had some morning tea .I suggested we go up to Cygnet for a walk to check out the town as we had heard things were happening there and had not visited for a while .
We motored up to the sailing club in the dinghy and tied up at their jetty.
I cannot remember walking up the trail beside the river before,a most pleasant stroll.We wandered through town checking out the shops and poking about.Elected to call at the Bakery for a pie and milkshake for lunch,chocolate of course for me.

After a pleasant sit at one of the outside tables watching the world go by we wandered back towards the boat,having a sticky beak into the numerous sheds along the way.
There was a few half restored boats and dinghys,quite a bit of "work in progress ".
We saw a half opened door on one shed on the the river side and I poked my head in to have a look,I got sprung when a fellow called out G'day ,he was with a mate who was just leaving.Your Alan Perkins aren't you he said,I said yes.John Clennett has told me about you and your boat.
Oh I said nothing too bad I hope.
We were fascinated by the inside of his shed,he was most definitely eccentric in a nice way.
He has fashioned a folly out of craft grade Huon pine ,the first thing which hits your eye is a long table probably fourty feet long  and two planks wide with the rough edges still on and natural openings where the slabs have been cut from the logs.The pieces are neatly dovetailed together and mounted on substantial legs most likely  Myrtle timber,Ben remarked later,did you see the plugs over the screw holes in the legs,they were one cent pieces.There is a channel running the full length down the center underneath in which he intends to run water.
I am thinking of opening to the public later on,might have a few dinners for the locals.
He also has a construction further into his shed he intends to put on a pontoon to float probably in the Huon River as a house boat.A most amazing dream if you ask me!

We were just leaving when another couple of blokes turned up,Good day Perk says one fortunately the occupant of the shed had told me Des Rodman's son had the shed on the other side of the road,I gathered after a while it was him.
We saw you this morning when we took my old fishing boat down to the mooring,Jimmy owed me one,I have been fixing up his anchor winch,he had been pulling up his anchor with the ratchet lever for years when he has had a perfectly good hydraulic winch without the pump mounted properly.I am getting it going for him.It is a small world far from the rush and tear we are used to in the City,may it long continue.
They had all been down to the recent sale of Jim Casey's steam museums stuff a few weeks ago at Dover.There was a stationary steam engine also across the road,they will have some fun getting that operating!

We walked back to the dinghy but first I had to poke my nose into a lean to which had a nearly completed restored Couta Boat.I had been keeping my eye on it for years when we had functions at the Cygnet Sailing Club.It did not seen much progress was being made for a few years but now she is in the throes of completion,looks good too.
Had a bit of a natter to the three blokes relaxing with a beer on the verandah of the sheds where they keep their gear,compared notes on what they were up to and what we were also.

Better get going Ben we are getting late,walked up to the road,Nick and Ross pulled up,where is the boat they asked,meet you down at the jetty in ten we said ,ok so off they went.

We walked back to the dinghy and motored to Masterpiece.
All the crew eventually showed up ,we loaded their gear on board and set sail for Cloudy Bay to meet up with Solquest lying quietly at anchor there.

Had a pleasant evening ,watched a bit of TV and into bed early.Have a bit on tomorrow.

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Approaching West Cloudy Head.

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Solquest and sunset at Cloudy Corner.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Day 31 Recherché Bay to Cygnet

Up at 7.30 just as Solquest left for Cygnet to polish off this Call Sheet.
We had a leisurely breakfast,Gilly a couple of boiled eggs,no doubt prompted by the egg cup containing the sauce for the sashimi last night.

We gave them a head start but needed to catch them before Huon Island for a transfer.The morning was clear with a light Northerly breeze.
As we approached I called up Garth and suggested he work out a bit and unroll his sails for some film.
We got more than we expected,they put up their Multi Purpose Sail,it is considerably larger and with its Red,White and Blue panels made a spectacular sight.
They had it up for only a short time as the shore was approaching.We have to get it off they called.Good we have finished said Gilly.
I said this will test them,well the Farmer crew very raw at the beginning of the trip are now a well oiled crew.
Poor old Rod used to pull his hair out every time they had to go alongside or work the sails as he felt responsible for the safety of the boat but was sent below to avoid being seen on film.
He has trained them well to work Solquest.
The douse was a sight to see,I have seen well trained crews mess it up,but not today.

We transferred the crew to motor the last miles to Port Cygnet.
We anchored out as the jetty was occupied,would have been handy to go along side.
Ben was called on to run people here and there,they needed to get ashore to meet the person who was to guide them around for the filming required.
They also had a cook up after lunch.
They finished up on time as there was a plane to catch.Mathew was driven home by Toby in the van.Garth and Rod left for Kettering.The crew came on board and finished up.
Toby returned and Ben ferried them ashore with their gear for the trip home.

Masterpiece up anchored and left for Hobart via Alonnah to take Ross home.We arrived with his Wife and Son waiting on the jetty for him,sounds like he is going to have a busy time on his break.

We set a course for home and passed quite a few boats heading down towards the Channel for Easter,I hope the weather forecast does not eventuate for them.
Backed into our berth at the RYCT at 6.45.

There is now a ten day break before we go to sea again for three days to start  at Cygnet and finish off the voyage.
The crew have another week of filming after that to tidy up things here and there.

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Nearly home,across North West Bay with the mountain in view.

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Solquest and Masterpiece in their berths after a circumnavigation of our amazing Island.
Our crew from the Big Smoke were impressed I think.

Day 30 Recherché Bay

Up in reasonable time today,the Talent due to arrive at 8am.
Josh received a call we will be half an hour late.,no worries the crew will have another cup of coffee.
They arrived in an aluminium oyster punt.
Annick to give the history of the French Gardens and Peter the oyster farmer to take Nick and Josh to obtain some special oysters,we also scored some large mussels.

They all arrived back about lunch time to allow Nick and Ben to use the dinghy to do some Ab diving.
When they came back with the required bounty the crew went over to Solquest to fill in a couple of gaps in the story Josh wanted filmed.

Then it was time for the cook up on shore,Masterpiece removed around the point out of sight.
Ben came to pull the net and found a seal going in and out of it,the size and number of holes in it yet to be determined.
Fortunately it was a beautiful day so the cook up would not have been too onerous.

About 5 I got a call ,you can come back now.The crew were ferried out and the farmers to Solquest.
I was informed the plan was that everyone was to eat on Masterpiece,eleven in all.
They were to bring some ab ,mussel,and greens type stir fry combination prepared by Nick to go with the pasta and  Bens bolognese sauce.

We started with Tuna Sashimi with fresh wasabi ground by Ross.Then the main course with pasta,bolognese and Nick's seafood was delicious.None left after most  had seconds.
Next was Bens whipped up baked  Pisa base wrapped around a chocolate concoction and coated in a maple syrup band.Gross but good with a bit of icecream,evidently Rod had been missing his deserts.
A couple of bottles of white wine and some reds for the diehards.

Then Captain Garth proposed a toast to  Ben for his hard work during the trip ,all responded and of course then everyone got a mention.
A most enjoyable last night of the trip.

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The crew and the Talent head off to the Gardens.A beautiful morning.

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Nick arrives back with the cray pot  to advise an unsuccessful trip.Unfortunately to be on camera.e

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The last Supper,well it seemed like it.A good harmonious crew,worked well together,mostly long hours.
A good trip to remember.

