Sunday, 24 February 2019


Ha Ha I am not vain,just dumb.Still not mastered the photos as you see yesterday.Correction the relation was Henry Spiers,got his name wrong.He was in every thing must have been busy.
Hope to break out today,I see the Victorians are half way across the paddock,should arrive in the Hummocks tonight,we hope to break out at lunch time.
A day in Stanley

A quiet day as the 30 knot Easterly wind would make going to sea very uncomfortable.
Went up town for a few things.
Dropped into the museum to have a look.There was a lady who must have a passion for recording the history of Stanley and surrounding places.
She has collated quite a few books on people and places and is still hard at it writing more.
I asked about a relation of my mother’s and got at least an hours worth,a book and a photo wearing the old blokes hat.I scored an Apple fron Henry Spiers apple tree,have not checked in the book yet but well over a hundred years old I think.

The lady is doing battle with the church to make sure they don’t sell it,good luck on that.

We were offered a berth across the pond by a fisherman to get out of the slight roll at the wharf,a lot quieter tonight.
A couple of more boats came in today.

Wandered over to have a look at the ship which services King Island,they loaded her up late today left before dark.

Had Jill’s chicken disk for dinner tonight,a very nice one indeed.We are not going hungry.

Photo of me in the hat and John doing his thing,washing the boat,to be fair we did cop a bit of dirt and gravel from the shore last night in the wind and rain.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

TYC to Stanley
I was told in the club on Friday night an old acquaintance would do his best to come down in the morning to say hello,what time are you leaving,about nine I replied.
We were nearly ready to leave after breakfast when we had a call from the pontoon.
He has had some serious health issues as happens more often to friends these days,had a chat for probably an hour,Tony knows him even more than myself,to top it off his wife is not well either entailing trips to Hobart for specialist treatments.A sobering start to the day as you realize the effort he made to come all the way out to the end of the marina to see us.

We slipped lines in a sparkling morning with a Northerly aspect breeze and tackled the winding path down the Tamar. Slowed down at the Low Head pilot station and went into the basin for a look,it was close to low tide so there was not much water under us,must be enough as the pilot boat would have to get in and out.

Cleared the channel and headed west.Might just go into Port Sorrell for morning tea.Had a bit of trouble getting onto the leads as I thought the rock at the entrance would be marked and act as a starting point.No such luck.There were some leads on my plotter but a sand bank as well on the Starboard side ,erring on the cautious side I favored the sand over the rock and got a bit far over.Not much water here was the cry from the crew.Luckily ther was enough and we got into the deeper water ok.There was a red pipe on the end of a long spit and as the tide was low maybe this was the rock.I still do not know.Did nor worry the locals tearing in and out to go fishing,plenty of small boat as it was a Saturday.Boats all along the coast all day about one to two miles out.They all seemed to have their favorite spots in the middle of nowhere.

Anchored in the East Arm for morning coffee,John O,Rielly got out all his gadgets and there was a moment of panic when he could not find his beans in the fridge,Chris put him out of his misery,had a man look was the cry!
He brewed up some but the pot only makes three so the process was gone through twice,don’t worry John,I am happy with instant in future.

This is very nice place and the people who have holiday houses must love coming here and I assume there is quite a big permanent population.

Up anchored and steamed along to Devonport for lunch,the Goliath was about to enter the river as we  went in.We motored up to where the moored yachts are and anchored ,Chris knocked up some excellent salad rolls and we had a sip of leftover white wine to wash them down.Had the Goliath turning and berthing in the basin to entertain us,the fairly fast flood tide did not seem to worry her.

Spent the afternoon steaming along the coast about one half a mile off.Amazed at Ulverstone
 ,the sailing club was out off there racing,did not count the but there were at least thirty small boats racing,everything you could imagine,an A class cat,a tornado , hobbie and heaps of monos I saw a 505 and even a Rainbow also a twin masted sharpie type boat with red sails.There were more boats than the major clubs in Hobart can muster!

Tony was doing his navigating sums and said we better keep going as we still had a way to go,I arced her up to twenty knots and said we will be there by 5.30.
It is still a long way along here in one hop.

Slowed down in anticipation to talk Mary Kay at three past five on VHF as the manual states but she must have changed her sched to 5.20 to match the HF time.
Heard the weather and reported in .

