Monday 8 February 2021

 Loading up today for departure tomorrow crew raring to go but looks like we will have to kill a few days getting to Flinders Island.

Friday 22 March 2019

Barnes to RYCT.

The last day dawned fine,we had a light breakfast,the catering was spot on ,not much left.
We motored out of the bay on the way to Rat Bay,after the muddy anchorages in Port Davey the crew had offered to run all the anchor chain out and clean the anchor well.Well I could not refuse an offer like that,getting down in there is a bit of an effort so all contributions gratefully accepted.
We ran the chain right out and they pulled the mats onto the deck and hosed the mud off,there was not as much as we expected but now slick and span.The counter was being affected by it also so now that works well again.
They then turned their attention to the rest of the boat,the old saying of  many hands make light work is definitely true.They had been working on it for a couple of days now and then.Masterpiece is cleaner than when she started the trip I think.
We arrived back at the club about one and got the gear off,people coming and going for an hour or so,Biggs dog Bill arrived and took up reisidence on the marina to supervise.
We got the dinghy off in the pen before Jerry arrived and eventually finished our chores.
This Circumnavigation was a bit challenging as far as the weather went,quite a few days lost to adverse winds,some on the east coast and more after leaving Beauty Point.

Masterpiece travelled 1298 miles
Used 5026 liters of fuel which worked out at about $648 each person per leg.
Along with food and a little grog it is a cheap holiday well under $100 a day.
Interesting to note the cost has been under this amount for the last ten years or so.

Hobart to Beauty Point
Bruce Craw
Ralph Wells
Ron Neave

Tamar to Strahan
Tony Rowell
Chris Michael
John O’Rielly

Strahan to Hobart
Tony Chamberlain
John Chorozy
Peter Holmes

All in in all a good trip,thanks to all involved.
Regards Perk.

Cygnet to Barnes Bay.

As with most crews there is someone who is an early riser,on this leg it was Pete,the dinghy was in the water so he went up to Cygnet for a few things.We had finished our second loaf of homemade bread and needed some for the ashore BBQ in Quarantine Bay tonight.
The rest of the crew struggled up ,the skipper being last after finishing another day on the blog.Had the cuppa and juice when Peter arrived back.
Choroz cooked up all the leftovers for breakfast.There being no hurry we slowly got going,the two skiffs with lady crews rowed past on their morning exercise,chattering away as usual,we see them each year,the Cygnet seemed to be an addition from two years ago.
Motored slowly ,10 knots towards the channel,Biggs and the crew in command while I did another day on the blog.
Arrived at Quarantine about three and anchored in a good spot.I had a nana ,the rest reading and contemplating a clean up of the boat.
Slowly the boats trickled in and anchored,about fifteen I suppose by going ashore time.The cruise ship Coral Discoverer was in the bay with people ashore at the Quarantine Station,they departed late in the afternoon.
The function ashore was well attended ,three of the club BBQ’s going flat out.Interesting to note two filled with Peppers and Zuchini,not to my liking!
As we had assisted with lighting the fire we felt a bit responsible towards putting it out but it was obvious some people were going to kick on well after dark we retreated to the boat for a coffee and left them to it.
As Jerry said the last night is a bit nostalgic but I am sure we will get over it.

Louisa to Cygnet.

The morning dawned grey ,the weather a typical Easterly with clouds right down over the peaks of the mountains.Got going to pull the pot,only one small cray.We had nine in the freezer so would have some for the crew to take home.Our ships allowance in the eastern zone was ten so not so bad,the thing which was missing were the scale fish,only a few silver Trumpeter,no Stripies and no flats.

Thought we might go along the coast a bit for breakfast, had a look at the Cyclade Island anchorage but the swell was in there,next was Lousy Bay,still no good ended up in the little nook in Deadman’s Bay on the western side for our last breakfast before civilization.

Had an hour off before getting under way again,Prion Bay the next on the list ,a popular anchorage on the eastern side,not today as there was a big sea in there breaking well out off the shore. Along past Surprise Bay to Shoemakers Bay and South Cape,I had not been right into South Cape Bay so we did a tour,a fisherman friend of mine had a week fishing here once so I was interested to see what it was like,there was one bay off a creek he described,it was one of the better anchorages we saw this morning,he would have been comfortable there,plenty of bottom along both shores to fish.

Around South East Cape and Whale Head,the crew keeping a keen eye on their phones as we were about to come into range ,no reception since clearing Sloop Rocks on the west coast.
Eventually the pings started,no major news however,just connecting with families and associates.