Day 29 Schooner Cove to Recherché Bay

Rudely a waked by a practical joker on Solquest blowing a squeaky air horn at 4.53 am as the left to Cove.They might be getting close to even.

We arose about seven and had some breakfast,Gilly dragging his feet a bit.
The day was still overcast but a vast improvement from the rest of the time we had been in Port Davey.You have seen it as it is I explained to the Sydney crew.

Went out to pull the pot on dead reckoning as my old computer running the plotter has finally given up the ghost.Had a fellow look at it in Devonport but he could not find a fault,wriggled a few plugs I think and off it went till yesterday.
Josh had a look,I build my own he said.When he took the cover off he said,never seen one like this!
Found the pot ok Ten crays in it three size.Not bad we thought,Josh wants to have a go at BBQ ing one.
We steamed down the coast to South West Cape in reasonable conditions,a three meter sea and a twelve knot NE breeze.
As we approached the Cape the wind changed to Easterly as forecast.
Hobart radio came on from The Maat and we reported in.Morrie heard us and called up to wish us a good trip and tell us to watch out for birds feeding,you might get a Tuna.
He had anchored overnight in Cox's  Bight and was under way expecting to be at Kettering by 4 pm.

As we rounded S W Cape we slowed for Gilly to get some film.At least you could see it today.
Then we saw the chopper in the distance buzzing around Solquest.Up ,down and around it went.Solquest must be the most photographed boat in history,more even than Wild Oats.

We trailed along for a while till Josh said let's get some boat to boat shots,so we ranged up along side for a while.She looked good with the large sea which was running,not too sure how much sailing along footage will be used though.
We sped up to Tuna trolling speed and gradually inched ahead.By the time we were abeam of De Witt Island she was a mile astern.As we approached the Island Ben called out YES,which means we have a fish on.I pulled Masterpiece out of gear and went aft to see the action.
He was fighting a determined Tuna.
Just as we got it up to the boat the rod broke in two.Ben grabbed the line and I gaffed the fish.
A nice school fish Blue Fin .The crew were impressed I think,any way we have one over the Farmers.
We transferred the crew in the shelter of the Island.Ben and I mucked about for half an hour trying to catch some squid as there was plenty of feed on the sounder.Must have been small fish as we did not catch anything.Plenty of birds,seals and Dolphins feeding though.
We made an arrangement for Ross to assist in cutting it up later on.

Day 28 Clayton's to Schooner Cove via the Waterfall

Up at a reasonable time two days in a row.
Garry flying the Phantom as I showered and shaved.He liked what he saw so much he used two lots of batteries up.It flies for about six minutes on each charge.
The weather only just alright for the planned bush walk to Mount Beattie up behind the cottage.

The clan gathered on the jetty and Masterpiece disappeared around the point for a while for the departure.Josh called up and gave the all clear .
Tied up again and Rod and Garth came aboard for morning tea of Hot Cross Buns.
We wandered up to the house,Ben finding the ladder and cleaning out the gutters,the jetty tank had only about six hundred mills of water in it,the house one full.
Has been well used this season by the look of it.

Went inside to just soak up the atmosphere , had a look at Clyde's Huon Pine planted about the same time as mine at home.His has got a wriggle on the last ten years now taller than mine but not as thick.Sandfly must be a reasonable place to grow them.

Garth,Rod ,Ben and I walked up the hill behind the house as the weather had cleared up a bit.We could see the intrepid walkers nearing the top of their climb.Called Josh up on the radio.

We retreated to the boat as the weather was closing in again.The mob got caught for the last bit of their return but said the walk was well worth the effort,Gilly got some good filming in.

Most people required a change as the bush was quite wet ,Gilly picked up a leach on his leg so out came the first aid kit.

The next task was to motor down the channel to the water fall.We pottered along beside hoping to get a break in the weather to shoot Solquest with the shore in the background,no good when we came in and not much better now.

Arrived  at the falls and took the farmers going alongside.As they were going to shower under it we rafted up alongside to observe the fun.
It was not warm but they attacked it with courage and a cake of soap.Must be mad.

Travelled around to Schooner Cove to do the Stripie cook up ashore.An overwhelming vote to do it on Solquest as it would have been miserable ashore.
We rafted up to make it easier for the crew to get ready and dry things up after the waterfall in the drizzle.
Seems there was a cooking competition going on,how are you going to do yours Ben came the question,Nick was  barbecuing theirs.I suggested we cut medallions and wrap in foil with salt and pepper with a little lemon and bake it.Ross approved so we prepared the pieces .Also sliced some small ones and put them in the pickled onion brine.
Stop Press: They did not disappoint the crew.

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Solquest and Masterpiece at Clayton's .

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Clyde's Huon Pine.

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Ben cleaning out the gutters.Win's garden persists despite the Parks efforts to kill it.

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Win and Clyde's lounge room.

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Mad buggers under the waterfall.

Day 27 Brambles to Clayton's.

Up at a reasonably hour today.The crew have to go onto Solquest and meet La Golondrina for a days fishing.I awoke to the drone taking off,Gary must have been up early,got to catch the morning light.
Morrie has arranged to pull his pots and throw them back in to make room on his vessel for the Farmers and the crew.After seeing her up close they must be the best looked after pots in the fleet,very comfortable.
They departed Brambles about 9 to call up Morrie and arrange a meeting place,all good action for the camera.
Ben and I washed up and tidied the boat up,never done so much washing up in my life!The crew do help as they appreciate the task at hand.

We waited until they had done some filming ,heard Ross say "we are now in Port Davey"across the water.They are very good at making statements to the camera,must be difficult sometimes finding things to say but they never seem run out of ideas.

We decided as we were not wanted to go fishing , pulled the pot ,three rats.
Motored out into the harbour to try and find some bottom to fish on.Found quit a lot of suitable areas but no good fish appeared.Plenty of Red Faces and some couta wherever we found a bit of feed on the sounder.A couple of different winter bream but no other fish for the table.
The weather looked threatening but did not come to much,overcast with light showers.
The wind picked up a bit and so we decided to give it away.
Returned to where we had reset the pot to rebait it.Put a couple of hooks on it for good measure.Should get something this time put plenty of bait in,three different type of fish.

Went over and anchored in Whalers Cove to wait for the fisherman's return.Solquest had gone on ahead to Clayton's.
By now the weather was real Port Davey but fortunately late in the season and little wind.We got a call from Morrie,come and get these blokes,been calling you for an hour! Typical Morrie,they had been telling him about yesterday's radio problems.I had my other small one rigged up as a test with a long range aerial on it.We had been listening to the fishermen moaning about their catches all afternoon.
I am in Whalers I replied ,be there soon .Then Josh called up "we are bearing gifts he said". Terrific I said because we can't help.

About fifteen minutes later they turned up out of the mist.La Golondrina steaming towards us.
They pulled up a bit away and Ben went over in the dinghy with a fish bin,then back for another one.
The Farmers were the first on board and filled me in on the days fishing in sixty fathoms,never done that before they declared.They will always have a fish story to tell now.
It seems Mathew was the hero,after quite a few drags things were looking grim,Morrie had a backup plan but he was getting quite embarrassed about the lack of fish,he had painted him self into a corner .The only catch was Nicks 1.8 meter school shark,not really what they were after..Just about to take the top off the well and hook one on for a fake catch.
Morrie was looking towards the heavens,the Lord took pity on him.

