Thursday, 1 September 2016

Day 11 evening report.

Pleasant day closing the Tasmanian coast,along the eastern shore of King Island then set course for Three Humock Island,steamed down the Hope channel between Hunter Island the first calm water for awhile.
Spent the afternoon travelling across the top of Tasmania.Now about ten miles off Burnie saw The Tasmanian Achiever cross our track on the way to Melbourne.
The sun is just going down,Cheroz is rattling the pots and pans.
Thought I would include a few shots of the boat.On target for lunchtime arrival at the club.

Fore peak. Cheroz and Mick.Biggs to fit another two bunks above when we arrive.

My cave ,very privileged to be Rods domain.

Rod and Biggs,the storeroom .Biggs on the floor with his friendly anchor ,head butted it a few times but he is hard! Rod on the across bunk.The door is to the engine room so nice and warm.A bit noisy though.

Bruv in charge at dusk.Better have my evening tipple.

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