Went into Stanley and tied up to the Pier,took some time arranging fenders and lines,luckily it was about high tide so getting around the wharf was easy,we are looking at a low tide of three meters plus this evening.

Sellted down for a quit G and T before dinner.Chris had a nice dish prepared,a pleasant end to an excellent days travel.
We intend to stay here tomorrow and have some time ashore,heard Marny is in Devonport and heading here tomorrow.

Photos ,Port Sorell and Stanley,I hope!

Friday, 22 February 2019

Eddystone to Tamar Yacht Club.
Up early and had a cuppa,still dark so got everything ready to get under way,set the Radar brilliance down low and also the plotter,plotted a course out of the anchorage.A few rocks about so you need to be sure you are going as planned.
The moon was bright but that does not help with the under water ones.
Moved out slowly ,a few of the other boats left a lot earlier as to their plan,a bit surprised some still there when we left.
Motored at 10 knots until daylight,could see some on the AIS,would have the pleasure of passing them later on.I have noticed the wives of the sail boats appreciate our speed more than their skippers as they take at least three times as long to make a Passage.Some are rocking around for up to 12 hours or more and it gets to them, one crew arrived at the Beauty Point Pub for dinner at dark last night ,they were obviously wrung out,what time did you get her a lady asked,11.30 I said.They had a nice yacht but had left at 4am,not her idea of fun,her other lady friend did not look much better,be careful mate,might have an abstainer on your hands.

Went straight to the PDYC fuel berth and filled up.worked the numbers,pleasantly surprised,408 miles from the club at 3.68 liters per mile.I had some Propspeed put on at last slipping,be interested to see if the good news continues for the rest of the trip.

Went down to theTYC and Ron guided us to our berth, the crew busy cleaning up and getting their gear off the boat,I always have trouble getting them to take their excess with them as the next crew always have lots of stuff also!
Tony,Chris and John arrived and Bruce,Ralph and Ron loaded up Tony’s car for the trip home,the Eskys were emptied and loaded again with their fish for the trip home,a bit of chaos for a while.

I filled the water tanks and washed the boat off ,no room in the cabin.

Old crew departed in good time for the trip home ,I had a kip and the new crew had a quiet one in the cockpit,the weather quite pleasant now.

Walked up to the club as they had opened for bar meals and drinks.Probably six or seven boats here now so a pleasant mob there.Had a can but decided on a counter meal at the pub which was excellent.

Turned in about Ten.

We are going in the morning,as my  crews only get ten or twelve days on board we could not hang around for two days for the dinner,I don’t know if they are going to be two days behind for the rest of the cruise or what,have not asked,the weather for the next week looks good so we are off.
Did not take any photos so text only today.
Wineglass to Eddystone.
As you can see I have not mastered putting photos in,bloody frustrating ,need a young person to show me how!Ron cleaning the catch and one of the BBQ ashore.
The wind has finally stopped blowing dogs of chains on the North East corner so things are on the move.Decided to get under way for the Tamar,the fleet have delayed for two days to ease the pressure  on the not so bold,Fair enough as some took off days ago and have suffered a few not so good nights .

We have a schedule to change crews at the Tamar to the original plan.The weather is sorting itself out so off we go.
Had a pleasant trip up a anchored on the North side od the light in close behind some rocks if the wind comes more NE.
A few more boats showed up before dark,as usual the wind decided to change to the SE after dark but only light,enough to make a small joggle.
Not to worry we had decided to get under way at 5am to catch the tide at Banks Strait.
Bryan’s to Wineglass

Up at 7 with renewed hope to pull the pots,first one a blank,only a shark,they must be in plague proportions!
Steamed across the channel to the Island side and pulled the second one,I have never fished here before ,a better result one size cray and another shark.

Anchored in Passage beach for breakfast.Mucked about for the day and went up towards the famous bay. I did not know any spots there so set the pots around the Lemon Rock on some reasonable bottom.
Wind now NE fairly strong,went into the bay,did not count the boats but recon at least thirty there,all the quiet southern end spots taken up and the middle of the bay a bit rolly. Had a look up under the north shore out towards the point but the bottom all hard there ,would be too growley on the anchor chain.
Anchored off the beach at the north end ,not too bad,put out plenty of chain as remember the holding only ordinary here.