Mathew said I think I have something,Morrie had a feel ,yep feels like it,and so the slow wind began. then Ross  two more ,the day had been saved on the last drag.That is Stripie fishing.

The crew arrived for the trip up to Melaleuca Inlet but first a shot of Morries boat so we chased him as he was intent on recovering his dinghy on anchor in Whalers and to salvage what was left of the day.
What do you want he called over the radio,just a shot of your boat I replied ,ok he said I will come round you.I pulled up no point both of us steaming around in circles and I had noticed he seemed to like getting fairly close to me. Gilly back on the job.

We set off  towards Breaksea and the channel,unfortunately the rain had really set in now,
Visibility was down to one hundred yards with a few breaks now and the when you could see the outline of the shore.
A pity because apart from Ben and I no one on board had been here before.The Plotter and Radar enabled us to run up the channel at eighteen knots with safety,I must admit plenty of concentration required by me.
We arrived to see Solquest tied up to the right hand side of Ocean Pier as Clyde used to call it.
We took the other side.

The Farmers helped to tie up Masterpiece while recounting the days exploits to Garth and Rod.
Rod de camped straight away as some scenes were required on Solquest.Back to work for the rest.Arrangements were made for dinner,Rod and our crew to dine on Masterpiece,the Farmers and Garth up at the house.We sat down with Rod and discussed anchorages on the coast and in Davey,especially the sixty knot ones in here.Always an interesting topic,Morrie had told him of one in Joe Page Bay which I will check out sometime.Most probably in Jerries book but it is interesting how you read it and do not take in all the details,Ben noticed the Lime Kilns marked in tiny writing after we left the Gordon.They were about where we thought but will have to wait for another day.
We also listened to the weather for our departure on Tuesday,not ideal but will be ok.

The mob moved up to the cottage as the fire was burning to do the dinner scenes.I believe Mathew grilled half crayfish on the fire with some additions of his own.
Very acceptable we heard.The crew were impressed with the homeliness of the evening and the setting.I can't help to think Win and Clyde would be happy to see their cottage being used.

I can remember having scones ,raspberry jam and cream with them and Al Gibson and I think Roger Martin many years ago.Clyde looking out of the window frequently for the Aero Club plane he had conned into bringing him some fags down.Don't tell Win he said,they turn their engine off and glide so she can't hear them.I have to see where they land so I can go up the hill behind to get them.
I can't help but think Win knew exactly what was going on.A perfectly suited pair those two.

Thanks for the friends of Clayton's for their efforts in restoring the cottage.Also Jim Bacon for restoring the jetty,but that is another story.

The filming over our crew returned to the boat for dinner,talk of the farmers having a whiskey and a game of canasta in front of the fire.
Crays on the menu tonight always a treat finished off with jelly and icecream for Rod,Ben and I.
We marveled at Bens perseverance,cleaned up all the left over legs and gearboxes while leaving his tail untouched.He did have quite a pile in front of him before he ate.Must mean something about your husband Kate.Do not know what though.

Into the bunk about eleven Josh long gone,no wonder he is usually first up to put his coffee on.
Quite a big day tomorrow,hope the weather is ok.Should be.

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Port Davey Rats,will be a year or two yet.

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Crew off to do a days work,never less than twelve hours,might get a few breaks but always on the go.

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la Golondrina returns with hard earned "gifts".

Day 26 Pilot Bay to Brambles Cove

Today was most likely the most early start of the trip.Up at 5 am to be onboard Solquest by 5.30.
They almost made it,5.45 and chastised by Rod for being late.It turns out they had toilet troubles about 3 am,only just fixed when the crew arrived.Things were only middling.

We had the luxury of sleeping in,well you do not go back to sleep after an event.I wrote my blog and Ben dozed for a while.
He got up and started breakfast.Better go and pull the pot Nick set last night,bingo he had a cray,unfortunately on measuring the female we had to return it to the water,as it was two millimeters under the minimum size.

Solquest departed for Point Hibbs and we washed up from the night before,the only time on the whole trip when we have left it,yesterday must have been a tiring day.
The Lady Jane cruise vessel came out through Hells Gates with their tourists and around to Cape Sorell.The day was as good as you would want here,sunshine and a light easterly breeze As I mentioned Ben pulled the pot ,we measured Nicks cray and left to catch up on Solquest.
It was surprising how much the swell had gone down overnight,now only about 1.5 meters.

On nearing Hibbs I called them on the radio,Josh advised they still have some filming to do.
Yes you can go out to the shelf.
I had a rough position for the Stripie bottom there from Mathew the fisherman in Strahan and Guy Grining said the same spot so off Ben and I went full of hope.
It was only 10 miles so we arrived after about half an hour.
Fishermen do not give you exact Lat and Long positions.They say out in so many fathoms and look for a certain type of bottom with some feed on it.
Well we found the depth ok between 128 and  131 meters and the type as well however the missing ingredient was the feed and the Stripies.We caught quite a few of Gurnards , red faces to George one of my fishing friends.
After an hour or so we left to move down the coast to catch up Solquest as Josh wished to get off and film her sailing.Ben and I had worked out she would be at about Low Rocky Point and so I set a course for there.
After about an hour and a half we could not see her on the Radar and I could not raise them on the radio,we had arranged to use channel 72 .I wonder where they are?
Could they be behind us,no we decided so we pressed on,we got a dot on the Radar,that must be them ,keep going they are 7 miles on.As we closed on the Radar plot we realized the target was a fishing boat setting pots and was a bit out to sea of a direct line to the West Pyramid a land mark you first see when approaching Davey.

Hmm better keep going no target on the Radar,call up again ,got a reply but unreadable,thought we heard South of Low Rocky.Pressed on and about thirty minutes later saw another blip on the screen,thank goodness for that,must be them.After a little while we could see their sail.Solquest's Radar signal is not that strong and my transmitter is really not very high so the range is only about seven miles.May be we should have put a reflector on her for the trip.I can see fishing boats out to at least ten miles.
The poor radio reception on Masterpiece is to be resolved.They can hear us ok but their signal is not coming through over seven miles.I don't think my radio is faulty but we will see when we get back to VHF range later on.

We finally caught up seventeen miles south of Low Rocky,She must have averaged considerably more speed than I calculated with the following breeze.
We off loaded the crew and waisted no time in filming her sailing,she made a beautiful sight for and old retired sailor ,shooting down the waves in the late afternoon sun.Just as we started filming a pod of dolphins showed up,do not leave us out they seemed to say.
Josh said they had been around all day and when he was up on the bow looking at them one came up and turned in his side to look at him.

We were going to try and film the wreck on the beach North of Davey at Svenor point but time had beaten us so we compromised by shooting the West Pyramid as the sun was getting low and Solquest would not make it in the daylight .Gilly had a bit of luck there as when we approached the sun lit up most of it,the effect was quite stunning with the hills in the background.Might make ten seconds in the final wash up.

Steamed over to Breaksea Island in the fading light to put our pot down,you won't get anything down there the Strahan fishermen told us,they are finished there.
We will see.Have two chances .

Called up Morrie Wolf to arrange tomorrow's fishing trip for the farmers,hope he is successful as we really have not done well so far .

Saw Solquest come in under a waning moon to Brambles .Had dinner,watched the West Coast Fishing video to prepare Gilly and Gary for Morrie tomorrow and into the bunk,another long day.

