Saturday, 16 February 2019

A day hanging around Maria Island waiting for the wind to change.

The weather was forecast to swing into the south for about 12 hours late today.We would have preferred to have travelled to the Shouten Passage today but if the change was severe there is nowhere to comfortably anchor there.
So we elected to hang around here for the day,most of the fleet are in Chinamans Bay also.

We got under way about 7.30 to pull the pots ,mixed result,total score three,not to be sneezed at.
As the wind was a light NEaster we motored over to Trumpeter Corner on the south side of Maria for breakfast and to cook the crays.

Later in the morning we went out about 1/4 of a mile to fish for Flathead.There were a couple of tinnies trying their luck.
Ralph and Bruce caught a few but the small sharks were a pain.Shifted spots a few times ,Ralph and Ron hooked some large King Flats and Ron a rather large gummy shark which was not easy to un hook and release.

About 1.00 we motored into Haunted Bay for lunch and a snooze,Ron cleaned the fish.
We baited the pots and after steaming around on the bottom south of the Boy in the Boat set them on a couple of promising spots.

Took pity on the cruise Commodore and gave him a cray,he bought a small pot on the last cruise but as yet has not caught a fish I believe,despite many attempts.I may have to give him some lessons.

Steamed up to the Deep Hole in Chinamans to await the Southerly change,now 9.30 and still no wind at all,could be a fizzier.

Most intend to go up to Shouten Passage tomorrow but will have to travel on to Wineglass as a Westerly change is expected soon and a bit of a blow the next day,the weather not being very cooperative.

They have put the TYC dinner back till Sunday because of the forecast,I think Masterpiece will still make the Friday changeover in the Tamar on Friday but only just.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alan, just noticed that you're on your trip, don't really envy you at the moment as you may remember I am allergic to seafood. If I were there you would need to get some steak in the freezer!!!

    The sun is just beginning to show in the northern hemisphere so I'm out of hibernation.

    Hope all goes well on your trip and will keep watching your progress.
