Sunday, 12 February 2017

Next two days at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival.

The weather on Saturday was a bit windy bur mainly fine,the crowds were massive,we had probably the most visitors to Masterpiece ever for one day.An interesting variety of friends,relations an people from interstate we had not seen for many years,well over fifty I would guess.
Although good fun it becomes rather tiring later in the day.Plenty of tea and carrot cake consumed.
Lesley and I managed to scoot around to the corporate shed and tall ships early and had a good breakfast along side the four foot two models in the IXL atrium.

Finished the evening with Roger and Julie from Melbourne and Ben at Fish Frenzie,they were abosolutly flat out,the menu and service was excellent considering the pressure they were under,having the large cruise ship in was an extra for all eateries..

Sunday was deceptive we slept in and when I arose remarked that the weather was better than expected,this did not last as we had showers and squalls all day,quite chilly as well,saw many people under dressed for the condition but seemed not to notice,must be cold blooded!

The Roulettes attempted a flyby but the conditions were unsafe for them,even worse than Saturday.
Formation flying was out af the question.One fellow put on a short display but was almost disappearing into the low cloud.
The Cruise liner left at lunch time and had many spectators.
Had quite a few visitors again but managed to look at a bit more of the displays.
The floating shed was moored on the other side of the pier and we were entertained by a trio most of the after noon,it is meant to travel around but it really needs a cox as you cannot play music and steer at he same time,I think the wind would make it a handful today.

The weather really put a dampener on things later in the afternoon,there were still quite a few hardy souls about but the rain squalls made it unpleasant.

Kate dropped in for a while and after she left Les rustled up some soup and we dined on board.
Watched some tv and turned in.


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