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Nicks cray goes back.

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View from our anchorage,a treat for the farmers and crew in the morning I think.

Day 25 Double Bay to Pilot Bay. 11 Apr 14

Up early again as we were to depart for Hibbs Pyramid.The crew to go aboard Solquest just before Hells Gates to film the passing.
A call from Solquest ,have a  problem,need to change the fuel filters and would like to take a sample from the bottom of the tank,do you have a better pump.Ours will not suck enough.
Fortunately I had an old Caterpillar oil change pump on board and took it over,a sample was pumped out into an empty wine bottle,plenty of them on hand.
Garth and Rod changed the engine filters also for good measure and they got under way an hour later.
As we travelled down between the fish farms towards the channel I saw Stormbreaker emerging from an unfamiliar place,she seemed to be in the channel but as we drew closer I realized she was to the South of it.On consulting my plotter it seems she was in Betsey Bay for the night.A lot closer to the entrance and quite cosy for the SE wind we had.Must follow it up sometime.

Transferred the crew boat to boat,we are getting quite good at it now ,they put out their fenders on the port side and we go along side.A bow and stern line are all that is required as we try to be on the windward side.One person each end tends the lines.The crew pass across with all their stuff ,quite a lot if going for an extended period.

Out round Cape Sorell and into a 3 to 4 meter SW swell with an 18 to 20 southerly wind.
Well Josh wanted it rough and today he got it.
Solquest was pitching and rolling as one would expect.Good get that Gilly!
We elected to tack out to sea to see if we could get a little calmer water,Ben put the Tuna lines in and after about half an hour trolling we came about and could lay Sloop Rocks.
We bashed and banged our way down there and decided to go in and have a spell and wait for them.The Petuna a cray boat from Hobart was anchored there and lying quite well.
We motored up a bit more but as usually is the case she was anchored in the best place ,hard bottom where we were.We went back and anchored inside her.After a while we noticed a small ab boat tucked away in a little cove,quietly going about his business .

We had Solquest on the radar and as she was not making much progress I called up Rod.
Not doing too well out here he advised,down to two knots at times.
We are going to persevere for a little longer for the cameras and then turn back.Would take till 8 to get to Hibbs at this rate.Josh has some good footage though.Ross getting drenched and Mathew on the foredeck clipped on looking like a farmer at sea,seemingly enjoying the experience.He has lost his seasickness problem.Exuberant as ever on the camera.

We waited a while and had a cup of tea.After a while we saw them turn back and up anchored to follow,consulting the chart and observing the breaking seas it seemed to us you you can go quite safely inside the Sloop rocks.Will ask someone one day.No real need to do so though.

We left for Pilot Bay ,thought we would buzz them at 25 knots in a big following sea.
Slowed down as we approached Cape Sorell and put the lures back in when we jibed,to round the Cape.Not even a touch.We have heard they are about but very selective on which day they run.

Anchored in the shelter of Pilot Bay and waited for their arrival,they were not far behind.
Josh called up to say they were filming the making of the hard tack biscuits and could Ben bring the cray pot over for Nick to set on camera.
We had some lunch after Ben had put the net in to get bait or whatever was about.Nothing  on the fishing lines.

Ben pulled the net and caught a large Elephant Shark  and a Perch.Good said Ross we will clean them and use the rest for bait.
We had heard they were good eating but I always let them go ,their odd looking trunk nose putting me off and their smooth skin,no scales.

All that was accomplished and Ben ferried the crew back to the boat,Gilly and Gary decided to go ashore to film the sun setting taking the Phantom.Gary wanted to try and fly it in some wind!
Well it sounds like he found its limits.It was going out to sea when he turned the GPS homing back on and it returned with difficulty.No way you would get any photos like that he said.
Then another first Gilly had wandered off so he had to catch it with one hand while flying it with the other,sounded like it was a bit hairy.

We had dinner,made plans for the morning and into the bunk about nine after watching Josh's last production in Mexico, The eating of the hottest chili and his description of the aftermath a revelation,these foodies!

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Solquest heading for Hells Gates.A rather benign day.

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Down a big one.Masterpiece returns to Pilot Bay.
The forecast for the morning is a lot better.
Should be "off the air"until Tuesday evening.

Day 24 St. John's Falls to Double Cove. 10 April 14

The gun went very early this morning ,Ben had offered to take the Farmers up the Franklin River.
We knew we had a big day as Josh wished to film the arrival at Hells Gates as well.
The dinghy was prepared the night before so as not to wake the rest of the crews.Tere was stirring noises at 6am.
The dinghy crew departed a little after.We dozed back of but soon the blog got the better of me so I finished it off then snoozed for a bit longer.
We noticed after a while the radio receiving noises but no transmission,bugger I wonder if they are in strife and need help.I went over to Garth and got him to put his radio on as his mast is a lot higher and may get a signal.One problem was we were using channel 13 which I believe is a short range one.VHF radio is almost line of sight so is notoriously unreliable in a gorge like the river here is.
Well I thought Ben is resourceful enough to send me an SOS on the radio if he is in real trouble,these transmissions were only brief,not like a message.I said we will give them another half hour and then put Garth's dinghy in off my flybridge and go and look for them.About twenty minutes later they showed up full of what they had seen.
We think the transmission button must have been bouncing around in the holder we made for the dinghy.Should either lock it or turn it off if not required.

All crew back now for breakfast,up early so things starting to move.Garth needed to get going so we loaded the drone with Ben,Gary and Gilly into the dinghy and sent them over to Warner's Landing on the other side of the river.
The farmers on Solquest and Josh on Masterpiece.We cast Garth off and he motored off down river with the drone hovering above him.
Next we cast off and picked them up in the dinghy to follow and take some boat to boat shots.
Gilly and Josh on the foredeck again.Gilly was keen to get some mist photos but the river would not produce any for a while.Down to the big boulder in the river,still no mist.
We were approaching the Marbled Cliffs and Gilly wanted a shot set up where we waited around the corner and moved slowly up river as they came down,us to play chicken almost with them.
I called Garth and informed him of the plan and made sure we would pass green to green,no accidents required.Well it went a treat the background was stunning.
We turned and followed them for a while and when Gilly was happy we went alongside and retrieved the farmers as we had more filming to do up at the waterfall.Garth continued on his way.
Back up to the jetty to finish the shots.

We had just tied up when the seaplane went over,watch up river I said he will be in here soon.
A bit of an anticlimax as he landed quite a long way up the river.
Had a talk to the young pilot while his passengers,a cane farmer and his family from Queensland,The rest went down the little track to film the old hut and small beach,chattering away as they do.
The family returned and were suitably impressed ,the pilot shoehorned them into the plane and they went up river to take off.It is always impressive to see them come roaring down the gorge and as they go past at full tilt bank as they take off.This time the farmer was quite large and I think the load was about the maximum the plane could take.
We saw him twice more during the afternoon around the harbor.We sent a video of him taking off to the office in the hope the cane farmer might get it.

Heard voices as the farmers and crew moved up to the waterfall to finish up.
Ben fed the mob and we started off to catch Solquest.
They watched the scenery for a while but when I looked after a while they were all sound asleep.
Tiring business this,we are all getting tired,it has been quite a long job.Not long to go now.
However it is always interesting with plenty to do.