Bruce put the roast on and I attempted the blog ,annoyed again as not enough bars to connect and still have not worked out how to save one if not connected,programme made for city folks I presume.
Four or five more boats trickled in before dark.

There was a small motor boat anchored in the bottom end called Folly 111 I saw at the wooden boat festival ,built for river cruising in NSW,doing it tough I recon.With no weather window in sight to get across the paddock I saw him on the AIS in St Helens.I hope he has plenty of time to get home.
I would imagine not many facilities for extended cruising on board.

Just to make things more interesting the Coral Explorer arrived at about 5 am and anchored off ,along with the Coles Bay cruise later in the morning things were getting to the ridiculous stage ,fairly quiet early but later all the walkers would show up.The tourism people have done a good job of buggering it up I believe.,
Up anchored to pull the pots ,really blowing hard at the rock,go the crew as a well oiled machine now as it is not easy picking them up is a blow,the Masterpiece skippes around if the wind is gusty.Dont want a line around the prop.Pulled them ok,nothing again.The pros would be laughing,they have caught the East Cost quota and have stopped fishing.The amateurs have it to themselves but they seem have gone off.

Went up to Sleepy Bay for breakfast,beautiful in there,flat calm,laughing at the mob in Wineglass rocking and rolling.
Bruce got some bacon and eggs on and the first walkers arrived across the other side of the bay and had a skinny dip,beautiful red granite rocks there.They would remember their morning I believe.
A few more arrive and pottered around over there.
Up anchored and went Flathead fishing,got a good haul ,wind now NW.Drifted at the right speed.
Cleaned the fish and anchored for the night but before dark while having a sundowner the wind swung SE right in there so upanchored and joined the masses in Wineglass.

Planed to move up the coast in the morning,put the pots off the Nuggets.

Around Shouten Passage and Wineglass.

Up anchored to pull the pots about 7 am,had a cuppa on the way. Very disappointing result,two blanks apart for the sand sharks.
Motored around to Chain Locker Bay
on the outside of the Island,quite a strong SW berries blowing,put the pots in for a day shot to get them off the deck,got ridiculed for doing so from the crew,they turned out to be right.
Fished for the morning on some Stripie spots I thing Fuggles once told me about,looked to be good bottom but only red faces.Not bad bait.

Back to the Passage after a pleasant lunch in Chainlocker,don’t recon any of the Circ boats would even know about this spot.They were all intent on getting to Wineglass Bay.
Went back through the Passage for another Flathead session got a few.
Baited the pots and set one closer inshore on the mainland side and one on the Island side.

Returned to Bryan’s corner for the night,only one Circ. boat there,Island Star came in just before dark.Just in the bunk and the wind swung to the SE causing a small joggle to remind us as to who was boss.Considered doing the Shouten shuffle and moving to Passage beach but decided to tough it out,by dawn the wind had swung back,it has been doing direction changes the whole trip so far.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Maria to Shouten Island
Sorry about the delay folks but I am using my new ubeaut I phone 10 as a hotspot .It is useless until I have three bars and I chewing up my data like you would not believe.
Weather has been ok though just not cooperative,.
Pulled the pots at the boy in the boat and did ok.

Decided to go into Hen and Chicken bay but there was a yacht already there,went fishing off the bottom end as the wind was strong NE,got plenty of Red Faces and a couple of Perch, no Stripies.
Yacht left at lunch time so we anchored for lunch.
Left and got a nice haul of flats off Passage beach.
Set the pots on one of my favorite spots in the Passage.

The first BBQ of the Circ was scheduled for the evening,went off very well in Bryan’s corner
20 plus bouts there.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

A day hanging around Maria Island waiting for the wind to change.

The weather was forecast to swing into the south for about 12 hours late today.We would have preferred to have travelled to the Shouten Passage today but if the change was severe there is nowhere to comfortably anchor there.
So we elected to hang around here for the day,most of the fleet are in Chinamans Bay also.

We got under way about 7.30 to pull the pots ,mixed result,total score three,not to be sneezed at.
As the wind was a light NEaster we motored over to Trumpeter Corner on the south side of Maria for breakfast and to cook the crays.

Later in the morning we went out about 1/4 of a mile to fish for Flathead.There were a couple of tinnies trying their luck.
Ralph and Bruce caught a few but the small sharks were a pain.Shifted spots a few times ,Ralph and Ron hooked some large King Flats and Ron a rather large gummy shark which was not easy to un hook and release.

