Thursday, 1 September 2016

Day 12 Last leg.

The SE eased about dawn,went through the Shouten Passage into calm waters.Down past Maria Island and through the canal,just happened to be high tide,Basic Instinct is a much larger vessel than mine so it pays to go slow to avoid squatting by the stern and increasing her displacement.

Some basic figures for the trip.
Delivery for the trip took twelve days from Hobart Airport to her berth in the River Derwent.
Rod planed for eleven with no contingencies.We probably lost one day waiting for weather but having said that you have to have a little time off to charge up your batteries.
The boat travelled 2500 miles at about an average of 7 liters a mile and used 17500 liters of fuel.
I won't divulge how many cartons of beer.

Rod and his crew now have the task of converting her from a cray day boat into an abalone mothership which entails cradles for three dinghies ,enlarging the forward tanks and making two more after ones.
Redesigning the accomodation for more bunks and making her more comfortable for extended trips to the West Coast.
A Hi Ab hoist to lift the dinghies off and an anchor winch will be handy.

Bill was happy to see Biggs.Welcome committee.
Signing off.Hope you enjoyed the trip.

Day 12.Home today

Night was good until we cleared Banks Strait.Heard we were doing 23 knots through there ,must have fluked the tide.Ran into a SSE headwind and had to slow down until about Bicheno.
All up now and starting breakfast,spirits high.

A not very flattering photo of my special banana split desert presented last night.Some times being the oldest on board has its advantages.

Complained how cold it was this morning ,Biggs produced this and keeps asking are you warm enough Now Perk.

Should be home early afternoon,cooks say very little food left,you always think you have too much when loading up.

Day 11 evening report.

Pleasant day closing the Tasmanian coast,along the eastern shore of King Island then set course for Three Humock Island,steamed down the Hope channel between Hunter Island the first calm water for awhile.
Spent the afternoon travelling across the top of Tasmania.Now about ten miles off Burnie saw The Tasmanian Achiever cross our track on the way to Melbourne.
The sun is just going down,Cheroz is rattling the pots and pans.
Thought I would include a few shots of the boat.On target for lunchtime arrival at the club.

Fore peak. Cheroz and Mick.Biggs to fit another two bunks above when we arrive.

My cave ,very privileged to be Rods domain.

Rod and Biggs,the storeroom .Biggs on the floor with his friendly anchor ,head butted it a few times but he is hard! Rod on the across bunk.The door is to the engine room so nice and warm.A bit noisy though.

Bruv in charge at dusk.Better have my evening tipple.