Took Toby to Strahah to his van and got the required stuff for cook ups on Solquest .They went ashore for half an hour,most up to the icecream shop.The other plane arrived with the young pilot giving us a wave as he escorted his passengers ashore.He told us it is his last day here as he is off the Broome tomorrow to fly seaplanes out to the horizontal falls for the season.
He hopes he might get a job flying the Beavers in Hobart next year.Only workers up north in the dry season.

Left Strahan for the last time with all except Rod ,Toby and Garth on board to catch up to Solquest waiting in Pilot Bay to film the arrival.Transferred all except Josh.The did a bit of pottering around before heading for the breakwater .we followed getting some shots of them with the lighthouses in the background.Quite calm and at high tide no current to speak of.

We went along side and retrieved our crew and headed for Double Cove for the night.
Really a bit far as we are due to leave early next morning for Hibbs Pyramid.
Arrived at dark and had some special snags Josh had bought to try.
Into the bunk early .

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The boy from Brissy answers Mathews challenge and jumps in.Much mirth,not any warmer than yesterday!

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Brilliant reflections,I bet Gilleys shots will be excellent.He has really enjoyed the experience up the river.This one only with my  IPad .

Day 23 Strahan to St Johns Falls,Gordon River 9 April 14

Up early as departure was timed for 8 am with full crew on board,Garth and Rod to follow in Solquest. Required at Sarah Island at 9 to miss the cruise boat crowds.
Crew arrived on time except for Nick, he had left something behind.
Cast off about ten minutes behind. No big deal.

Out of the harbour with Solquest leading, us warming the engines up.
Just about to rev up and the ever watchful Gilly says "that would make a good shot can we follow for a bit" Ok Gill so we take her steaming along with the mist shrouded hills in the background.They need a certain amount of film each day and Gilly likes to start early.
That accomplished we took off for the island ,slowing every now and then to film the size of it as it grows on the horizon, it is 16 miles from Strahan.

Arrive roughly on time and tie up to the old cruise boats jetty,Not much water there,When the boats got larger the logs and rocks on the bottom used to cause havoc with their props and shafts.I can remember the bent ones sent back for repair.
The new jetty on the inside of the island solved the problem.I have a track into the old one on my plotter which seems to work ok.
Solquest will have to use Trevor Norton's mooring when she arrives.

Our guide Kiah is waiting on the jetty, I think she welcomed the chance to stay a night on the island alone .I forgot to ask her if there were any ghosts there.
She told us she would fill the time in by doing some weeding.It is unbelievable,the Parks budget allows for the fuel for their vessel to do one trip a year to the island.No wonder the place is looking tired! The blackberries are taking over again and the signs almost unreadable.There was a recent storm which damaged the lower walkway,now closed.She said it was to be fixed next week .
I had walked to the other end of the island before so Ben and I asked her if it was ok for us to go.She said yes but it is a bit overgrown.Parks want it closed.Too much trouble.Amazing to me as it really is an interesting walk.You do not appreciate the size of the island until you walk it.
They had the signal station there and the gardener built his cottage on a little bank with a view to the Gordon River..By now the day had brightened up and the view was excellent.There are a few tracks going down to the little coves along the main one.Went down one for a look with the Man ferns towering above us.
By now my long pants were sopping as the ferns were still wet from the night before's rain.
Ben was a bit better off in shorts but the blackberries were a problem for him.No leeches yet.

Maybe the Greenies ought to take over and fix it all up.But they have just had their chance and nothing happened.
Just then the Lady Jane Franklin showed up.First the throb of the engines and then the loud speakers shattered the silence,Gary will be pleased we said.
We reached the other end which has a high bank down to the point,might give that a miss we decided as it would be a good climb to get back up and we could see Solquest approaching.Ben would be required to get Captain Garth ashore to put in an appearance and film the arrival and departure of the farmers.We do not always film the events in their sequence.

We returned to the boat only got off the track a couple of times going back.Had a look at the humpy used by the staff.Rough but adequate,it would be noisy when raining.The film crew going about their business .They have infinite patience ,I get bored quickly watching them,I guess they are weighing up the best way to film each piece,they probably would be the same watching me make something at work on the lathe.

By now the crowds were swarming over the island,guides calling their spiel.
After a while they all got back on the boat and throbbed off.
The two vessels pass in the entrance of the river,so half an hour of peace.

We finished up with the arrival and departure scenes.The farmers back on Solquest and crew on Masterpiece.Garth left for the river we had a lazy lunch at the jetty .We aimed to catch up later.

Caught up about the landing and filmed alongside for a while,Solquest's crew now expert at looking like they are doing things when they are really not.

Pulled up and transferred my crew to her for some onboard shots.They have to remember where they were to keep a bit of continuity in the show.

Ben ,Toby and I dropped back a bit to keep out of sight.Kaih had told us there were some old lime kilns near the limestone reach.Just look for a little cove on your Starboard hand going up.There is a short track about a hundred meters where they are.
We had a good look but could not find them.Ben and Toby put the dinghy in and had a closer look.They decided to go ashore at one spot,bad idea,Toby went up to his knees in mud!
Gave it away eventually ,need more info.

Steamed up to the landing at St Johns falls after being warned off while Solquest was filmed docking.Rod has nearly trained the farmers to tie the boat up,he is banished below decks when filming.
Swapped places ,us alongside and Solquest rafted up.
Most had not been here before so they were suitably impressed I think.
Then the fun started first Nick and Mathew jumped in.Not for long the water was only 13 degrees.
Nick came out like a seal straight up onto the seaplane  pontoon.Mathew braved it a bot longer.
Later on Gilly and Gary did the same,could not persuade Josh to go in,I am a queenslander he kept saying.

Things settled down ,had a cook up on Solquest,Toungue and Oxtail from Granville.
Got dinner late after watching what was going on next door.
Into bed, we have a big day tomorrow.
Gardeners cottage. He picked a nice place away from the mob.

I hope we do not hit a snag!
Have to bleep this one Gary.

Cook up on next door.

Day 22 Still Strahan 8 March 14

Wake up to an overcast day,put long strides on for the first time in the trip.Better get a wriggle on,looks like rain.Quick breakfast and along to refuel.Rod had been along already,he and Garth having an early morning walk,we were still in bed.Me blogging Ben sound asleep.Brought you some garlic,there is about ten lots on Solquest,found it when tidying up.

Along to fuel up,The crew on Solquest look on smugly ,"we put a bit in for the cameras in St Helens", I don't mind.Our vessel has its advantages.

Saw the manager from the Bush Inn walking past.Are any of the boys about I asked.Yes he said Guy is around at the catamaran working.
We untied from the fuel berth and Garth joined us to go over to Mill Bay where the Grinnings are rebuilding  a large sailing cat built in Hobart quite a few years ago.They bought it in a derelict state in Cairns and patched it up enough to get it home.
They are fixing it up to use as an overnight cruise vessel if required.
We witnessed the last window going in,a milestone as winter is approaching.

Returned to wander up to the Bush for a light lunch.
Got a call from Josh to say we are back from Granville Harbour. a bit early but we were ready for them,only the vacuuming to do.Good one we will go up to the supermarket and get the provisions for the next ten days.Toby can pick us up in the van.Guy had offered us their van and I was looking forward to driving around in it,maybe next time.