Up past Lookout Point and around Fishers Point,giving it a wide berth as it has a deceiving reef on the end  ,and into Recherche Bay,saw a couple of boats in Cockle Creek and as the Pigsties were straight ahead went in there for lunch.
Saw Michael Vaughan enjoying his recent retirement with his yacht,paddled over after catching his lunch.
Choroz was getting our lunch when I heard an aircraft just as I got a message from my son James,where are you?I called back to the North East,my wife had flown down along the coast yesterday looking for us in perfect weather but as we were out at the Mewstone had missed us.James suggested she had another try today and so here they were,the cloud was a lot lower so they had to be spot on to find us.
We were tucked away in the Pigsties so they did a good job to find us ,with a waggle of wings they were away before the cloud closed in on them,the Par Avion planes were a lot lower along the South Coast heading for Melaluca earlier today.

Had lunch and got under way for Cygnet,called up Napea to confirm they could take the inside Passage out of the bay as they had been delayed after doing a rescue of a small tinny out of fuel off Fishers Point.Towed him into the launching ramp the last bit with their dinghy.

Motored up to Cygnet to get ready for the dinner at the Cygnet Sailing Club which is always a great event,Tracey came down to represent the yacht club ,Peter was glad to see her,came on board for a while,My Lesley ,my wife drove down also for the dinner,good to see her after five weeks away.
As usual on these trips you meet people even on the last night and this one was no exception.
Had a nice meal,the deserts are the highlight as the volunteer ladies produce a mind boggling array,I saw some pigs going back three times!
Well all good things come to an end,I saw Les off and we went back to the boat,I had my customary cup of tea and some of the crew a little stronger nightcap.
Photo South Cape from a different angle most people see it from.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

A day on the South Coast.

Pulled the pot from the dinghy,only one cray a bit of a disappointment,one imagines the place would be crawling with them.
Had breakfast,decided we would potter around the south coast today,first up was the  Maatsuyker group of Islands,went over to the North side where the view of the light and houses is.This is where the fishing boats anchor behind an island,they can have it.
Next we moved around the back to where the landing is.There was an AB mother ship anchored there,the divers off somewhere else. On the way we passed Walker Island which looked a bit more friendly Anchorage.
Heaps of seals on the landing.Flat calm in there.
I had not been to the Mewstone Rock so as it was a top day we motored out the extra six miles or so.
On arrival interested to see boats everywhere,counted six or maybe eight in the general area ,a cray boat setting gear about two miles further SW and other small boats on the radar.There was a small one fishing half a mile from the rock and another larger one tuna trolling.Having heard there were plenty of stripies there we had a go,also trolled through a big patch of birds but to no avail.Spent four or so hours there.
One thing surprised me was the size of the rock,viewed from the route across the bottom it looks substantial but in real life it is a lot bigger.
Pulled the pot we had set on the way out and got a nice cray.
Motored in towards Round Top and Flat Top Islands for a closer look.
Anchored behind De Witt Island in Boat Inlet where a woman lived ashore for a year or so once.
Put the dinghy in and Pete went for a swim and go some abs.
As we were leaving the red fishing boat setting gear out wide showed up anchoring for the night,swap you for the weekend he called out to Biggs.
Left for Louisa Bay and put the pot in on the outside of the Island,saw a boat setting gear on the inside so tried the outside.
There had been a constant stream of fishing boats all day making their way to the West Coast,some having a shot on the way,the weather had finally come right after a couple of weeks of big SW swells.
Anchored in behind the Island with a couple of other boats for the night,only Napea and Charlie’s Dream around as the rest of the cruise had bolted.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Schooner to Ketchem Island..The seals were about too so

Woke reasonably early,only a couple of boats still in Schooner.
Had breakfast and got under way,could see the cavalcade on the AIS once we cleared the Breaksea.Went inside Swainson Island which cuts off a bit and has a better angle to the swell than going around the Carolines.Set a course for the East Pyramid,Caught Molly and Jerry already.
Went around the Pyramid intowards the Mutton Bird Islands.I had not been in there before was interested in having a look,a lot bigger area than I had imagined,nearly no SW swell but not all that deep where they anchor.The fishermen anchor quite a bit further out off the shore than us amateurs tend to do.I suppose they are wiser after bad experiences and their fish like a bit of movement.

