Friday, 15 February 2019

Canoe Creek to Green Bluff ,Maria Island.

Up a bit after seven and put the kettle on for a cuppa.
Steamed around to Monroe’s to pull the pots.
Got a few crays in each along with Port Jackson sharks.
The crays

must have got in first as you usually do not get any once the sharks are there.

Ron sorted them and it hurt to throw some back,the rules state only two per pot on the east coast,bugger.

Decided to motor slowly up the coast to have  breakfast and cook the crays on the go.
Stopped in a few places for a fish with no luck until the bay before Yellow Bluff ,Ralph and Bruce got a few while Ron helped me put some braid line on a couple of reels.

Bruce rustled up a really nice cray lunch with Ron’s sauce and Ralph and I caught a few more Flathead.

Went up to Lagoon bay and anchored,put the net in but only got Gropers.I though we might lay there for the night but the Easterly breeze had set in so motored up to Maria and set the pots out off Cape Peron.
Anchored at Green Bluff for the night.

The photos today are the crays before sorting and the flats.
The programme has been changed since I used it last and I have not figured out how to make the photos larger or put captions on them.You should be able to click or stab them to make bigger ones.

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