Back to the boat to stow the stuff,the crew had wandered off,Mathew  the decky on Climax came over,can we go and rescue the fishing boat up near the other wharf. A bloke from the pub had come over to ask for assistance.Not really a dramatic rescue as it was a flat calm and the boat was only on mud.
Had a look and it was Whities boat the Kristy Lee.
It seems he was having some refrigeration work done on it and as he was still at Derwent Bridge he asked the mechanics if they could take her over to the unloading jetty to make working on her easier.He instructed them how to work the boat but they missed one important step,turning the steering on.They left the jetty but did not head in the required direction.
We pulled them off,not easily I must admit,I had plenty more power but was afraid of breaking something if I pulled any harder.Eventually we wriggled her around and she came off.No damage in the soft mud.Scored a bottle of whiskey for our efforts.

Had a small nana when Ben came back with a carton of beer,we only need a top up for this leg.
Decided we would all go up to the Bush Inn for dinner,had asked what time the kitchen closed at lunchtime.Come up after the tourists have gone they said.
So the whole eleven gathered at the pub to have a quiet beer and a game of pool before dinner.
Being Strahan every one was there,the Ab diver who got the abs for them yesterday who was helping Guy put his windows in today,the shipwright who happened to be Ron Devines son Jacko,put on fourteen months ago for four months to work on the cat,reckons he has another year to go on the job.
Mathew the decky along with Whitie who had arrived with the refrigeration parts ,thanked me for rescuing his boat.

Dinner time came so we decamped up to the Inn.Perfect timing.
We all sat down together for the first time on the trip I think for an enjoyable lighthearted dinner.
We were looked after well and had an excellent evening.
Back to the boat after most finished up with Apple Crumble and icecream.
Gary asleep and snoring after not much at Corinna last night,the mozzies got to him.

Mathew directing operations on Kristy Lee.Fourty tons takes a little pulling!

Filling up.Solquests crew fascinated ,where does it all go?

The Farmers are back.They always have mud or dirt on their boots Garth.

Troy and Guy's new toy,well it will be new someday.

Day 21 Strahan 7 April 14

Had a bit of a lie in today,well after doing the blog.
Had my shower and instead of mopping up got into cleaning my side bathroom.Good one got going,hit the deck running.Too easy to just drift along after so long on board.
Had breakfast seem to just have juice and a large bowl of cereal with bottled fruit and a dob of fruit yogurt .Had some toast today,Lesley's Loganberry jam long gone.

Stripped the beds and did the other bathroom,Ben making a fruit loaf to use up the nearly out of date milk,into the engine room on top of the hot water cylinder for a couple of hours to rise.
We walked over to the laundry in the car park,on the way we came across four Beautifully Restored FC Holden's .From Western Australia.They were better than new,the cars were in their original colours but the ute was fire engine red the same red Teraki was painted.
Saw the ute earlier,sounded like an original engine but on inspection it had an automatic gearbox.I don't think they had Auto FC's.might be wrong though.Original period mag wheels.
After we set the washing going and on the way to Banjoes for a coffee and Blueberry Muffin I was going to duck back to the boat and get my pad for a photo but they were gone.

Back un the boat to wash the salt and grunge off the outside ,the crew of Jasper had showed up and seemed they ment business.
Plugged in the three phase shore power and unlocked every thing.Looked like they were off .Rod and Garth turned up and Rod went over to offer assistance with the lines to move her out between the pier and Climax.Once a fisherman always a fisherman,enjoys mixing with the present day ones.
Soon we noticed a different movement around the boat,a more fix it attitude.Seems the battery's were flat on the generator.Them the skipper came up with a drizzled piece of wire!
The battery charger has had it.
The decky from Climax lent them his charger ,obviously not going anywhere for a while.then the plugged the three phase lead in to run the freezer,consternation,that won't work either only 220 volts.Hmm your power ok says the skipper to the decky,yes he says.I suggest the obvious those three phase leads can be dicky sometimes especially ones exposed to the weather and salt water. You better try my lead says the decky.Good idea.Still not right,must have tripped something down below.
Eventually the freezer starts up.Later on we see them operating on the lead on the jetty with a new screwdriver set and a large kitchen knife .
The trip is postponed for a day,up to the supermarket to buy a toy battery charger.The deck hand on Jasper decides to bait the pots and borrows a knife off Climax so now he has his battery charger ,lead and knife.Not a good start to his trip.The boat looks in good condition,evidently owned by a school teacher,he has two boats.

Just finishing up enforce lunch when a woman in a green jumper comes on board,g'day I am Kia,Garth and Rod sent me over.I am your escort for Sarah Island.
Had a bit of a natter with her seems she is the daughter of the fellow who wrote and did the play The Ship That Never Was. She was to be on the island when the Farmers arrive the day after tomorrow.I am going over tomorrow to stay the night to be there when you arrive,thought I would touch base before I go.I will do a bit of weeding or something while I am waiting.I thought it would be the Parks job but as the cruise industry relies on the island they must all pitch in.
She invited us along for the nights performance of the play,she being one of the actors.
Unfortunately her father died last year,but she has carried on his job.I believe the river cruise fare includes the island spiel and the play,they have a few actors who take it in turns to produce it.Some live here some from Hobart and one from Melbourne.
They think it is the longest running play in the Southern Hemisphere,seventeen years I think she said,got a while to go to catch the Mousetrap.

She left after we suggested she give the Farmers a hard time on the Island ,after all it was a penal colony.

Called up Garth and Rod to come over for lunch as we had scored a couple of crays off the fisherman,very white fish but no the less tasty for it.A nice salad and some white wine,very acceptable.
I pottered about the boat ,did some small jobs.Taped up Gillies skylight which drips when we get a doing ,never been much good those ones,was going to replace them before we left.
Ben went for a run,I aired some of the washing that was not was quite dry and kept an eye on the lead mending going on ,on the jetty.The final judgement was the lead was no good.Just as well I thought.

We wert over at five thirty to the play.Garth and Rod got the first two castings.They were to be the villains ,every time their names were mentioned they were to be booed by the audience.A couple of distinctive hats were placed on their heads .Another lady up the back was to be the ships parrot and good she was,letting out appropriate screeches now and then.
It was not long before the two actors had many characters involved.Some in their seats and some on the stage,Ben and I ended up as the helmsman and he as the bilge pump man.
Quite an enjoyable one and a half hours to a full house,I have a feeling the tourist season may go on a little bit longer than usual this year as both boats are still running.Good luck to Strahan.

Returned to the boat for dinner of steak and Waffles,finished up the icecream.

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A Masterpiece Lunch.

While the Cats away the Mice will play goes the saying.

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A photo of Gary ,sound,assisting Gilly,camera,taking flim of trout at the farm.Josh could no resist the shot.
Might need to tighten the belt.

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Gary's photo of Josh checking up on the cooking action on Solquest or is he praying Sonia will be happy with his results?

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My photo of Josh ,the boy from Brissy,who found a can of XXXX left on board by John O'Rielly last year coincidently bought in Strahan.
Has survived more than twelve months on Masterpiece,must mean something!