Had a cup of coffee and tried a fish but with the normal result.Moved on down to Island Bay and the Windowpane Bay.A beautiful bay but still a swell rolling in today.
Set a course for one of my favorite Strpey spots,Boneys.Six miles off shore on the way to SW Cape.
Arrived in good time to have a good fish,still a bit of sea on but still not too much drift,I had set my big reels up before we left so we were ready to go,tried all my previous areas to no avail,I had been back here at the cray season opening with the same result,I suppose if they are not here you can’t catch them there were seals about too so you could not guarantee landing one even if you got one on.
On the last VDL the result was the opposite.

Reluctantly left for SWCape ,quite a lot of bird life so we put the tuna lure in,not much happened until we rounded the Cape a couple of hundred meters off,Strike was the call!The boys played it for quite a while before it spat the hook out.We put it back in and before long had another one on ,got him up to the boat but the line broke so lost two,Put a new lure on but no more strikes.
Remarked we could have put Biggs ashore and got a photo it was so calm,regretted afterwards we did not,have not seen a person standing on SWCape.
Toured around the shore towards Tolopea Point and into Ketchem Bay.Showed Peter the anchorage there.
Motored in behind Ketchem Island for the night,Biggs put the pot and net in ,we pulled for some Trumpeter and bait fish.

Last day in Port Davey

Up early to pull the pots,up anchored and steamed the couple of miles to Around Earles Point in Payne Bay.
I always ping them on my plotter to give the exact spot .As we arrived to a flat sea everything seemed in order,the two buoys with their white marker buoy and green blow up were where we had left them.
Pulled the first one ,only a rat so threw him back,all Hope now on the second one,Biggs threw the grapple and Peter ran the line through the pot hauler,Choroz tidied up the grapple line and buoylines.
Shock horror,the line came in with no pot on the end,bugger.The two places where the bridle was connected to the pot had chaffed through.We thought maybe they had a workout up at Hibbs as it was  still pretty wild when we fished there.We had not noticed any wear and to think both of them had failed at once was an unlucky break,it looked like they had both been cut through but there was no one around who would do that.
We bugger again,better go and have some breakfast.Went up towards Fitzroy Point and anchored off the Islands.
During the morning we decided on a plan ,go back down and see if we could pick it up on my little down vision sounder,Biggs spliced a stronger line onto the grapple and we saw Molly steaming up after putting a pot down for a dayshot near Coffin Bay.
Gave him a call on the radio to see if he had a viewer,of course he had an excellent one which we borrowed.
Now we have everything for a shot at retrieving my newest pot.I steamed over the plotted spot and marked it with a sinker,fishing line and my Cold Power plastic bottle.
Biggs and Peter got into the dinghy and mucked about for an hour but no luck,the sounder was no help and the water had the brackish divide which only looked blue when looking through the viewer.
The long strands of kelp did not help either.(good to see them however as they are the endangered type ).
Gave up and decided to go up the bay where quite a few vessels were anchored exploring the Davey River by dinghy.
Saw my brothers boat anchored and went over but the were up the river.Returned Molly’s viewer to Nancy as she went past.
Tried to barter a pot off Andrew for a couple of crays but they upped the anti so no deal there.
Choroz had started making bread so we hung around ,a couple of the crew went part way up the river for a run.Left about three but Molly called up and said he would dive on it later on.I gave him the numbers but we decided if he was good enough to have a go we would hang around.
We remarked the spot with the Cold Power and anchored nearby.
Crispian showed up and he expertly anchored on the spot.He has a small DC Hooker compressor.
Got into his wetsuit and jumped in,Biggs and Peter assisted in the dinghy and Nancy was the dinghy boy in the hose.
After quite a while he was forced to give up,although the bottom was only five meters deep the visibility was poor with the brackish water and another hazard was the string kelp tangling his lines.
Everything was the same colour which did not help.
We were grateful for his efforts though and as it was now getting late it was time to go.
Molly was rewarded though,when he pulled his pot he had a nice haul,definitely out fished that day!

I had seen Jerry go inside Kathleen Island on the way up and thought I might try the shortcut on the way back,got a bit nervous going into the narrow entrance but proved to be ok,a nice big sandy bay in behind Boil Rock.The sea now going off ready for the mass exodus in the morning.
Anchored in Schooner for the night,vessels giving Jerry their plans for the early morning start on the radio sched.
Amazing place Port Davey,I have been going there since I was 14 and still find new things to do.