About 1.00 we motored into Haunted Bay for lunch and a snooze,Ron cleaned the fish.
We baited the pots and after steaming around on the bottom south of the Boy in the Boat set them on a couple of promising spots.

Took pity on the cruise Commodore and gave him a cray,he bought a small pot on the last cruise but as yet has not caught a fish I believe,despite many attempts.I may have to give him some lessons.

Steamed up to the Deep Hole in Chinamans to await the Southerly change,now 9.30 and still no wind at all,could be a fizzier.

Most intend to go up to Shouten Passage tomorrow but will have to travel on to Wineglass as a Westerly change is expected soon and a bit of a blow the next day,the weather not being very cooperative.

They have put the TYC dinner back till Sunday because of the forecast,I think Masterpiece will still make the Friday changeover in the Tamar on Friday but only just.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Canoe Creek to Green Bluff ,Maria Island.

Up a bit after seven and put the kettle on for a cuppa.
Steamed around to Monroe’s to pull the pots.
Got a few crays in each along with Port Jackson sharks.
The crays

must have got in first as you usually do not get any once the sharks are there.

Ron sorted them and it hurt to throw some back,the rules state only two per pot on the east coast,bugger.

Decided to motor slowly up the coast to have  breakfast and cook the crays on the go.
Stopped in a few places for a fish with no luck until the bay before Yellow Bluff ,Ralph and Bruce got a few while Ron helped me put some braid line on a couple of reels.

Bruce rustled up a really nice cray lunch with Ron’s sauce and Ralph and I caught a few more Flathead.

Went up to Lagoon bay and anchored,put the net in but only got Gropers.I though we might lay there for the night but the Easterly breeze had set in so motored up to Maria and set the pots out off Cape Peron.
Anchored at Green Bluff for the night.

The photos today are the crays before sorting and the flats.
The programme has been changed since I used it last and I have not figured out how to make the photos larger or put captions on them.You should be able to click or stab them to make bigger ones.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Ladies Bay to Fortescue Bay

Crew up at 7.30 ,blew a bit during the night,New snubber kept the anchorchain quiet.
Cruised around to under the Golf Club to pull the pots ,first one a blank,second one a just size so a taste for lunch.
Steamed down to the bottom end of Safety Cove for breakfast,Bruce cooked up a Bacon and Eggs breakfast.
Got under way at about ten ,Bruce learned what Backwash was going across Haines Bight to the Tasman Island Passage,25 knots of wind and 4 meter seas,arced her up and was running down the waves at 20 plus knots.

Not too bad after getting through the cut.Most of the fleet stayed put in PA.
Had a fish under the seals in Monroe Bight.Caught a variety of fish but no stripes.Eventuall got blown off so steamed up to the head of the bight and anchored,fished off the boat but no luck,only one nice Flathead.The wind now quite fresh coming off the cliffs.

Cooked the cray and had lunch,baited the pots and set them in a favorite spot,noticed a lot less weed on the sounder though.

Went up into Fortescue to see if we could get the cricket station on tv,got every thing but so steamed over to Canoe Creek for the night,still a bit of wind about but sheltered there.
Three other VDL’s there.

Had dinner and turned in early.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

VDL Circumnavigation 2019.

First day RYCT to Port Arthur.

Arrived at the club a bit after 10.30,The Crew were chaffing at the bit.
I texted them to go and have a coffee as I was running a bit late.We did the required paper work and I took it into the office.Had a coffee and slipped lines at 11.30.
Only a light breeze in the river,passed a few boats before the Iron Pot lighthouse.
The SW wind gradually picked up with the sea as we approached Cape Raoul,as it does,quite a sea on  before the Cape but was easer when we rounded.

A lot of birds working so we slowed down and put the Tuna lure in,the motion a lot better with the sea behind us.
Not even a bite.
Motored into Safety Cove for lunch at 2.30.
Passed quite a few yachts having a good sail in the conditions although I would think the sea would have produced a few green sailors.

Put the pots in at the north end of Safety Cove,I have not fished there before so not holding out much hope.
Anchored in Ladies Bay for the night with 10 or so other circumnavigators.

Roast Chicken for dinner with veggies,a shortbread tart and ice cream for desert,a pleasant first day.