Day 20 Three Hummock to Ann Bay 5 April 14

The promised SouthEasterly wind arrived over night.In Coulomb Bay only light when we awoke.
Pulled up the anchor and got the Cray Pot.One starfish.
Anchored in Spiers Nook for breakfast,quite a bit quieter .There is almost always a swell up around here,what was a reasonably anchorage when you anchor can be uncomfortable when the tide changes.
Solquest motored past and Rod said going to show Garth some anchorages,what is the plan?
I said we should work our way down to the bottom of Hunter Island for lunch ready to go out between the islands to meet the chopper at 2.
Good oh we will push off then.A bit later I heard a couple of muttonbirders on the radio,one said it was raining in Smithton.Did look a bit black over there.
By the time we were under way and traveling down towards Stack island the weather had closed in ,blowing 25 knots and raining,visibility about five hundred meters.The wind being side on made the conditions uncomfortable coupled with the water depth only four meters we were getting a wild ride,the current was setting us towards Hunter Island but with the plotter and radar on we were ok.Do not know how they did it in the old days without the navigation aids we have.The short answer is they probably had many close shaves and the amount of shipwrecks in my new books prove that.
As we approached Stack I could see Solquest on the radar and called them up "which side of the island are you going"inside was the answer.As the channel is narrow I elected to go outside and as the water was deeper the seas had eased a bit.I will go around the bottom and see if I can find some shelter, said I .
Well there was not much on the bottom corner,the tide was running about four knots to the south and we were now subject to the about five meter SW swell left over from evidently a monster one the night before!
What is it like at the bottom of Stack I called.Not bad here Rod said.Better have your lunch there then.We moved further along the bottom of Hunter looking for calmer water inside Bird Island.A bit better but not anywhere to anchor so just idled along for a while then pulled Masterpiece out of gear and drifted with the tide,only took a few minutes to get back to the end of our chosen run of about half a mile.
Time to renew our plan.No where to go but Ann Bay still quite a few hours away and the visibility making the chopper shoot at Cape Grim very doubtful.
Thanks to good phone reception Josh got on to the helicopter pilot still on the ground for his opinion.I will consult the weather man and call you back.
I asked anyone earwiging  on Chanel 21 for advice on the conditions in Ann Bay.Mary from Smithton radio came up and said call Selena Rose up she is there.
I called her up.
A voice came back he is pulling gear .
Ok thanks I said
You are not going inside the islands he said are you.
No I said out through the Hunter Passage.
Good he said be ok there,just look out for the shallow bits will probably be breaking,you will see.
Ann Bay should be ok.
What I always suspected the fishermen always know where each other are,never say on the radio.When they report to Mary they just say the name of their vessel and some just say thanks Mrs Kay.She also knows.
I was using Chanel 21 on purpose,I knew they all would be listening.Later on a boat called his mate and had a yack.Lost three pots this morning,put them out deep cause I knew something was coming.I didn't expect what we got ,a real big lift.(sounded he was really surprised by the size of the swell)
About ten got stuck and I thought the bottom there would be ok.It just snapped the line off on three.Turned out to be Travis on Selina Rose in Ann Bay.Radio does not work when the engine is going.

Josh got a call from the pilot to say the weather should clear up a bit by 2 so I called Garth and as the current had eased up a bit he left to come around to us.
Talk about luck the Essential Media weather god had struck again! Do not know how it works but so far we have not missed a deadline on the call sheet.Time and again the forward weather looks dodgy to come right on cue.Must get caught out eventually.

Garth arrived and we decided if he was to be off Cape Grim by 2 we needed to get going.The Hunter passage out through the islands is a bit longer but relatively wide so we sat off.There were reefs breaking where I had not seen before but as we were to leeward and going towards them quite easy to see.
About half way out it is a bit shallower and the waves there must have been six meters at least but quite long ,a lot of water in those.A couple looked like they were thinking about breaking on the top but did not and were quite easy to get over.Missed a cameras shot there. You could only see Solquests spreaders from where I was sitting.
Well out we went and worked out a bit to the fisherman's advice,a bit shallow off Trefoil he said ,breaks there.He was spot on but quite a long way in from where we were.
We hung around for a while while Josh filmed,a bit of a task as the boat was moving around a bit.Garth unrolled some of his genoa and Solquest took off.

We decided to take off for Ann Bay,had enough rolling about.Up to 18 knots .It never seems to amaze me how Masterpiece handles a big sea on the beam .We were quite comfortable a bit rolly but ok.Josh saw the chopper in the distance,I hope they get some good shots.Cape Grim must have looked exactly like the day it was named by Mathew Flinders.No wind farms on it then though.
We arrived quite early but late for lunch so had a bite to eat.Got a call on the radio,watch out for my pots,it's ok we are looking out,must have been Travis.Did not want to loose any more today.

There is a bloke in Ann Bay who is the unofficial radio.He must sit up there and watch what is happening .He offers advice on where to anchor etc.
Where is the quietest spot?up at Mt Cameron he said.Thanks,you making a film or something?choppers an all.Yes I said making the next Gourmet Farmer Series.
So it was out there was probably ten or so people getting entertained by the afternoons 21 radio show.Travis can tell you where to get the big ones,I do not think Travis was impressed.
Go inside me and find a bit of sand you will be right,was good here before the NE came in,sea is going back,be good tomorrow for your trip to Strahan.

Solquest arrived about an hour and a half later after a good sail,when the chopper left the wind dropped down to about 16 knots and they were able to sail with main and jib.
They said they would have a meal and turn in,leaving at midnight for Macquarie Harbour.
We had dinner,I thought Ben was o bit game making Mexican after Josh had just finished a series there,but a bit of friendly advice and it turned out well.No tele here so a bit of conversation,or cabin life as the Goose used to call it,only the subjects quite different!
Turned in about 9.30.

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Plenty of big Albies here,they love the stormy weather.Three sitting out of the back waiting for a feed,bad luck we have no bait .They do not like avocado peels though.

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Solquest off Trefoil island .Photos never capture the large waves.

Day 19 Stanley to Hunter Group 4 April 14

The gun went super early,by our standards.The bus was to depart the wharf by 7am.
Gary was up and Ben started breakfast,Josh told me later Gilly slept through a series of alarms.
I was still in my bunk doing my blog.
It seems most people grabbed a bite on Masterpiece before setting out.

We had breakfast and waited expectantly for the Enzed hose man.Solquest departed and still we waited.
Josh went up town to get a few things.At about .7.30 the hydraulic hose fellow had  called and said he had a callout and would be late.No schedule given.
Ben and I went for a walk along to the old wharf as he claimed he heard cows mooing.Might see the new race working .Must have good ears,the nearest cows about five miles away up on the hill near the Telegraph Station.
We walked out to the original breakwater and marveled at its size.How on earth did they make it all those years ago and how big were the seas which have rearranged some of the big boulders!

On our way we stopped to speak with a fisherman on a rather tired cray boat.He called up a couple of days ago to report he was coming in with an injured deck hand.He arrived the night before and managed to get a thickset woman up the ladder onto the dock where some people met her and made her hobble along the wharf with a bandage up to her knee.Fell over and badly gashed her leg we heard.
Being the next morning I asked him how his wife was and he answered,not my wife only my decky.Got to find another one.Good luck Mate,that boat was a mess.
Ben helped him tie up to his satisfaction,he had to go out last night as he had not unloaded and his crays were suffering in the warm wharf water.

We returned to the boat when the hose man called up to say he was on his way.I had had trouble understanding on the phone as his accent was a bit different and I got chapter and verse of what he was up to.Something about Chinese metric threads on a hose end.
Well all was about to be revealed.He turned up and quickly made a new hose for us.
It turned out he was born in Russia and educated in the USA ,decided he did not like either so moved to Smihton and married with a little girl just getting her first tooth.Not much sleep last night.
The people at the Enzed store would not believe him when he gave them the measurements of the hose fitting thread.He was having a bad day.He was just the build you would expect a Russian to be and a really nice bloke.
The client,Impact solved the problem by bringing another loader up from Burnie,no quick solutions there.

