Friday 26 August 2016

Day 6 Depart Esperance

Up at 7 crew showered and fed.
Had a good session on the weather we feel it should be ok,could even be great.
The wind has come around more west in the last hour time to go.
Out through the channel at 10 am.

Pleasantly surprised at how flat it was but the real test will be when we turn the corner at Israeilite bay in a few hours

 Was chastised by the skipper about posting false info on thr fuel figures,correct numbers were 7 liters a mile at 15.2 knots not 13.2.!
Should be ok now I have retracted the offending figure.
We have taken a few snapshots of the weather as we are not sure how much Telstra we will get for a while.
Don't panic if you miss out on the daily blog for a while.

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