We left Stanley a little after midday and headed for Telegraph Bay on Three Hummock Island.
Garth called up to say they had arrived after a beautiful sail.We were not so lucky,the South Westerly had freshened up as forecast and was now 25 knots gusting 30.Added was the fact it is fairly shallow across there and the first half is seven miles offshore and the last half fourteen we were copping it a bit.
Arrived ok and had some lunch,Josh had bought a sourdough loaf of bread that morning and he found quite a few bits of this and that in the fridge.
Ben put the net in and went for a dive,he is getting good at finding abs now and soon came back with some.
We had a nana and as time was getting on he and I pulled the net,nothing not really what we wanted.I was keen to put the cray pot in where I got the biggest one ever last year bit seeing we had no bait and the weather was completely wrong I reluctantly passed the spot and went round the top of the Island.
Rod and I had decided we would try to lay in Spies Nook for the night if possible or Coulomb Bay if not.
We went ahead and found the latter to be the best option as there  was too much roll in the nook.
The wind is expected to come more East in the morning so Coulomb it was.
We passed a Cray boat anchored in Rape Bay and a yacht heading in there.As we came up the coast he had all his pots scattered about and I took note of where they were.Apart from my jackpot last year I have not had success here.
Ben managed to catch one small winter brim so we put it in the pot and set it off the point , do not expect too much but you never know.
We anchored away from Solquest and had a beer to celebrate.Well anyway had a beer.
They called up,we have been calling you quite a few times,I had turned the radio down when I was rudely awaken by fishermen chatting and moaning about poor catches when having a nap.
Would you like to come over for dinner?Ross is cooking.A real Chef,how could we refuse,what is the menu we asked,Ross rattled off some garbage so we accepted.While over there Rod said have you seen Garth's video? No we said so he trotted out a video case with some movie with Sandra Bullock in it,looked like a love story to me! He opened it up and there was no disc in it,claimed it was like it when he broke the seal,bought it when I got this new tele thought I would try it out!A bit weird if you ask me.Garths only video.
Had a pleasant evening and into bed not too late,most people tired.

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Solquest departing Stanley.Tide about half.

Day 18 Still Stanley 3 April 14

Up early to see the mob off to Woolnorth for the day,not much enthusiasm as it was raining,Gilly trying to cover his camera with a large plastic bag.Cutting holes where required.
Should not have worried as the weather brightened up a bit and was ok by mid morning.
We cleaned up a bit and had morning tea on board Masterpiece with Rod and Garth.
Rod brought his chart of the next section over.The Hunter group and down to Strahan
Always a leg to be well prepared for.
We had the added complication of having to be at Cape Grim on time to meet a helicopter to film Solquest passing.Preferably in the morning at Eleven am Friday.
The forecast for wind looks ok but there is a big sea on ,we scanned many web sites for their opinion and it looks like we will get away with it.
We have a little extra time and so can call into Green Cape if required or even go back to the Hunter Group for a night.Might even get in behind Cape Grim,have been told there is an anchorage there.
Typical the passage to Strahan would be a snap on Monday but people in Sydney do the call sheets .The crew are required to start filming again on that day at Granville Harbour,reached by road from Strahan.

Wandered along to the main Stanley wharf to put some rubbish in the bin and have a look in the shed where they restore small wooden boats.They have a couta boat in there they have been working on for a few years now,I had a look during the last RYCT circumnavigation.It is nearly finished now,looks like a real working boat not like the perfect ones with no perceptible scratches or dings at the wooden boat festival.They also have a small history museum there,quite interesting.They also have plenty of Huon Pine ,some quite nice tables with the bark on still at a reasonable price.There seems to be a fair bit of it around here,the carpenters shop up in the town has large tables ,some look sixty mm thick and a Bath made from 40 mm by 200mm wide planks.A bit of a waste if you ask me but good for the trendies.Saw him driving through town with heaps more on.

Also there is a brand new cattle ramp looking like it has only been used once on the main wharf.Made in Smithton it is well made and painted .I did hear they were going to run a ship to and from King Island when the  abattoir closed.Must have just happened.Seems things are going the full circle here,the old Ro Ro ramp is rusting away and unusable.
Interesting to note a paddock of cattle all close together up near the Telegraph Station.
Angus on Flinders is having to group his cattle and feed them on hay as the season is too good up here.Recent rain has caused them to get Rye Grass Stagger,caused by the fresh grass pushing up through the dried off grass.The paddocks are all green when they should be brown.

The crews of Solquest and Masterpiece wandered back to the boats and decided to go the next hundred maters or so along the wharf to the little Cafe where you can go out to see the seals on a cruise boat painted Red ,Blue and Yellow.
We had a pleasant light lunch and a drink for an hour.No grog until the mob come back,today early about five thirty.

Ben and I pulled up the hatches and checked over the engines,just as well for I found some small amount of hydraulic oil on the floor plates near the steering pump.The outer case of the pressure hose had been damaged or perished.Hmm better get that fixed .
I walked back to the boat shed as I thought the fellow in there would be able to advise me as to who could fix it,bad luck he had gone home.Walked back to the little shop and museum on the wharf and the lady in there said ring this number of the Enzed man in Smithton.
I called him up and he tried to convince me to meet him at the servo in Smithton at Seven am tomorrow to save me some money .I said how much was the mileage and he answered about fourty bucks!I said see you at the wharf near Rachel Maree in the morning.

There was plenty of action on the wharf one of the Hursey's boats had come in the night before and unloaded.They are all bright red.
The other one in the Marina came over and tied up beside her,a large trailer tanker was on the wharf as well.Must be refueling we thought.
After a while we noticed they were taking everything movable off the larger boat,pumped all the fuel out,the well,all the pots,lines and bait.Going on the slip they said.About six or seven blokes,mainly Hurseys by the look of their build.
The smaller boat taking some fuel and bait.
Eventually they started her up and at the top of the tide took off flat out .Rod saw them around at the slip with the boat on and the engine pushing the whole lot up.He enquired as to what was going on and was informed the prop shaft came out when they were at sea and they had to get her on the slip to fix it.They were lucky as the tides at the moment seem to be quite high at full .
I suspect the boat too big for the slip.I suppose they have a different scheme to get it back in the water!

The Mob arrived back early and the Farmers moved up to their digs for the night going to the pub for dinner,Josh joined them.
Gary ,Gilly ,Ben and I had dinner on the boat ,surf and turf the leather jacket we caught earlier in the trip and an ab entree .Proved the fresh water and leaving the abs in the fridge method works well.The leatherjacket surprisingly good.Should keep more of them,I worked out a way to fillet and skin them.
.Last night of this block.They take off in the morning early from Smithton.
Gary home to Sydney,Gilly to Hobart to do Mona etc with his wife.Mathew and Nick to Corinna to meet their families for a few days.Ross is going to Strahan with Garth and Josh with us.

For those new bloggers the address of the tracker is
Another tip if you click on the satellite image you can zoom in a lot closer. And for those interested Rob Gough is three quarters of the way to NZ as of last night in Grace.

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Restored Couta boat .Stanley Wharf.